* Finding opportunities for greater engagement using Gamification A Case Study

Finding opportunities for greater engagement using gamification by Ariel Dagan

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This presentation explores how gamiication can increase community lifelong learning and participation at the same time as increasing awareness of programs and services offered in the community. By playing the game and sharing more people will become aware and may choose to engage.

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Page 1: Finding opportunities for greater engagement using gamification by Ariel Dagan

*Finding opportunities for greater engagement using

GamificationA Case Study

Page 2: Finding opportunities for greater engagement using gamification by Ariel Dagan

*SummaryAn estimated 10,000 Jews live in the Central Massachusetts area. The area is

served by nine synagogues (three Reform, one Conservative, one Independent, two traditional Orthodox and two Chabad Lubavich) and a wide range of Jewish agencies and programs. Since 1994 I have been an active participant in an amazing community wide program of learning sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Central MA, a 501 C3. The event features a broad spectrum of topics that promote life long learning in the Jewish Community. (Click here for the listing)The evening is divided up into 3 40 minute sessions. A person may choose from about 10 classes in each session.A person can only attend a maximum of 3 sessions.Even though there are close to 30 engagement opportunities in 3 time slots, the current way the program is structured does not provide any additional methods to take advantage of the underlying method and mission of lifelong learning. Users begin learning and engaging at the allotted time and end once the session is over.

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*Key PlayersRabbi Temple

Emanuel -SinaiRabbi Cong. Bnai Shalom Westboro

Education Director, Cong. B’nai Shalom


Education Director & Bnai Mitzvah trainer, Agudath Achim,


Master Drummer Alliance for

Jewish Renewal Cong. Bnai

Shalom Westboro

Educational Coordinator

Cong. Beth Israel

Local Hebrew and Jewish Educator

Campus Rabbi Jewish Healthcare Ctr. And Assisted Living and Jewish Chaplain Umass

Memorial Med. Ctr.

MD. Owner Tree of Life Healthcare

Coordinator Harold Cotton Leadership Ctr.

Faculty Umass Medical School

Holistic Health Coach

Rabbi/President New Coalition for advancement of Jewish Education

Executive Director Jewish

Federation Central MA

Educator Yeshiva Achai Tmimim,

Chabad of Central New


Faculty Judaic & Biblical Studies , Clark University

Rabbi/Chaplain RI/ Hasbro Children's Hospital

ASL Interpreter/Judaic


Rabbi/ Spiritual leader Chavurah

Beth Chai, Westchester, NY

History Scholar Hopkington

Folkdance instructor Cong.

Beth Israel

Jewish Educator, Beth Tikvah Synagogue, Westboro

Rabbi Cong. Beth Israel

Historian, Beth Tikavah Westboro

Recording Artist & Songwriter

Mixed Media Artist & Jewish


LISCSW Jewish Families & Children's

Services, Boston

Rabbi/Prison Chaplain Cong. Shaarai Torah


Israeli Emissaries Rabbi Chabad of Westboro

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*ProblemThis event happens once a year. It brings many people from across the

region together but offers them an opportunity to attend only 3 sessions:1 of 10 sessions from 6:40 pm- 7:30 pm1 of 11 sessions from 7:40 pm- 8:30 pm1 of 10 sessions from 8:40 pm- 9:30 pm

Class space may be limited

Limited time before event for people to connect (if they are not rushing to class)Social hour may be too late for those who are tired at 9:40 pm or need to relieve baby sitters.Community organizations have limited time to expose themselves to a wider audience

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*Essential QuestionsHow can gamification support the fundamental principals and values

that are important to the Jewish Community of Central Massachusetts such as: lifelong learning for all those identified by federation ,not only of those who are able to attend the event on a specific night and time schedule , and increased socialization opportunities , and opportunities to learn more about the program and services offered by non profit organizations serving this faith based community?

The Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts is dedicated to the preservation and enrichment of Jewish life.Established in 1948, Federation is the central planning and fundraising organization for educational, social, and cultural activities for the Jewish community of Central Massachusetts. Federation embraces meaningful philanthropy, hands-on volunteerism, and shared commitment. Federation helps support and promote vital programs and services that knit our community together.Federation resources help revitalize Jewish life. Through the Federation Campaign, we stand together so no Jew stands alone.

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*Solution Have each of the three

sessions become levels

with the courses serving as missions that can be explored.

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Starts with Level Aleph Torahthon page with visual hyperlinks to all 10 sessions they could have attended. Complete a minimum of one extra mission aside from the course attended at the event..

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Visual hyperlinks to all 10 sessions they could have attended. Complete a minimum of one extra mission aside from the course attended at the event..

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In the mission / class they will explore independently, with no time limitation, the subject matter


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In the mission/class they will take a short quiz to earn the badge for the session. (31 badges can be earned over 3 levels). The more they share what they have done and achieved with other like minded people, the more people can become aware of the Torathon program and may choose to engage in the learning experience ( not at the event[since it was time limited] and share with others insights about what they have learned.

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Next they will be able to access level Bet with 11 new missions / classes.


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Next they will be able to access level Gimel with 10 new missions / classes.


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STEP 1Design ground floors for levels Aleph Bet and Gimmel

STEP 2Create content for each mission/class reaching out to instructor who is leading the session on that specific date and time.

STEP 3Design quiz to be answered I order to earn badge

STEP 5Create back end rules that will enable reward based on action of quiz (knowledge acquisition) and social engagement with others (increased community socialization and engagement).

STEP 6Embed additional missions (no classes offered that night only display tables) where community members learn about the organizations and services and program they provide.

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1. Conduct informal (verbal) survey with participants at the event to see if they would go online to take part in this opportunity.

2. Conduct formal (written) survey with all presenters and see if they support being able to present their teaching to more than the amount of people that can fit in one room during the one session

3. Provide data from online gaming platform regarding the onboarding of users and missions completed(quiz taken & Badge earned)in all 3 levels after 1 week, 1 month, 3 moths, 6 month, 364 days. ( This event happens once a year) and administer to executive director of Jewish Federation of Central MA so that he may share it with others.

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*LOOKING AHEAD Pros and Cons

A successful implementation and use will enable more people, of all ages, to learn online and increase their knowledge of areas being explored.

Sharing with others will allow those who have not attended the event, learn about it and engage with other like minded people.

Organization in the community can gain greater exposure than the ew hours they would have with those passing by. Participants would need to read and answer questions to earn “bragging rights”.

No buy in and support letting community members know about the resources.

Older people who may attend this event and do not know how to access the internet will not be able to engage.

Certain people may not be inclined to play, sign up or share on social networks