The 7 Essential Universal Laws 1. The Law of Attraction 2. The Law of Deliberate Creation. Your thoughts are your boomerang. They will always return.

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7 statements that are said to be essential universal laws great images

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The 7 Essential Universal Laws


1. The Law of Attraction

2. The Law of Deliberate Creation.

Your thoughts are your boomerang. They will always return.

Page 2: 7 statements that are said to be essential universal laws great images

The 7 Essential Universal Laws


3. The Law of Allowing.

If you keep doing the same thing you have always done you will keep getting the same result you have always got.

An arrow will never find the bullseye if the archer does not aim at the target.

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The 7 Essential Universal Laws


4. The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance

5. The Law of Pure Potentiality

It is a wonderful world and I am good enough as I am.

Improvement may be possible and good but it is (spiritual) progress not perfection that offers the best guiding principle.

Acceptance is the key.

A river follows the path of least resistance and both the land and the river are constantly in formation.

You can never stand in the same river twice.

Page 4: 7 statements that are said to be essential universal laws great images

The 7 Essential Universal Laws


6. The Law of Detachment

I am powerless over people, places and things and need to work hard to not be trapped in the illusion of control. Reality is not optional.

Managing self is the priority.

Possibility is both real and beyond our wildest imaginings. It is more intoxicating that the strongest wine.

Page 5: 7 statements that are said to be essential universal laws great images

The 7 Essential Universal Laws


7. The Law of Polarity

The concept of profit is a very healthy and essential one for anybody in the business world.

It is about ensuring that there is a surplus at the “end of the day” so that business may continue to make more profit.

The opportunity for making profit extends to many as yet unrealised possibilities.

One such possibility is to deliver sustainable value to both shareholders and stakeholders.

Our challenge is to work out how this might be done in our “neck of the woods”.

There are always at least two points of view of everything.

Focus on strength and or possibility is one such view.