Speed Up Your APEX Apps with JSON and Handlebars

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Speed Up Your APEX Apps with JSON and Handlebars

Marko GoričkiBiLog

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About BiLog• small IT company focused on consulting and business solution development

(using Oracle technologies)• big APEX company ≈ 25 APEX developers• our APEX products: HRMb - HR management software www.bilog.hr

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About Me• started with Oracle Forms and Reports• working 8 years with APEX• APEX related blog - apexbyg.blogspot.com• @mgoricki

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It dependsThere are only five questions about the database:• The answer to the first three questions is “use bind variables.” • The answer to the fourth question is “do not use bind variables.”• The answer to the fifth question is “it depends”.If you know those answers, you can answer any question about the database!

– Tom Kyte• In APEX: “it depends”

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JSON• JavaScript Object Notation – lightweight data interchange format that consists

of name-value pairs• key features:• easy to read and write• easy to generate and parse• language independent• subset of JavaScript notation

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JSON format• {“name”: value, “name”: value…}• key elements• Name• Value• Object (unordered collection)• Array (ordered collection)





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Value• string - double quotes(“”), backslash escapes (\)• number - decimal notation (possibly signed and possibly including a decimal

exponent)• no date data type• null different to SQL null

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Object• unordered set of name/value pairs• begins and ends with brace - {…}• name/string/attribute/key followed by colon• separated by comma

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Array• ordered collection of values• begins and ends with brackets - […]• separated by comma

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*Please, don’t use this in your CV !!

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Predefined data types Typless or based on XML Schema or document type definition (DTD)

Structured data Structured and semi-structured data

Data-centric Data or document-centric

Data representation language Document markup and data representation language

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Generate JSON• prior to APEX 5:• by manually concatenating strings• apex_util.json_from_*• PL/JSON

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Generate JSON•with APEX 5 - APEX_JSON API package

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Generate JSON• Other solutions• Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) • node.js

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SQL source

• why short column alias (x, a, b and c)? • JSON size:

• 500 rows - 29.1KB vs 43.3KB

• less readable vs ≈30% smaller size

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SQL sourceWith short aliasWithout alias

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Generate JSON•Manually by concatenating strings• apex_util.json_from_*• PL/JSON library• APEX_JSON package• ORDS

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Manually by concatenating strings• using sys.htp package• CONS:• hard to maintain and develop• manually escape values• manually define value types• easy to make mistakes• no parsing

• PROS• customizable• it can be fast

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Generate JSON•Manually by concatenating strings• apex_util.json_from_*• PL/JSON library• APEX_JSON package• ORDS

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Using apex_util.json_from*• procedures: *_sql, *_array, *_items, *_string• CONS:

• “not documented”• no null, true and false values• hard to create nested JSON objects• no parsing• security issue: passing string into json_from_sql

• PROS:• simple and easy to develop• auto escaping• recognizes some value types (number)• available before APEX 5

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Generate JSON•Manually by concatenating strings• apex_util.json_from_*• PL/JSON library• APEX_JSON package• ORDS

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PL/JSON• open source library (2009.)• DB types: JSON (object) and JSON_LIST (array)• CONS

• complex• lack of real documentation• performance issues

• PROS• can be stored in DB• parsing• supports all value types• open source• available before APEX 5

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Generate JSON•Manually by concatenating strings• apex_util.json_from_*• PL/JSON library• APEX_JSON package• ORDS

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APEX_JSON API• PROS:• native• generating and parsing• can be used as standalone (CLOB)• light footprint• easy conversion from/to xmltype

• CONS:• only in APEX 5.0+

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APEX_JSON API• Simple JSON Arrayapex_json.open_array;for emp in (select * from emp where deptno = p_deptno)loop apex_json.write(emp.ename);end loop;apex_json.close_array;

