A Cycle Of Rebellion And A Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue Rescue Today’s lesson is taken from The Word In LifeStudy Bible

Mar 23-29 God The Son Is A Deliverer

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Our little Church is using a Chronological Bible Reading Schedule by Skip Andrews. It can be found here: http://www.churchofchristduluthga.org/ Each Sunday a lesson is given from some of that week's reading. This lesson covers Mar. 23-29.

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Page 1: Mar 23-29 God The Son Is A Deliverer

A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue

Today’s lesson is taken from

“The Word In Life”Study Bible

Page 2: Mar 23-29 God The Son Is A Deliverer

A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue

The Book of Judges tells what happened during the period when Israel was settling into the land of

Canaan. The narrative is built around a recurring cycle of spiritual rebellion by the people, judgment by the Lord

(usually in the form of military attack), a cry for help, and the Lord's

response of raising up deliverers called judges.

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A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue

As this cycle of rebellion repeats itself over and over throughout the book, we see the nation of Israel spiraling downward into spiritual and moral decline. The leaders become less godly, and spiritual

darkness increases. By the end of the book, the culture seems to be

adrift in a tide of civil anarchy.

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A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue

However, this pattern of decline is occasionally interrupted by periods of revival led by the

judges. These judges were not jurists as we use the term

today, but national leaders who were generally military heroes as well as spiritual authorities.

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A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueTwelve judges are mentioned in the

book. Two of the best known are Gideon and Samson. The latter’s

story is typical of the larger context of the book. Samson frequently turned

his back on God and violated His ways, with tragic consequences.

Never-the-less, the Lord remained faithful to His chosen leader (and His

people), whether in judgment or in grace.

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A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue

In Judges we also encounter another figure who was

frequently prominent in the life of ancient Israel, the pagan god

Baal. This god of the Canaanites was worshiped

because it was believed that he could make farmlands fertile.

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A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue

The rites of Baal worship involved occult practices, various forms of

sexual intercourse, and even child sacrifice. By committing these evils, the Israelites brought judgment on themselves in accordance with the terms of the agreement they had with God, called the covenant.

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A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue

Readers of Judges may find many of the events recorded

here to be extremely troubling—for example, Jephthah's vow,

Samson's immorality, or the incident of the Levite's


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A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue

In considering the significance of events like these, it is important to remember that although the Bible reports what happened, that does not imply approval.

The period of the judges was a sad time for Israel.

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A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue

The biblical account shows what happens

when people turn away from the Lord and do

what is right in their own eyes.

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A Cycle Of Rebellion And RescueA Cycle Of Rebellion And Rescue

Judges 17:6 NET In those days Israel had no king. Each

man did what he considered to be right.

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Unfulfilled ExpectationsUnfulfilled ExpectationsThe Israelites departed from Egypt with high hopes. They were setting out on a journey that would soon bring them into a land "flowing with milk and honey." Their first exposure to Canaan went badly.

But a new generation under Joshua finally crossed the Jordan

to possess Canaan.

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Unfulfilled ExpectationsUnfulfilled Expectations

Yet by the end of Joshua's life, major portions of the Promised Land

remained unconquered, and many of the Canaanite and Amorite inhabitants whom Israel was

supposed to displace remained in the cities. This failure meant that Israel would go through several generations of civil, political, and

spiritual unrest.

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Unfulfilled ExpectationsUnfulfilled Expectations

It was not until God finally raised up David as a unifying king that

the extent of Israel's borders would begin to match the

expectations originally laid out by God.

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Thorns And Tears At BochimThorns And Tears At Bochim

God told the Israelites to dispossess the Canaanites by

taking over their cities, destroying their idols and

altars, and refusing to enter into agreements with them. Apparently the citizens of Bochim failed to carry out

those instructions.

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Thorns And Tears At BochimThorns And Tears At Bochim

No one knows the exact circumstances, but the offenses were serious

enough for the Angel of the Lord to come up from Gilgal to this village near Bethel and cry against it

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Thorns And Tears At BochimThorns And Tears At Bochim

The timing of the sermon was important. The days of Israel's

conquest of Canaan were drawing to a close, yet many cities

remained in the hands of, or at least were still influenced by, the

Canaanites. Joshua's life was over, and a new generation was

coming into power.

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Thorns And Tears At BochimThorns And Tears At Bochim

So Bochim's spiritual failures were a serious matter. They set a dangerous precedent

of idolatry that persisted from that day forward, as

the Book of Judges shows.

