1 COMMON PRACTICES IN RELIGION Stacey Troup February 26, 2016 Matthew Morrison

Common Practices in Religion

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Page 1: Common Practices in Religion



Stacey Troup

February 26, 2016

Matthew Morrison

Page 2: Common Practices in Religion



This Week One paper will discuss the basics of religion. Starting with the classical and

definition of the word “religion”, discussion relating to the common practices and experiences

across various world religions and concluding with critical issues within the academic study of

religion. The hope is that this paper will shed light on the basics of indigenous religion.


Dictionaries define “Religion” as “The belief in a god or in a group of gods”, “an

organized system of beliefs, ceremonies and rules used to worship a god or group of gods” and

“an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group” (Religion -

Definition of Religion, N.D.). However, it is difficult to have a unanimous definition of the

word as exceptions to the classical definition cause great debate between people who have

trouble with the belief because of the lack of factual evidence proving that a particular god exists

or existed.


Within both popular and indigenous religions exist certain practices which are similar but

often viewed as very different exist. The Voodoo faith involves elaborate rituals designed to

conjure up spirits in order to gain them favor with the gods. Taking place at night around fire

pits, ground and body painted with ritualistic symbols, ritualistic dancing and chanting takes

place until a particular voodoo spell is complete. While not that different in theory from the

practice of ritual prayer, confession, lighting a candle or praying on a rosary, common within

Catholicism, many would likely disagree that these two practices or religions are similar in any

way (Haiti Makes Voodoo Official, 2003).

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When we look at the common religion Catholicism vs. that of Voodoo, we notice that

they both do things in order to gain forgiveness or favor from their god(s). While rituals may

be different, the purpose is almost always the same. People practicing Voodoo often sacrifice

animals, dance, chant and offer their own bodies in order to have a spirit god come to their aide

and provide them favor. This is not at all different than ritual prayer in theory. Catholics pray a

rosary in order to, essentially, throw rose petals at the feet of the blessed mother in an attempt to

beg forgiveness for some sin confessed during confession.

Voodoo is more centered on potions, symbols and sacrifice it is still considered a religion

by the United States as well as other countries (Haitian Voodoo, N.D.). Where Voodoo faith

seeks to possess a soul as part of a tradition on their high holidays, the Catholic faith would seek

to exorcise possessed spirits from its parishioners believing they are evil.


Some critical issues with the study of religion as a whole involve the differentiating

beliefs of the students at large. Religion as a class is made more difficult for people who were

raised in a specific religious lifestyle. If a Middle Eastern person were to take the class, they

would have very slanted views on the teachings because of the way they were brought up and

would have a difficult time grasping the theories and practices of the other religions. Because

religion is such a major part of their lives and homes, teaching something beyond this theory is

of paramount difficulty.

Historical teachings of specific religions within your home would make accepting a

different religion very difficult because your beliefs are so ingrained that opening your thoughts

to different religions become very difficult if not impossible without prejudice


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In today’s day and age, it is important that both understanding and tolerance are learned

at a young age to make the ways of the world and the acceptance of differentiating views a

simpler task. By allowing ourselves to learn about different religions and why people feel a

sense of belonging when practicing different religions, we become more accepting and

understanding of our own faith and what might work for us.

It is important to discover our own faith system, our own beliefs and make our own way.

Several of my friends have converted religions or sought out a religious safe haven to aide in

their recovery. We often do not know how important a religion is in our lives until we fully

understand what each religion stands for and if it is adaptable into our own lives.

Instead of wondering why people get together at night and sacrifice snakes and chickens

in the name of their spirits or gods, spend some time with someone of the practicing religion and

see why it is appealing to them. If it is a more strict religion such as Muslim faith, do what I do;

ask them what some of their practices are. Approach it from an academic perspective and your

are more likely to find favor.

Being in a hub of religion such as New York, it is more important to practice religious

acceptance and understanding than it is hate. I have known people of varying religious

backgrounds and have always asked them about their religion, what the symbolism means and

how they adapt it into their lives so that they understand I am not only curious but want to gain a

greater understanding of their lives.

Open your eyes, free your mind and expand your learning. You could be missing out on

very interesting people because of preconceived religious prejudice rather than practicing

acceptance. We, as New Yorker’s understand acceptance and understanding better than most

after having been attacked several times in the name of religious zealousness. We come together

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in the face of tragedy and pull together as Americans, regardless of what religious practices we

may have.


Haiti Makes Voodoo Official. (2003, 04 30). Retrieved from BBC.CO.UK:


Haitian Voodoo. (N.D.). Retrieved from Wikipedia.org:


Religion - Definition of Religion. (N.D.). Retrieved from Merriam-Webster.com:
