Advanced MongoDB for Development, Deployment and Operation - The Sequel Daniel Coupal Technical Services Engineer, Palo Alto, CA #MongoDB Silicon Valley Code Camp 2015

Silicon Valley Code Camp 2015 - Advanced MongoDB - The Sequel

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Advanced MongoDB for Development, Deployment and Operation - The Sequel Daniel Coupal Technical Services Engineer, Palo Alto, CA


Silicon Valley Code Camp 2015

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• Making you successful in developing, deploying and operating an application with MongoDB

•  I do expect you to know the basics of MongoDB.

• …even better if you already have an application about to be deployed or deployed

This presentation is about …

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I hope you walk out of this presentation and you make at least one single change in your application, deployment, configuration, etc that will prevent one issue from happening.

My Goal

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1.  The Story of MongoDB

2.  The Story of your Application Chapter 1: Prototype and Development

Chapter 2: Deployment

Chapter 3: Operation

3.  Wrapping up

4.  Q&A


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1. The Story of MongoDB

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The Sun was shinning on the land of the Oracle …

Once upon a time

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Then came the Web

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We’re gonna need a bigger database

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•  Originaly, 10gen

– Founded in 2007

– Released MongoDB 1.0 in 2009

•  MongoDB Inc

– Since 2013

– Acquired WiredTiger in 2014

•  MongoDB

– Open source software

– Contributions on tools, drivers, …

– Most popular NoSQL database

MongoDB - Timeline

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MongoDB - Company Overview

450+ employees 1,000+ customers

Over $300 million in funding 30+ offices around the world

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Positions open in Palo Alto, Austin and NYC

• http://www.mongodb.com/careers/positions

Technical service engineers in Palo Alto

• MongoDB

• MongoDB Tools

• Proactive support

MongoDB - We hire!

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2. The Story of your Application

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1.  Schema, schema, schema!

2.  Incorporate testability in your application

3.  Think about data sizing and growth

4.  What happens when a failure is returned by the database?

5.  Index correctly

6.  Performance Tuning

Chapter 1 - Prototype and Development

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•  Relational world 1.  Model your data

2.  Write the application against your data

•  NoSQL world 1.  Define what you do want to do with the data

Ø What are your queries? 2.  Model your data

Schema, schema, schema

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•  Test Driven Development

•  Ask yourself, how can I test that this piece is working

•  TIP: MongoDB does not need a schema and it creates databases and collections (tables) on the fly

– Incorporate username, hostname, timestamps in database names for unit tests

Incorporate testability in the application

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•  How much data will you have initially? •  How will your data set grow over time? •  How big is your working set? •  Will you be loading huge bulk inserts, or have a

constant stream of writes? •  How many reads and writes will you need to

service per second? •  What is the peak load you need to provision for?

Think about data sizing and growth

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•  Good model and understanding of latencies, write concerns

•  Catch exceptions

•  Retries

•  …

What happens when a failure is returned by the database?

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•  More than 50% of the customer issues

•  Collection Scan

– Very bad if you have a large collection

– One of the main performance issue see in our customers’ application

– Can be identified in the logs with the ‘nscannedObjects’ attribute on slow queries

•  Watch out for updates to the Application

Index correctly

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1.  Assess the problem and establish acceptable behavior

2.  Measure the current performance

3.  Find the bottleneck*

4.  Remove the bottleneck

5.  Re-test to confirm

6.  Repeat

* - (This is often the hard part)

(Adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Performance_tuning )

Performance Tuning

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1.  Deployment topology

2.  Have a test/staging environment – Track slow queries and collection scans

3.  MongoDB production notes –  http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/administration/production-notes

4.  Storage considerations

5.  Host considerations

Chapter 2 - Deploy

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•  Sharding or not?

•  3 data nodes per replica set or 2 data nodes + arbiter?

•  Many Data Centers or availability zones

•  What is important for you?

– Durability of writes

– Performance

=> can be chosen per operation

Deployment topology

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•  Best if it the capacity matches the production deployment

– Otherwise, if prod is 20 shards x 3 nodes, you can have 2 x 3 nodes, or 20 x 1 node

•  Data size should be representative

–  Start with simulated data

–  Use backup of production data

•  Disable table/collection scans or scan the logs for them

Have a test/staging environment

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•  Most important documentation of MongoDB

–  http://docs.mongodb.org/v3.0/administration/production-notes/

•  Security checklist

–  Authentication, limit network exposure, … audit system activity

•  Allocate Sufficient RAM and CPU

•  MongoDB and NUMA Hardware

•  Platform Specific Considerations

–  Turn off atime for the storage volume containing the database files.

