The Case for React.js and ClojureScript Murilo Pereira @mpereira May 2, 2014

The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

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Sonian Tech Talk presentation given on may 2, 2014. http://murilopereira.com/the-case-for-reactjs-and-clojurescript/

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Page 1: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

The Case for

React.js andClojureScript

Murilo Pereira


May 2, 2014

Page 2: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript


Page 3: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

Building UIs isdifficult.

Page 4: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

Modern Web UIsvisual representations of data changing over timerespond to asynchronous user eventstransition both the underlying data and itself to new states

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"Data changing over time is theroot of all evil."

Page 6: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

Incidental ComplexityJavaScript isn't DOM is stateful


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What if the JavaScript DOMAPI was reactive?

Page 8: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

function tweetScore(tweet) { return(tweet.favorites_count + tweet.retweets_count);}

function compareTweetsByScore(a, b) { return(tweetScore(b) - tweetScore(a));}

function renderApplication(tweets) { return(document.dom.ul( { class: 'tweets' }, tweets .sort(compareTweetsByScore) .slice(0, 5) .map(function(tweet) { return(document.dom.li({ class: 'tweet' }, tweet.text); }) ));}

var tweets = fetchTweets({ username: 'mpereira' }, { limit: 20 });document.dom.render(renderApplication(tweets), document.body);

Page 9: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

Possible solution: Data binding

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Data BindingObservablesComputed properties

Backbone, Ember, Meteor, et al.

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Contemporary data binding isnot simple.

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SimpleNot to be mistaken for "easy"

Easiness = Familiarity (subjective)

Simplicity = "Does/is one thing" (objective)

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Data BindingApplication logic entangled with observablesForces us to compose our programs with frameworkconstructs instead of language constructs (functions and datastructures)

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"How often are you fighting theframework?"

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Dirty-checking (Angular)Also susceptible to the problems of data binding.

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Page 18: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

Even with shortcomings it'sstill possible to build complex,

modern UIs usingcontemporary MVC


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"We can create precisely thesame programs we're creating

right now with drasticallysimpler tools."

Rich Hickey

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A different solution to the sameproblem.

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Page 22: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

React.jsLibrary for creating UIsRenders the DOM and responds to user eventsCan be thought of as the V in MVC

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Remember our utopic examplea few slides back?

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function tweetScore(tweet) { return(tweet.favorites_count + tweet.retweets_count);}

function compareTweetsByScore(a, b) { return(tweetScore(b) - tweetScore(a));}

function renderApplication(tweets) { return(document.dom.ul( { class: 'tweets' }, tweets .sort(compareTweetsByScore) .slice(0, 5) .map(function(tweet) { return(document.dom.li({ class: 'tweet' }, tweet.text); }) ));}

var tweets = fetchTweets({ username: 'mpereira' }, { limit: 20 });document.dom.render(renderApplication(tweets), document.body);

Page 25: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

It's actually valid React.js code

Page 26: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

function tweetScore(tweet) { return(tweet.favorites_count + tweet.retweets_count);}

function compareTweetsByScore(a, b) { return(tweetScore(b) - tweetScore(a));}

function renderApplication(tweets) { return(React.DOM.ul( { className: 'tweets' }, tweets .sort(compareTweetsByScore) .slice(0, 5) .map(function(tweet) { return(React.DOM.li({ className: 'tweet' }, tweet.text); }) ));}

var tweets = fetchTweets({ username: 'mpereira' }, { limit: 20 });React.renderComponent(renderApplication(tweets), document.body);

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React gives us a minimallyleaky abstraction for a reactiveJavaScript/DOM environment.

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M2 M4 M5M1

V1 V3

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C4C2 C5C1

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Page 33: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

ComponentsIdempotent functions that describe your

UI at any point in time.

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component(data) = VDOM

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component(data_1) = VDOM_1

*user input changes data from data_1 to data_2*

component(data_2) = VDOM_2diffVDOMs(VDOM_1, VDOM_2) = diffDOMOperations(diff) = operations

applyDOMOperations(operations, document.body)

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Best part? You don't even haveto worry about this. Just build


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Every place data is displayed isguaranteed to be up-to-date. 

No need for KVO or markingHTML templates withframework directives.

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Frees the programmer fromdoing manual, explicit DOM


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But what about theperformance?

Isn't diffing VDOMs slow?

Why have VDOMs if thebrowser already has a DOM?

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The DOM is slow.

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The DOM is slowQuerying may require tree traversalMutations trigger viewport reflows, relayouts, repaints (CSSengine, etc.)Can also invalidate caches, requiring the entire DOM to bereconstructed on the viewport

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Having in-memoryrepresentations of the DOM

allows React to have extremelyfast UIs.

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Virtual DOM (VDOM)Allows for components to have a declarative APIPerforms the minimum amount of actual DOM operationsthrough computing diffsHandles DOM operations for you

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"Performance isn't the [main]goal of the VDOM, but if you'reworried with performance,

most workloads are as fast orfaster [than the MVC

alternatives] out of the box."Pete Hunt

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Page 46: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

Components allow you toexpress your program in thelanguage of your problem


Rather than on the language ofa particular framework.

