Our Mission: We help people become more like Jesus through worship, connection and service.

Expressing our vision

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Our Mission: We help people become more like Jesus through worship, connection and service.

We are serious about creative, Bible-centered ministry to every generation.

We want grandparents, parents and grandchildren to enjoy each others faith, music and art.

We long to see generational and cultural gaps bridged through worship.

We teach the Bible with conviction, creativity and compassion.

Because we believe that people were created to worship, we place a high priority on worship.

Because we believe in building up the Body, we work hard to build bridges between the generations in worship.

We believe God wants lost people found and hurting people helped.

We want every person to have a few Christian friends that they could call at 2:00 in the morning and not need to apologize for it.

We are a place that is full of fun and fellowship as we grow in faith together.

We believe the Bible is Gods Word and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct.

Because we believe that people are lost apart from a relationship with God through Christ, we frequently invite people to establish or re-establish their relationship with God.

We love kids. We know God does too. Thats why children are full participants in our worship life.

Because we believe that people are at their best when they apply their God-given gifts and talents in service, we unapologetically invite people to serve.

We help people discover their gifts and apply them to Gods glory and neighbour's good.

We are a place where people can ask honest questions and have honest conversations.

Because we believe that we were created for community, well go out of our way to find it and nurture it.