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Nested JSON object - with cursordeclare cur_dept sys_refcursor;begin open cur_dept for select d.dname , d.loc , cursor (select e.ename , e.job , e.sal , (select m.ename from emp m where m.empno = e.mgr) manager , decode(e.comm, null, 'false', 'true') as hasCommision from emp e where d.deptno = e.deptno) as emps from dept d where d.deptno = nvl(p_deptno, d.deptno); apex_json.open_object; apex_json.write('DEPTS',cur_dept); apex_json.close_object; end;

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Parsing simple JSON object

declare v_json_object varchar2(100) := '{"dname":"ACCOUNTING","loc":"NEW YORK"}';begin apex_json.parse(v_json_object); dbms_output.put_line( apex_json.get_varchar2('dname') );end;

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Parsing nested JSON objectdeclare v_json_object clob := ‘{…}’;begin apex_json.parse(v_json_object); dbms_output.put_line( apex_json.get_varchar2('DEPTS[1].EMPS[2].ENAME') ); dbms_output.put_line( apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path => 'DEPTS[%d].EMPS[%d].ENAME’ , p0 => 1 , p1 => 2) ); end;

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Generate JSON•Manually by concatenating strings• apex_util.json_from_*• PL/JSON library• APEX_JSON package• ORDS

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Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS)• easy to develop modern REST interfaces• ways to use it:

• APEX GUI• SQL Developer (auto-rest)• PL/SQL API

• Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) API over REST• URL format:

• protocol://host:port/ords-name/apex-workspace-name/uri-template/bind-value • https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/mgoricki/dept/10

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Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS)• CONS• little slower• you need ORDS

• PROS• declarative and simple• many options• easy to create nested JSON objects

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Best method?• It depends!

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0.00 200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00 1000.00 1200.00 1400.00 1600.00 1800.00






Average execution time (ms)

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29.00 29.10 29.20 29.30 29.40 29.50 29.60 29.70 29.80 29.90 30.00






Average JSON size (KB)

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JSON and Oracle12c• native support from• store JSON data (with VARCHAR2, CLOB or BLOB data types),

index, query…• parse JSON data with SQL

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JSON and Oracle12c• storing JSON data

create table my_json( json_col clob);

alter table my_json add constraint valid_json check (json_col is json);

insert into my_json values ('{"dname":"ACCOUNTING","loc":"NEW YORK"}');

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JSON and Oracle12c• parsing JSON data

SQL> select json.json_col.dname from my_json json;


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Using JSON• APEX use it (IR, Page designer)• New APEX 5.1 grid• Oracle JET• fetch asynchronously data with AJAX• communicate with Web services (REST API - Twitter, Flickr, Google

Apps) • easy to use with JavaScript

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Old HTML way

HTTP Request

HTML page

Client / Browser Server / DB

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AJAX partial page

AJAX Request

HTML part

Client / Browser Server / DB

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Client side templates

AJAX Request


HTML Template

Client / Browser Server / DB

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• light weighted JavaScript templating engine (Mustache.js, AngularJS, Backbone.js, Ember.js, Marko.js…) used for client-side data binding• subset of Mustache.js + minimal logic•works by expanding tags in a template using values provided by

JSON object• tags can be replaced with value, nothing or series of values


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Handlebars.js templates• tags start and end with double braces (mustaches) {{…}}• two simple types of tags:• variables - basic tag type

{{title}}• sections/block expressions - render block of text one or more times


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In APEX• Add JS library

• Create template item

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• Define HTML object where to put result

• Fetch JSON and run render function



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Classic report example

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Report region






0.00 200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00 1000.00 1200.00 1400.00 1600.00 1800.00







Average execution time (ms)

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Report region






0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00







Average JSON size (KB)

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Real-life example

Generation time: 2 minutesResponse time: 2.3 MB

Only first 700 rows

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Real-life example

Generation time: 2.9s vs 2 minutesResponse time: 500KB vs 2.3 MB

All 2422 rows vs 700 rows

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