–  Set the file descriptor limit, -n, and the user process limit (ulimit), -u, above 20,000

–  MongoDB on Virtual Environments

MongoDB Production notes

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=> 0+1 or None

•  HDD or SSD

=> SSD, if budget permit

•  NAS, SAN or Direct Attached?

=> Direct Attached, good news those are the cheapest!

•  File System type

MMAPv1 => ext4 WiredTiger => xfs

•  Settings

=> ReadAhead

Storage considerations

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• CPU power? – MMAPv1 => no

– WiredTiger => yes, needed for compression

• RAM? – Yes! RAM is always an order of magnitude faster than


Host considerations

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1.  Monitor

2.  Upgrade

3.  Backup

4.  Troubleshoot

Chapter 3 - Operation

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“Shit will happen!”

• Are you prepared?

• Have backups?

• Have a good picture of your “normal state”

Disaster will strike

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•  iostat, top, vmstat, sar

• mongostat, mongotop

• CloudManager/OpsManager Monitoring – plus Munin extensions


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• Major versions have same binary format, same protocol, etc for each new minor version

• Major versions have upgrade and downgrade paths

• CloudManager and OpsManager Automation handles automatic upgrades


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Mongodump File system CloudManager Backup

OpsManager Backup

Initial complexity Medium High Low High

System overhead High Low Low Medium

Point in time recovery of replica set

No * No * Yes Yes

Consistent snapshot of sharded system

No * No * Yes Yes

Scalable No Yes Yes Yes

Restore time Slow Fast Medium Medium

Comparing MongoDB backup approaches

* Possible, but need to write the tools and go though a lot of testing

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• mtools – https://github.com/rueckstiess/mtools/wiki

(just Google: github mtools)


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namespace pattern count min (ms) max (ms) mean (ms) sum (ms)

serverside.scrum_master {"datetime_used": {"$ne": 1}} 20 15753 17083 16434 328692

serverside.django_session {"_id": 1} 562 101 1512 317 178168

serverside.user {"_types": 1, "emails.email": 1} 804 101 1262 201 162311

local.slaves {"_id": 1, "host": 1, "ns": 1} 131 101 1048 310 40738

serverside.email_alerts {"_types": 1, "email": 1, "pp_user_id": 1} 13 153 11639 2465 32053

serverside.sign_up {"_id": 1} 77 103 843 269 20761

serverside.user_credits {"_id": 1} 6 204 900 369 2218

serverside.counters {"_id": 1, "_types": 1} 8 121 500 263 2111

serverside.auth_sessions {"session_key": 1} 7 111 684 277 1940

serverside.credit_card {"_id": 1} 5 145 764 368 1840

serverside.email_alerts {"_types": 1, "request_code": 1} 6 143 459 277 1663

serverside.user {"_id": 1, "_types": 1} 5 153 427 320 1601

serverside.user {"emails.email": 1} 2 218 422 320 640

serverside.user {"_id": 1} 2 139 278 208 417

serverside.auth_sessions {"session_endtime": 1, "session_userid": 1} 1 244 244 244 244

serverside.game_level {"_id": 1} 1 104 104 104 104

Troubleshoot – Slow Queries

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•  Interactive graph!

Troubleshoot – Slow Queries Plot

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3. Wrapping up

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1.  Missing indexes

2.  Not testing before deploying application changes

3.  OS settings

4.  Appropriate schema

5.  Hardware

6.  Not seeking help early enough

Common Mistakes

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•  MongoDB on-line presentations mongodb.com/presentations

•  Free MongoDB classes university.mongodb.com

•  mtools to analyze MongoDB logs github.com/rueckstiess/mtools

•  CloudManager cloud.mongodb.com

Free On-Line Resources

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•  MongoDB Support

– 24x7 support

– the sun never set on MongoDB Customer Support Team

•  MongoDB Consulting Days

•  MongoDB World (@NYC on June 28-29, 2016)

•  MongoDB Days (@SanJose on Dec 3, 2015)


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• Use available resources

• Testing – Plan for it, plan resources for it, do it before deploying

in a Test or Staging environment


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I hope you walk out of this presentation and you make at least one single change in your application, deployment, configuration, etc that will prevent one issue from happening.

Take away

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4. Q&A

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Positions open in Palo Alto, Austin and NYC

•  http://www.mongodb.com/careers

MongoDB for Giant Ideas