Is It All Right to Get Angry? The Bible says, “My beloved brothers, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (James 1:19 AKJV). Are you quick to praise and show respect, and slow to wrath (anger)? When you feel like getting upset, what do you do? Do you slow down, stop, and pray, so that you can answer with kindness and consideration? Or do you say the first thing that comes to your mind? No matter what the situation or circumstance, the best kind of answer you can give is a loving, considerate answer. Dad! You won't believe what I've discovered! And I crept stealthily out of my ship and ... huh?! I was flying along, when suddenly this enormous blue creature came into sight. Hey, Dad, my ship will be this tall!

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Is It All Right to Get Angry?

The Bible says, “My beloved brothers,

let every man be swift to hear, slow to

speak, slow to wrath” (James 1:19 AKJV).

Are you quick to praise and show respect,

and slow to wrath (anger)? When you

feel like getting upset, what do you do?

Do you slow down, stop, and pray, so

that you can answer with kindness and

consideration? Or do you say the first

thing that comes to your mind? No matter

what the situation or circumstance, the

best kind of answer you can give is a

loving, considerate answer.

Dad! You won't believe what I've


And I crept stealthily out of my ship

and ... huh?!

I was flying along, when suddenly this

enormous blue creature came into sight.

Hey, Dad, my ship will be

this tall!

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Answering someone with

consideration means you restrain

yourself from raising your voice

and getting upset, shouting,

arguing, yelling, or being harsh in

your communications. It means you

consider the other person’s feelings.


Anyways, so there I was one step away

from a ...

How do you like it, huh, Dad?

Nice, huh?

Tag! Why can't you just be quiet while I'm talking to Dad?!!

Shouting or yelling at your friends,

or getting upset at your brothers

or sisters, or at anyone, will

seldom help you get your way. Most

likely, it will only make others feel

hurt, on the spot, humiliated, and on

the defensive. Think about how you

would feel if you were in their place

and someone were shouting and

upset at you.

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If someone has wronged you, work it out with kindness and

consideration for the other person’s feelings. Others are more likely to

listen to you if you present your side with humility and in the right spirit.

You can pray for a meek and quiet spirit, for wisdom and tact, and loving

kindness and patience. You can also ask Jesus to help you not be too

quick to judge, or harsh in your speech and actions.

Remember Det, “anger” is one letter short of “danger.”

My very first bongi


I’m sorry, Tag.

Hey, Det!

Tell me all about your discovery,



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Jesus can give us

the power to be

slow to anger,

patient, considerate,

kind, forgiving, and


Being loving and

considerate in all

our interactions

with others will help

us to have healthy,

strong friendships and

relationships with those

around us.

S&S link: Character Building: Social Skills: Resolving Conflicts-2hContributed by Christi S. Lynch, adapted from the writings of Maria Fontaine. Illustrations by Tana. Design by Stefan Merour.

Published by My Wonder Studio. Copyright © 2013 by The Family International



Jesus, please help me not to get angry,

but to be considerate instead.

And when your foot gets better,

we can plant a new bongi plant, and it will be easier,

since the hole is already dug.

Owiiieeee, my foot!

He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he

that is hasty of spirit exalts folly (Proverbs 14:29 AKJV).

He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is

broken down, and without walls (Proverbs 25:28 AKJV).