Iniciando com Continuous Delivery Fabricio Leotti | Rodrigo Russo

QConSP 2014 - Continuous Delivery - Part 01 - Introdução

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Page 1: QConSP 2014 - Continuous Delivery - Part 01 - Introdução

Iniciando com Continuous Delivery

Fabricio Leotti | Rodrigo Russo

Page 2: QConSP 2014 - Continuous Delivery - Part 01 - Introdução


Page 3: QConSP 2014 - Continuous Delivery - Part 01 - Introdução

h)p://agilemanifesto.org/principles.html  h)p://manifestoagil.com.br/principios.html  

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Our  highest  priority  is  to  sa;sfy  the  customer  through  early  and  con;nuous  delivery  

of  valuable  so=ware.  

Nossa  maior  prioridade  é  sa;sfazer  o  cliente,  através  da  entrega  adiantada  e  conCnua  de  so=ware  de  valor.  

h)p://agilemanifesto.org/principles.html  h)p://manifestoagil.com.br/principios.html  

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O  que  é  Con;nuous  Delivery  ?  

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O  que  é  Con;nuous  Delivery  ?  

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O  que  é  Con;nuous  Delivery  ?  

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O  que  é  Con;nuous  Delivery  ?  

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O  que  é  Con;nuous  Delivery  ?  

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“Continuous Delivery é uma atitude!” By  John  Smart  

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The  whole  point  of  con;nuous  delivery  is  that    every  check-­‐in  creates  a  poten;al  release  candidate.    “   ”  

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Create  a  Repeatable,  Reliable  Process  for  Releasing  so=ware  #1


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Automate  Almost  Everything  #2


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Keep  Everything  in  Version  Control  #3

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If  it  Hurts,  Do  it  more  frequently,  and  Bring  the  pain  forward  #4


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If  it  Hurts,  Do  it  more  frequently,  and  Bring  the  pain  forward  #4


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Build  Quality  In  #5

“Não se gerencia o que não se mede, não se mede o que não se define,

não se define o que não se entende, e não há sucesso no que não se gerencia”

(William Edwards Deming)

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Done  Means  Released  #6

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Everybody  is  Responsible  for  the  Delivery  Process  #7

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Con;nuous  Improvement  #8


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According  to  Mar;n  Fowler    You  are  doing  CD  when…  

•  Your  so=ware  is  deployable  throughout  its  lifecycle    

•  Your  team  priori;zes  keeping  the  so=ware  deployable  over  working  on  new  features  

•  Anybody  can  get  fast,  automated  feedback  on  the  produc;on  readiness  of  their  systems  any  ;me  somebody  makes  a  change  to  them  

•  You  can  perform  push-­‐bu)on  deployments  of  any  version  of  the  so=ware  to  any  environment  on  demand    


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Code  quality  

Source  control  

Infra  as  a  code  

CI  Server  

Binary  repository  

Dependency/Build    tools