1 body in christ jesus

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“For as the body is one and has many members, but all

the members of that one body, being many, are one body,

So also is Christ”

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Vision• See all local churches in Christ Unite• All believers lifting hands and hearts

in one accord• Praying for God to manifest His glory• The time is now !!!

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One mind, one accord


Multitude of


Keep the fi







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• Get all the local churches together on common ground• Churches to share word, visions, revelations and

manifestations• Churches combine to host events on a big scale in

Lenasia• Unity in the Body of Christ, to pray, intercede and

support each other• Churches to prepare for new salvations• Support underprivileged young adults with Financial Aid

for Bible Colleges and Studies • Praise, worship and fellowship together• Helping the orphans, widows and needy• Assist with, support and financial aid to potential

business entrepreneurs for the extension of the Kingdom of Christ

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From Tamil…To Disciple

My Name is Dean Pillay, I grew up in Lenasia and was raised as a Tamil. I fell in love with Marshelle and we got married and had 2 children, who were brought up as Christians.

We lived separate lives when it came to religion but our love for each other kept our marriage together. On Sundays, Marshelle and the children went to church and I went to temple. Many people prayed for my salvation during the 26years of our marriage and I was very adamant that I would never say the name Jesus and I would never convert to Christianity.

About 4 years ago, I went to Uncle Angus Buchan's crusade at Loftus and for the first time encountered Holy Spirit. I did not know what was happening to me, all I felt was love and a change that I did not understand at the time. My hard heart melted and a desire within me grew to thirst for the Word of God. After attending the Mighty Men Conference in Greytown, again with Uncle Angus Buchan, I yearned to know this Jesus who died for my sins.

I soon realised that I needed Jesus in my life and woke up on the morning of the 28July 2009 and told Marshelle I was ready to give my life to Jesus. I got "born-again" that morning and I have never looked back. I understand what it means to come out of darkness into HIS glorious light. Today I can tell you how much I love the Lord Jesus and I can feel the call on my heart for salvations. John 3 v 16 refers and so does Mark 16 v 15 Hence as for me and my house we will serve the Lord - Joshua 24v15. God Bless You

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Dean Pillay contact details

Address: 9 Hull Street, Ext 2, Primrose, Germiston

Telephone: 011 021 4575 or 011 024 8407

Mobile: 083 413 5302 or 073 577 5603

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.1body.co.za

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1Body event @ the Lenasia Soccer Stadium

on the 24 November 2012

• From 10h00 am to 10h00 pm• A “time of refreshing and revival”• Day of praise and worship• Opportunity for unbelievers to get saved• Bring “picnic basket”, water and umbrella• See www.1Body.co.za for more info

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DEAN PILLAY 0834135302

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Ephesians 2: 16, 21-22

• and that HE might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity.

• in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord.

• in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

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God Bless