Choose your attitude. 選選選選選選 yy tseng (08-07-21) 選選 Tommy’s Window slideshow 歌歌 :Wonderful Life 歌歌歌歌 歌歌 :lara fabian 歌歌歌歌歌

Choose Your Attitude 选择你的态度

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Page 1: Choose Your Attitude   选择你的态度

Choose your attitude.選擇你的態度

yy tseng (08-07-21)

取材 Tommy’s Window slideshow

歌曲 :Wonderful Life 美麗人生 演唱 :lara fabian 蘿拉安比菲

Page 2: Choose Your Attitude   选择你的态度

Your choice of attitude can decide the outcome of your life..態度決定一個人的成就。

Page 3: Choose Your Attitude   选择你的态度

Negative thoughts have no power unless you empower them.只要你保持樂觀,你就不會有負面消極的想法。

Page 4: Choose Your Attitude   选择你的态度

Write a list of blessings and keep them handy在身邊寫下正向積極的文字, to read when you are attacked with "negative


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There is enough good and bad in everyone’s life每個人的生活都有順與不順的時候—ample sorrow and happiness, sufficient joy and pain !

-- 極度的悲哀與幸福 , 、喜悅與痛苦比比皆是,—to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism.

-- 採取樂觀或悲觀的情緒, It’s your decision取決於自己。

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From which perspective do you want to view life?您想從那個觀點看待自己的生活?Will you look up in hope or down in despair?您是滿懷希望或從此絕望?

Page 7: Choose Your Attitude   选择你的态度

An optimistic attitude is not a luxury;樂觀的態度不是一種奢侈品, it’s a necessity.它是生活中的必需品。

Page 8: Choose Your Attitude   选择你的态度

The way you look at life will determine how you feel,您看待生活的方式,將決定您對生活的感覺、how you perform, and how well you get along with other


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Conversely, negative thoughts, attitudes, and expectations feed on themselves;相反的,當自己一直持負面的思想、態度及期望時,

they become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 這些想法也將預言成真。

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Pessimism creates a dismal place where no one wants to live.沒有人願意停留在悲觀主義者所營造陰暗的地方,The only thing more powerful than negativism is a positive


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It is from the struggle, not the victory, that we gain strength.力量的泉源來自於奮鬥的過程而不在勝利! 。

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You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward

what happens to you, 您無法抑制事情的發生,但可掌握面對事情的態度,

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and in that,you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.同時,您必須能掌控局面,而不能讓外力左右您的前進。

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While you meet something beautiful, the first thing you should do is

to share it with your friends anywhere.當你遇見美好的事物時所要做的第一件事,就是把它分享給你四周的人。So that these beautiful things will be able to spread out liberally around the world. 才能在這個世界上這樣美好的事物,自由自在的散播開來。