Spring Boot Applications. Simply.

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Spring BootApplications. Simply.

Jaran Flaath• Senior consultant at Kodehuset

• 12 years of professional software development experience

• Frequent speaker

• Previous leader of javaBin Sørlandet and VP of javaBin

• When not coding: Building LEGO and driving R/C cars

• http://twitter.com/jaranflaath

What is Spring?

What is Spring?

Modular application framework assisting with almost any aspect of modern application development

What is Spring?

Modular application framework assisting with almost any aspect of modern application development

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run".

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run".

What is Spring Boot?


• Create stand-alone Spring applications

• Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly (no need to deploy WAR files)

• Provide opinionated 'starter' POMs to simplify your Maven or Gradle configuration

• Automatically configure Spring whenever possible

• Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and externalised configuration

• No code generation or XML configuration

Maven and Gradle support via starter-artifacts

• Provides a range of spring-boot-starter-* artifacts that contains what you need to get up and running fast

• Customise when you need!

Let’s BOOT an application!

Versions• Current stable: 1.3.5

• Very soon arriving: 1.4.0

We will be using 1.3.5 for the demo today, but have a look at the new features in 1.4.0 towards the end.

Our goal• Create a REST web service with Spring Boot, Groovy

and Gradle

• Use case: A simple R/C Car registry!

What we will cover• Creating an application

• Executable JAR

• Custom banner (because they’re awesome)

• Application configuration

• Creating REST endpoints

• Testing

• Security

• Actuators

Step 1: Create application and run it

Step 1: Takeaways• @SpringBootApplication-annotation:A convenience annotation combining @EnableAutoConfiguration, @Configuration and @ComponentScan

• We start our application with SpringApplication.run()

Step 2: Executable JAR

Step 2: Takeaways• Add spring-boot-gradle-plugin (or spring-boot-maven-


• Application JAR can then be run as an executable

If linked as a service from /etc/init.d you will be able to run the application as a daemon and use start, stop and status arguments

Step 3: Custom banner

Step 3: Takeaways• Well… It is very cool!

Step 4: Application configuration

Step 4: Takeaways• Configuration provided with @Configuration

annotated class(es)

• Provide beans using @Bean annotated methods

Configuration properties can be declared using .properties or .yaml files both in- and outside your applicationhttp://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-features-external-config-application-property-files

Step 5: Service endpoint

Step 5: Takeaways• Add endpoints with @RestController and

@RequestMapping annotations

• No further configuration needed

Step 6: Testing

Step 6: Takeaways• Easy testing of endpoints using RestTemplate

• Point your integration test to your application using @SpringApplicationConfiguration(AppClass.class)

• Configure random testing port using @WebIntegrationTest(randomPort = true) and obtain the port using @Value('${local.server.port}')

Step 7: Security

Step 7: Takeaways• Simply adding spring-security to class path enables


• @EnableWebSecurity disables default configuration and allows us to customise security

• Extend WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to customise security

Step 8: Security 2

Step 8: Takeaways• Use TestRestTemplate for additional functionality in a

test context

NOTE: Disabling CSRF should only be done for quick testing and prototyping

Step 9: Actuators

Step 9: Takeaways• Actuators are a set of endpoints exposing useful

information and controls for your application

Full list of Actuators: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/1.3.3.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#production-ready-endpoints

What’s new in 1.4.0?

Startup failure analysis

New test annotation

• @SpringBootTest with parameters is used instead of @SpringApplicationConfiguration, @IntegrationTest and @WebIntegrationTest

• @LocalServerPort for injecting the port of the web server used during test

Upgraded dependencies

• Based on Spring 4.3

• Default JPA persistence provider is Hibernate 5, up from 4.3

Image banners!

New annotation for mocking existing beans

• @MockBean for mocking existing beans in your application

• @SpyBean for spying existing beans

• See the rest here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/wiki/Spring-Boot-1.4-Release-Notes

That’s it. Simply.

Thank you!twitter.com/jaranflaath [email protected]

Image CC BY-SA 4.0 Ashashyou (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Ashashyou)