Page 47: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

Bill O'Reilly

Tide comes in, tide goes out.You can't explain that!

Top Tweets

Just had #breakfast.

@troll yes, definitely plan onthat.

pic.twitter.com/asd23 #selfie#instagram

Good# morning.

Page 48: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

Bill O'Reilly

Top Tweets

Tide comes in, tide goes out.You can't explain that! #tides

Just had #breakfast.

@troll yes, definitely plan onthat.

pic.twitter.com/asd23 #selfie#instagram

Good# morning.




Top Tweets

Page 49: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

var Profile = React.createClass({ render: function() { return(React.DOM.div(null, [ React.DOM.img(null, this.props.user.image), React.DOM.p(null, this.props.user.name) ]); }});

var Tweets = React.createClass({ render: function() { return(React.DOM.ul(null, this.props.tweets.map(function(tweet) { return(React.DOM.li(null, tweet.text)); }); }});

var TopTweets = React.createClass({ render: function() { return(React.DOM.div(null, [ React.DOM.h1(null, 'Top Tweets'), Profile({ user: this.props.user }), Tweets({ tweets: this.props.user.tweets }) ]); }});

React.renderComponent(TopTweets({ user: user }), document.body);

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var Profile = React.createClass({ render: function() { return( <div> <img href={this.props.user.image} /> <p>{this.props.user.name}</p> </div> ); }});

var Tweets = React.createClass({ render: function() { return( <ul> {this.props.tweets.map(function(tweet) { return(<li>tweet.text</li>); })}; </ul> ); }});

var TopTweets = React.createClass({ render: function() { return( <div> <h1>Top Tweets</h1> <Profile user={this.props.user} /> <Tweets tweets={this.props.user.tweets} /> </div> ); }

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TopTweets(data) = Header() + Profile(data_1) + Tweets(data_2)

Page 52: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

Components are reusable andcomposable declarative

representations of your UI.

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Page 54: The Case for React.js and ClojureScript

Collateral BenefitsRender the application on the server (node.js, Java 8'sNashhorn, etc.)UI testability for freeNo templates!

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React.js takeawaysDeclarative, fast UIsExpress your programs in the language of your problemdomain

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ProblemJavaScript sucks

We need JavaScript

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JavaScript sucksNo integersNo module systemVerbose syntaxConfusing, inconsistent equality operatorsConfusing, inconsistent automatic operator conversionsLack of block scopeNon-uniform iteratorsGlobal variables by defaultNaNthisNo macros (yet...)etc.

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We Need JavaScriptRuntime is everywhereRuntime is improving (Web Sockets, geo-location, FS API, RAF,push notifications, WebRTC, WebGL, SVG, Canvas, WebWorkers, IndexedDB, etc.)

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Build better languages on topof JavaScript.

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Compilers!Lots of them already existOnly a few bring significant improvements

Popular ones

CoffeeScript: mostly syntax sugarTypeScript: typed superset of JavaScript. Brings type checking,compile time errors

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ClojureScript is a Clojurecompiler that targets


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Why ClojureScript?Why Clojure?Why LISP?

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Clojure is just a betterlanguage.

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Number of daysspent designingthe language v1

JavaScript Clojure

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ClojureScriptLISPSTMRuntime polymorphismThe REPLFunctional programmingImmutable data structuresUniform API over immutable data structuresMacrosLazy sequencesDestructuringState VS Identityetc.

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core.async(go (try (let [tweets (<? (get-tweets-for "swannodette")) first-url (<? (expand-url (first (parse-urls tweets)))) response (<? (http-get first-url))] (. js/console (log "Most recent link text:" response))) (catch js/Error e (. js/console (error "Error with the twitterverse:" e)))))

Asynchronous Error Handling

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The possibility of havingaccess to the power of Clojurein the browser is immensely


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ValueTo programmers, who will be able to build better programs, with

less bugs, faster.

To the people and companies who will benefit from thoseprograms.

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The developer experience hasimproved significantly.

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Developer ExperienceSource mapsEasily reproducible tutorialsBrowser-connected in-editor REPLsFast compilation cyclesCompatible libraries

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Recommend you to check itout

(but you probably have, already)

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ClojureScript interface to React.

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"Because of immutable dataOm can deliver even better

performance than React out ofthe box."

David Nolen

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30-40X faster than JS MVCs nothing to do with ClojureScript. Ditch stateful objects, ditch events. Be declarative. Immutability. That's it.5:39 AM - 15 Dec 2013

David Nolen @swannodette



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ClojureScriptCompiled, slower than hand-written JavaScriptUses immutable data structures, slower than JavaScript datastructures

And yet

Om's performance beats thatof most JavaScript MVC


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"Ideas have fundamentalperformance properties."

Pete Hunt

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Immutable data structuresmake React's diffing algorithm

really smart.

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"Ideas have fundamentalperformance properties."

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"Don't trade simplicity forfamiliarity."

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And  .give it five minutes

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Thanks! @mpereira