GOD IS WITH ME Phiroun realized that Prophet Musa (A) posed a threat to his authority and decided to kill him. However, from his own court one of his advisers warned him against this action, saying, "If you think that Musa has made a false claim it will not harm you but himself. But if he speaks the truth, his Lord's Wrath will befall you". This advice did not please Phiroun and he increased his oppression of the Bani Israa'il and tried to intimidate Prophet Musa (A) and his followers.

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Phiroun realized that Prophet Musa (A)

posed a threat to his authority and decided

to kill him. However, from his own court one

of his advisers warned him against this

action, saying, "If you think that Musa has

made a false claim it will not harm you but

himself. But if he speaks the truth, his

Lord's Wrath will befall you".

This advice did not please Phiroun and he

increased his oppression of the Bani Israa'il

and tried to intimidate Prophet Musa (A) and

his followers.


a. As Phiroun did not listen , Allah sent down hispunishment.

b. Soon the country was hit by famine. Swarms oflocusts ate away the crops. The river Nile floodedits banks causing great destruction. The peoplewere afflicted with lice and frogs.c. Later the Nile water was changed into blood.d. The people asked for grace and that they would submit to Islam. But when they were given grace they turned back to their old ways.

Prophet Musa & his people leave Egypt

Allah commanded Prophet Musa to leave Egypt with the children of Israeel. So they prepared themselves to leave. This later became known as the “Exodus”.

The Greatest Miracle

. By the will of Allah Prophet Musa (A) gathered the people of Bani Israa'il and departed with them for Palestine.b. Phir„oun learnt of their escape and followed them with a huge army.c. When the Bani Israa'il reached the Red Sea they saw Phir„oun approaching and were sure they were going to be killed. However, Prophet Musa (A) struck the waters of the sea with his staff and the waters parted, making a dry path. The people rushed through and crossed safely.

The sea parted, with the waves standing like mountains on each side.

The End of Phiroun

Death of Phirouna. When Phir„oun saw the path he entered the sea at the head of his army. But while he was in the middle of the sea the waters suddenly closed around him and his men.b. When he was dying he realized his mistakes and declared submission.c. But by that time it was too late because the curse of Allah had befallen and it was useless to ask for forgiveness.d. The preserved body of Phir„oun and his people can be seen in the Cairo Museum even today, a lasting lesson for mankind.

Ramses II is thought to be the Phir‟oun whom Allah drowned. His body is still preserved as Allah promised.

Lessons Learned

1. Complete Trust in Allah

Strong believers put their complete trust in Allah and their faith in God never wavers.

2. The Danger of Late Tawbah (Repentance)

There is a very important lesson to draw from Phir‟oun‟s late repentance. He waited to the very last moment of his life and he was rejected by Allah.


1. Miracles, or Mu’jizat:

Miracles are extraordinary actions that happen with Allah‟s help. They usually happen for a good cause like proving that prophets are true or to support the believers against evil people.

2. Magic or Witchcraft:

Magic on the other hand, is done by evil people to hurt or deceive others. However, those evil people cannot do witchcraft alone. They seek the help of unbeliever jinn.

1. Allah‟s names are known as ____________.

2. Allah loves two personal qualities in you _________ and _________.

3. Prophet Musa was born in _________.

4. Bani Isra‟eel were the descendants of Prophet __________.

5. Tawakkul means ___________ on Allah.

6. Allah is Al Malik, meaning the ________.

7. Musa sided with the Israeli because he was from his own ________.

8. ___________ is the proper name of God and means the One we worship.

9. The story of Musa and his people is repeated in the Quran more than ________ times.

10. Prophet Musa‟s mother name was __________ and his sister name was __________.

• Write an ayah or a hadeeth in English meaning that support each of the following concepts.

1. Allah has 99 names.

2. Call Allah by His names.

3. God is one of a kind.

What is the difference between the miracle and magic?

Prepared by M.Faryal Mateen