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My name is: Onon Ihoeghinlan

Candidate No: 1225

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How did you think about target audience?

Before I started my magazine I done some research on my target audience to gain a better understanding on their requirements that I would need to in cooperate in my magazine.

How did awareness of that audience impact upon your visual design and choice of language?

Because I researched that audience, I was able to gain a better understand of what is suitable and unsuitable. That impacted my visual design and choice of language because I ruled of types of language such as formal and the types of images used was all associated with my audience i.e. prom images instead of wedding photos.

What key points did you learn about Adobe Photoshop and InDesign in constructing your artefacts?

Key points that I believe I learnt about both Adobe Photoshop and InDesign included editing a magazine by using tools such as Lasso & Pologonal Lasso as well as the different elements of a content page i.e. columns and grids.

Preliminary Project – Research & Planning

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College ContentsCollege Cover

Preliminary Project

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What would you do differently next time?

If I were to do it again the thing that I would do differently is make a ruff design before I start as I found it hard to think of cover lines on top of my head making my miss my deadline. I would also do some more research on varies of magazines and not just student magazines so I can clearly identify the difference that each magazine has and how they fit the needs of their target audience. Lastly, I would use a variety of different types of tools and play around with them a bit more to have more of an effect on my magazine.

What kind of feedback did you get that might influence you?

One of the feedback that I received was that my front cover image was misleading. Some people agreed that my front cover can also be interpreted as a fashion magazine. For future references I will ensure that my chosen main image represents the genre of the magazine

What aspects of your understanding of Adobe Photoshop & In Design do you need to improve?

The aspect of my understanding of Adobe Photoshop & In Design I believe I need to improve in my knowledge of all the different tools in order for me to be able to use them effectively.

Reflections & Feedback

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My Music Magazine

The genre of my magazine is Gospel. The magazine will be ain based on gospel music but also will in cooperate the Christian faith as that is where the music originated from. I decided to make the title of my magazine “United Voices” as I believe it represents my magazine as a whole and the audience it is aimed at. The word united has many different connotations attached to it but in this context it represents becoming one voice singing praise. This magazine will consist of images that reflect happy, joyful, calm people. The mise en scene, setting and location of these images will also reflect gospel music. The style of this magazine be very mature and simple as it is for the older generation and through the research I conducted I found that was a common attribute to gospel magazines.

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Model 2Model 1

So I researched this genre of music publication and studied:

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Cover LinesCover Design

What I learned from this was…..

From the cover designs I learnt that most gospel magazines keep there front cover very simple and tend to use warm colours to reflect the music they are representing. I also learnt that the main image always tends to be of a famous artist or an upcoming artists. The main image most of the times seems to be a single shot image from the shoulders up of the artists or it normally tends to be an image of an artist/s performing. The colour choice of the front cover normally tends to be warm colours such as orange and brown and the text and the image normally has something in common in terms of choice of colour.

One thing that I realised about the cover lines is that it is not all about the music but it is also about the religion behind the music. The cover lines tend to incorporate things that are currently occurring in the Christian religion as well as the gospel music industry. From the magazines I researched I found that they are very formal due their target audience. I also learnt that no matter what the cover lines may be about thy never over power anything else on the magazine but instead complements it. There was also different front sizes and colours which also complemented the rest of the magazine.

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For my music magazine….Target Audience:I decided to make my target audience from 30+. I have chosen this age in particular as from my research people that normal tends to be in gospel music in today's society are from the older generation

Frequency:Once a month

Cover price:I decided to make the price of my magazine £2.95 because I feel that the age group that I am aimed at will be economically stable to afford the magazine at that price.

Publisher:IPC - I choose IPC as I’ve researched their company and found that they are a well established company that has many experience with distributing magazine to a large audience. I therefore believe my magazine could benefit from being with IPC as I will be able to reach a larger audience that IPC can offer me. I also believe that my magazine is not like any of the other magazine they’ve worked with and will stand out amongst the rest of their magazine. As IPC distributes NME a popular music magazine I have seen first hand the level my magazine is possible of reaching.

Unique Selling Point:My unique selling point of my magazine is that I incorporate the Christian faith in the magazine, you able to read about the latest music and gain information about what is going on in the churches, what tours are coming, the new lines that are out and how you can win free tickets

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This is how it worksFront cover

This is the face of the magazine

The layout of my magazine represents the genre of my magazine this is due to the research that I done all the other gospel magazines had a simple and basic layout which may magazine also has. My main image is a clear indication of the genre of my magazine as it is off a man in a church environment signing praises. I also believe that my cover lines not only represents the gospel genre but also represents the Christian religion something I done to make my magazine stand out from the rest of the gospel magazines in the shops. I also believe that my strap line at the bottom of the page indicates that this magazine is a gospel magazine as it solely talks about events occurring in the Christian church . One thing that I believe make my magazine stand out from all the other gospel magazine is my masthead. I decided not make my masthead simple but instead bold. I did this because I wanted my magazine to stand out and not blend in with the other gospel magazines that are currently out there. I still incorporated the gospel genre in by adding images of people giving singing on top of the masthead