Be Like the Shepherds

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““Be Like the Shepherds”Be Like the Shepherds”

Luke 2:8-20Luke 2:8-20


A A HUMBLEHUMBLE vocation vocation

NOMADICNOMADIC workmen workmen


Their Their ANGELICANGELICRevelationRevelation

Be like theBe like theshepherds!shepherds!

They They LISTENEDLISTENED to to God when He God when He

communicated a communicated a message to them.message to them.


They came to God They came to God like they like they WEREWERE..


They They RESPONDEDRESPONDED to to God at once.God at once.


They They SOUGHTSOUGHT baby baby Jesus until they Jesus until they

found Him.found Him.(2:15-16)(2:15-16)

They They WENTWENT against against the crowd.the crowd.(2:17-18)(2:17-18)

They They TOLDTOLD everyone everyone thethe

GOODGOOD news! news! (17-18)(17-18)

Will you be likeWill you be likethe shepherds?the shepherds?