Family Worship An opportunity to grow together as a family, centered around your faith, hope & trust in God through Christ Jesus.

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  • 1. An opportunity to growtogether as a family, centered aroundyour faith, hope & trustin God through Christ Jesus.

2. What is Family Worship? 3. What is Family Worship? An act of obedience to Gods commands to us in scripture 4. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 ESV [4] Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. [5] You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. [6] And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. [7] You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. [8] You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. [9] You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates 5. Genesis 18:19 ESV [19] For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring to Abraham what he has promised him. 6. Psalm 78:5-7 ESV [5] He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, [6] that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, [7] so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments; 7. What is Family Worship? An act of obedience to Gods commands to us inscripture A time to be intentional about the spiritualformation of your children 8. Where our kids spend their time:Time at ChurchTime with Family 1 to 4 hours/week 164 to 166 hours/week 1st hour Sunday School (OK, 56 or so is spent 2nd hour Sunday sleeping) School/worship time Still leaves about 110 hours AWANA Mid-week activities Who has the mostreal influence? 9. What is Family Worship? An act of obedience to Gods commands to us inscripture A time to be intentional about the spiritual formationof your children Family Worship can be as simple as readingscripture, singing together and praying for eachother 10. Why Family Worship? 11. Why Family Worship? Its Biblical 12. Why Family Worship? Its Biblical The original church was the family and the original worship was family worship 13. Why Family Worship? Its Biblical The original church was the family and the original worship was family worship Before public worship was instituted under Moses - all worship was family-based worship 14. Why Family Worship? Its Biblical The original church was the family and the original worship was family worship Before public worship was instituted under Moses - all worship was family-based worship Even after the establishment of public worship, families continued to be directed to teach the commandments to your children (Deut. 6:7) 15. Why Family Worship? Its Biblical Its Theological 16. Why Family Worship? Its Biblical Its Theological David based his personal devotional practices on that of the temple and applied the language of sacrifice in the Psalms. So started the new testament worship practice of a sacrifice of praise...the fruit of our lips (Hebrews 13:15). 17. Why Family Worship? Its Biblical Its Theological Its Historical 18. Why Family Worship? Its Biblical Its Theological Its Historical Protestants built on the Medieval Church practice of daily mass, and moved daily worship into the home - where godly fathers served as priests. 19. Why Family Worship? Its Biblical Its Theological Its Historical Its Practical 20. Why Family Worship? Its Practical Daily opportunity to model humble dependence on God, 21. Why Family Worship? Its Practical Daily opportunity to model humble dependence on God, Ensures daily intercessory prayer on behalf of the familys needs 22. Why Family Worship? Its Practical Daily opportunity to model humble dependence on God, Ensures daily intercessory prayer on behalf of the familys needs Provides a daily setting for reading and instruction from the Bible 23. Why Family Worship? Its Practical Daily opportunity to model humble dependence on God, Ensures daily intercessory prayer on behalf of the familys needs Provides a daily setting for reading and instruction from the Bible Provides a forum for reinforcing scripture memorization 24. Why Family Worship? Its Practical Daily opportunity to model humble dependence on God, Ensures daily intercessory prayer on behalf of the familys needs Provides a daily setting for reading and instruction from the Bible Provides a forum for reinforcing scripture memorization Draws the family together at least once daily 25. Lets Try out Family Worship! We will hand out a sample Family Worship Outline Now lets split up into our assigned family groups and give it a try! 26. Obstacles to Family Worship 27. Obstacles to Family Worship Fear of failure 28. Obstacles to Family Worship Fear of failure My kids will be bored and wont want to participate 29. Obstacles to Family Worship Fear of failure My kids will be bored and wont want to participate My kids will ask me questions I cant answer 30. Obstacles to Family Worship Fear of failure My kids will be bored and wont want to participate My kids will ask me questions I cant answer But in reality 31. Obstacles to Family Worship Fear of failure My kids will be bored and wont want to participate My kids will ask me questions I cant answer But in reality Your kids will see their parents reading the Bible anddiscussing the truths contained in it and will be muchmore likely to understand, accept and follow yourbeliefs. They will become more interested, not less. 32. Obstacles to Family Worship Fear of failure My kids will be bored and wont want to participate My kids will ask me questions I cant answer But in reality One of the greatest things we can do for our kids isspend time with them learning about and discussingthe Bible, our beliefs, and our view of the world throughthose beliefs. They will appreciate the fact that wemight not always have the answer, but we will take thetime to find the answer together. 33. Obstacles to Family Worship Not Enough Time 34. Obstacles to Family Worship Not Enough Time We dont have any extra time to spend inFamily Worship 35. Obstacles to Family Worship Not Enough Time We dont have any extra time to spend inFamily Worship But in reality 36. Obstacles to Family Worship Not Enough Time We dont have any extra time to spend inFamily Worship But in reality We all find ways to make time for things we findimportant 37. Obstacles to Family Worship Not Enough Time We dont have any extra time to spend inFamily Worship But in reality We all find ways to make time for things we find important We schedule and prioritize important things in our life. We can schedule time for Family Worship the same way we schedule Dr. Appts, sports practices, school work, etc. 38. Obstacles to Family Worship Never Done it Before 39. Obstacles to Family Worship Never Done it Before Weve never done it before, I wouldnt know what to do 40. Obstacles to Family Worship Never Done it Before Weve never done it before, I wouldnt know what to do But in reality 41. Obstacles to Family Worship Never Done it Before Weve never done it before, I wouldnt know what to do But in reality It probably will be difficult at first. But its notreally that hard - just read, sing, pray - thats allthere is to it. No special training is required. 42. Obstacles to Family Worship Never Done it Before Weve never done it before, I wouldnt know what to do But in reality It probably will be difficult at first. But its not really that hard - just read, sing, pray - thats all there is to it. No special training is required. Persevere! Ask God for grace and patience and dont begrudge your family the jarring sense of change. But theyll adjust. 43. Benefits of Family Worship 44. Benefits of Family Worship An opportunity for obedience - God clearly prescribes and commands family worship in His Word. 45. Benefits of Family Worship An opportunity for obedience - God clearly prescribesand commands family worship in His Word. A chance for you to become the primary spiritualinfluencer in your childs life and an integral partof their spiritual formation as you are meant byGod to be. 46. Benefits of Family Worship An opportunity for obedience - God clearly prescribesand commands family worship in His Word. A chance for you to become the primary spiritualinfluencer in your childs life and an integral part oftheir spiritual formation as you are meant by God tobe. An opportunity to fulfill your responsibility toteach the next generation in the ways of the Lord. 47. Benefits of Family Worship An opportunity for obedience - God clearly prescribes andcommands family worship in His Word. A chance for you to become the primary spiritualinfluencer in your childs life and an integral part of theirspiritual formation as you are meant by God to be. An opportunity to fulfill your responsibility to teach thenext generation in the ways of the Lord. An opportunity to become a closer, more Christ-centered family - easier to comfortably pray togetherand for each other and discuss spiritual, scripturalmatters together. 48. Family WorshipMake a commitment todayto give it a try!