Cosmic Energy Healing www.cosmicenergyhealin g


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Cosmic Energy Healing


Introduction History About Us Healing Therapies



Introduction: “ Cosmic energy healing is an important facet of divine healing

and deals with using cosmic energy, which exists in our universe. Cosmic energy is referred to as the life power and the energy that keeps the balance of the entire universe”.

Welcome to T.K.N.Prasad’s Alternative integrated energy healing Therapy.

Are you looking for a great and faster healing system

Sri T.K.N.Prasad was born and raised in India and comes from a family of business background.

From an early age, Sri T.K.N.Prasad was able to converse, see and transform energies. He has worked with leading scientists and saints in the Himalayas and nepal on various energy healing methods like Soul healing, Theta healing and ancient Indian energy healings and conducted ground breaking experiments with flowers, crystals/gems and conch in India for more than 20 years.



About Us

With a naturally gifted ability to shift, balance and construct energies at all levels, Sri T.K.N.Prasad has developed a highly differentiated system of rebalancing energies in which he changes and transfers energies to assist you in releasing unwellness , pain or discomfort from your physical, mental and astral body. By tapping into the energy patterns attached to your energetic body, Prasadji then assists you to cleanse the energetic and physical body of all unwanted patterns.

His ultimate goal is to help individuals heal their lives by removing energy blocks and from all energy levels of the body and removal of negative souls from the aura due to which the divine connection of the individual/patient has cut.

About Us

Sri T.K.N.Prasad is specialized in working outside i.e., from a distance through Online (long distance / distant or non-local healing). This allows global availability for help to individuals, who can’t come personally.

With a naturally gifted power to shift, balance and retrace energies at all levels, Sri T.K.N.Prasad has developed a extremely specialized system of rebalancing energies in which he changes and transfers energies to assist you in releasing disease, pain or discomfort from your bodily , mental and astral body. By tapping into the energy patterns attached to your energetic body, Prasadji then assists you to cleanse the energetic and physical body of all unwanted patterns.

About Us

A exclusive, scientific, Result-Oriented & Root-cause treatment without drugs, without side-effects & without self-effort or practice to stimulate your body's own Self- healing power. Based on more than two decade of study on several energy healing techniques Healing Guru T.K.N.Prasad, one of the world’s best energy healers. Developed this innovative therapy. Joining the best of the ancient Indian Vedic wisdom with modern science and healing treatments like cosmic healing,energy healing,healing,crystal and gems healing,counch healing,geopathic stress,pranic healing,flower healing,indian vedic healing and remedies,astrology and rituals,karmic healing,aura and chakra balancing and healing,devine healing,angel healin,healing prayer,sankalpa siddhi healing,mantra and tantra healing,mother earth healing and yogic energy healing.etc... This therapy draws your full potential with its emphasis on holistic living & personal inner self-development.

Healing Therapies

Here healing therapies having different types.

The following given below about healing therapies

• Conch Healing• Crystal Healing• Theta Healing• Soul Healing• Cosmic Energy Healing• Geopathic Stress remedies• Healing Radiation• Flower Healing• Indian Vedic Remedies• Aura Healing

Conch Healing

Conch Healing

“ Shankha translated from Tibetan is literally “white conch”, Tibetan-English Dharma Dictionary, 2003), and true to its name, it is a trumpet formed from a white conch shell of the species Turbinella pyrum, from the Indian Ocean. It is heavily decorated with ornate patterns in metals such as silver, bronze or tin and is topped with a bright bead, which is said to represent good energy.”


Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing


Theta Healing

Theta Healing


Soul Healing

Soul Healing


Cosmic Energy Healing

Cosmic Energy Healing


Geopathic Stress Remedies

Geopathic Stress Remedies


A exclusive, scientific, Result-Oriented & Root-cause treatment without drugs.

without side-effects without self-effort practice to stimulate your body's own Self- healing power.
