Imam Muhammed Al-Baqir (AS)

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Holy Prophet (p)’sHoly Prophet (p)’s fifth infallible successor Imam Mohammad Baqirfifth infallible successor Imam Mohammad Baqir

Name: Mohammad Bin Ali Al-Baqir

Title: Al-Baqir

Agnomen: Abu J’afar

Father’s Name Ali Bin Husain, Zain-ul-Abideen

Mother’s Name Fatima Bint Al-Hasan, Known

as Umm Abdillah(Was the only Imam who was connected with

Hadrat Fatimu‘z zehra, both from his paternal and maternal side)

I admonish you regarding five things:

If you are wronged,do not commit wrong doing to others;

If you are betrayed ,do not betray anyone;

If you are called a liar, do not be furious;

If you are praised, do not be jubilant;

If you are criticized ,do not fret and think of what is said in


Imam Muhammad Baqir

The Trustee Of

Trustees …

The Inheritor Of

The Knowledge

Of The


Our followers are of three kinds

one who follows us but depends on others,

one who is like a glass involved in his own reflections,

the more they suffer the more they shine.

but the best are those who are like gold,

Imam Muhammad Baqir

He received the title of


due to his ample


for he split open

knowledge,scrutinized and examined the depths of it.

Aba Hamza narrates that once Imam Baqir (PBUH) told him,

"O' Aba Hamza !Whenever one of you

intends to travel a distance, he searches for a proof and

a guide( so he doesn't lose track of

the path ;)and you, are less

knowledgeable to the paths of the sky than to the paths

of the earth. Thus, now find yourself a

proof and a guide( so you do not lose track

on the path toward Allah and the heavens.)

(Source: Usul al-Kafi, vol.1, p.184, Hadith #10)

The Imam instructed people in percepts of religion,

he taught the ethics of lifestrived very hard to educate ,

Culture, and guide the people.

He taught the people thousands of

theological, religious principles,

And many scientificSubjects.

Baqir ul-ulum, “The Opener of Sciences”

Imam Baqir (a.s.), said:

Source: Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 2, p. 144

“Our traditions (Ahlul-Bayt)

survive in the .”HeartsHearts

Peace be Peace be upon upon

the one the one whose whose

attributes are attributes are the attributes the attributes of the of the Prophet Prophet
