How to become Karma-free Karma is not action and reaction as in Newton’s laws of physics. Sometimes the law of karma is erroneously defined as: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The law of karma states that for every action there is a consequence; it may not equal and it may not even be opposite. This is so because the Law of Karma deals with individual, cognizant beings on varied levels of spiritual maturity. Hurling an insult at MK Gandhi and hurling an insult at Idi Amin would result in two very different consequences; neither of which would be equal or opposite to our act of verbal insult. Not only do our actions have consequences but they also leave impressions on our subtle being. These material impressions must be purified in order to break free of Samsara. So karma is; an action resulting in a consequence, which in turn leaves an impression on our subtle being. There are three divisions of action. 1) Karma – Actions that give good consequences and leave good impressions on our subtle being; thus keeping us bound in samsara. 2) Vikarma – Actions that give bad consequences and leave bad impressions on our subtle being; thus keeping us bound in samsara. 3) Akarma – Action that may result in good or bad consequences but, and this is the key, leave NO impressions whatsoever on our subtle being and therefore does not keep us bound in samsara.

Gita Yoga: How To Become Karma-free

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Learn 4 practice that will help you become Karma-free.

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How to become Karma-free

Karma is not action and reaction as in Newton’s laws of physics. Sometimes the law of karma is erroneously defined as: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The law of karma states that for every action there is a consequence; it may not equal and it may not even be opposite.

This is so because the Law of Karma deals with individual, cognizant beings on varied levels of spiritual maturity. Hurling an insult at MK Gandhi and hurling an insult at Idi Amin would result in two very different consequences; neither of which would be equal or opposite to our act of verbal insult.

Not only do our actions have consequences but they also leave impressions on our subtle being. These material impressions must be purified in order to break free of Samsara. So karma is; an action resulting in a consequence, which in turn leaves an impression on our subtle being.

There are three divisions of action.

1) Karma – Actions that give good consequences and leave good impressions on our subtle being; thus keeping us bound in samsara.

2) Vikarma – Actions that give bad consequences and leave bad impressions on our subtle being; thus keeping us bound in samsara.

3) Akarma – Action that may result in good or bad consequences but, and this is the key, leave NO impressions whatsoever on our subtle being and therefore does not keep us bound in samsara.

Note: There is no such thing as “good” and “bad” karma, from the spiritual perspective, because any karma that leaves impressions binds us in Samsara and, in terms of spiritual development, this is hardly advantageous.

Karmic and Vikarmic activities will leave impressions on our subtle being, we don’t want that. So we must resort to Akarmic activities.

There are 4 practices which enable us to become and remain Karma Free:

1) Mantra Spiritually empowered hymns, chants and sound vibrations2) Yajna Spiritually empowered ceremonies, meditations and worship3) Seva Spiritually empowered selfless work4) Prasad Spiritually empowered blessings

Page 2: Gita Yoga: How To Become Karma-free

1) Mantra – All sound energy is powerful and can therefore leave powerful karmic impressions upon the soul. However, spiritually pure sound burns the impressions of our Karmic and Vikarmic activities.

2) Yajna – Yajna, which is not spiritually pure, can also increase our karmic impressions. For example there are meditations and ceremonies to enhance our material affluence. Such Yajna are Karmic and will leave impressions, albeit “good” ones.

3) Seva – Philanthropic and humanitarian work, though selfless, can also be quite Karmic thus leaving “good” impressions. Because we want to be Karma-free our Seva also has to be spiritually pure.

4) Prasad – (I believe this is what Christians call Grace) Blessings can come in many forms i.e. spiritually purified food, clothing, flowers, inanimate objects etc. By properly receiving such Prasad karmic impressions can be reduced and eradicated.

However, these 4 practices, if not spiritually purified are also Karmic and thus leave impressions. The spiritual catalyst for such purification is – Guru.

The Guru (enlightened one, master, saint, insert any term you like) is the key in spiritually empowering and purifying these 4 processes. The living Guru comes in a line of Gurus who are spiritually pure, empowered and karma-free and therefore able to “burn and consume” the Karmic impressions of others. The Guru, will either personally eradicate the Karmic impressions of his or her charges, or pass them on to his/her own Guru for eradication. The four practices, in themselves, are quite karmic indeed when engaged in by a person who is NOT connected to a line of spiritually pure and Karma-free masters.

To be Karma-free liberates us from samsara and allows for Brahman realization. The joy, happiness and freedom of Brahman realization far outweigh the temporary pleasures resulting from “good” karma. Krishna tells Arjuna about the immense pleasure derived from Brahman realization alone, not mention the subsequent realizations of Paramatma and Bhagavan.

Take Action:

Find a master who comes in a spiritual lineage of masters (called parampara) and under his or her auspices engage in the 4 practices mentioned above. With this method one can become karma-free even in this life, be liberated from samsara and achieve spiritual (Brahman) realization.