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Thorns And Tears At BochimThorns And Tears At Bochim

Apparently the people of Bochim tearfully repented of their

wrongs and, in the presence of Joshua, offered a sacrifice to atone for their sins. But the

pattern of spiritual adultery was established.

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Thorns And Tears At BochimThorns And Tears At Bochim

Unbelievers today are free to worship whatever "gods" they will. But God's people cannot adapt to their ways.

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Thorns And Tears At BochimThorns And Tears At Bochim

Like Israel, believers may need to limit their neighborliness if

necessary to preserve their own faith and


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Thorns And Tears At BochimThorns And Tears At Bochim

They must allow nothing to distract them from

unswerving allegiance to the Lord. Otherwise they

invite a host of thorny issues and a legacy of


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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?

During the period between about 1380 and 1050 B.C. (according to one commonly accepted

estimate), Israel was led by a series of national leaders called judges.

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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?

These men and women were generally military heroes,

sometimes called deliverers, who were called by God to rally the people

against oppressive enemies and stimulate them toward

spiritual revival.

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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?

The authority of the judges derived from the days of the

Exodus, when Moses almost wore himself out

trying to decide the many cases brought before him.

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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?

Following the advice of his father-in-law Jethro,

Moses appointed judges over the people to handle all but the most important


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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?

Later, the Law commanded that judges be appointed city by city

when the people entered the Promised Land. The most

difficult cases would be heard in conjunction with the priests, who were the custodians of the


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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?The Israelites apparently followed this pattern during the days of the conquest.

But after the death of Joshua, the government

became disorganized and the people tended to rebel.

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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?Without a human king to

guide them, "everyone did what was right in his own eyes." In fulfillment of the

covenant, spiritual apostasy soon led to military defeat and political oppression by


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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?

Nevertheless, God raised up judges. As successors to Moses and Joshua, they were called to deliver the people from their enemies and turn them back toward

the Lord.

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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?

In the early days of this period, the judges largely

succeeded in this mission. But over time,

their calls for revival became less and less


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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?

Samson, the last judge mentioned in the Book of

Judges, was given to immorality, and managed to deliver his people from

the Philistines only by taking his own life.

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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?

The final chapters of Judges tell of increasing idolatry, immorality, and

civil war—marks of a nation in moral decline.

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Who Were The Judges?Who Were The Judges?Eli, the next-to-last judge, was a failure both as a father and as a

national leader. Samuel, his successor, was much more effective, but even under his

capable leadership the people rebelled insisting on a king of

their own choosing.

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The Lord Raised up JudgesThe Lord Raised up JudgesThe Book of Judges reveals a cycle that was often repeated

during the early years of Israel's history in Canaan: the people fell into sin; God sent

Judgment upon them; the people cried out for


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The Lord Raised up JudgesThe Lord Raised up Judges

God raised up a "judge" or deliverer to deliver them from their enemies and bring spiritual renewal;

eventually the people fell into sin again after the passing of the judge.

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The Lord Raised up JudgesThe Lord Raised up Judges

The following table lists the twelve

judges mentioned in the Book of Judges.

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The Lord Raised up JudgesThe Lord Raised up Judges

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"Problem" People"Problem" People

Nearly everyone has at least one person in life with

whom it's hard to get along. The Israelites

shared the Promised Land with entire nations with

whom they were in constant conflict.

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"Problem" People"Problem" People

Israel was supposed to displace these groups as it took possession

of Canaan. But for various reasons, many Canaanites were left.

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"Problem" People"Problem" People

During the period of the judges, God used them to challenge His people,

to punish them for violating His laws, and to turn them back toward


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"Problem" People"Problem" People

As you think about people in your life with whom you

frequently run into conflict, is it possible that God may have

placed them in your path to challenge your faith and open your eyes to areas where you

are not following Him?

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"Problem" People"Problem" People

Perhaps it's an unreasonable supervisor, an unreliable employee, an unusually demanding

customer, or an unbelievably insensitive


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"Problem" People"Problem" People

Could it be that these so called "problem" people are not really problems

but God-given opportunities for you to


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Willing LeadersWilling Leaders

While it’s always easy to find people who want to be "in charge," it's far more difficult to find

people of character and ability who will step into

roles of leadership.

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Willing LeadersWilling Leaders

Israel faced a chronic crisis of leadership during the

days of the judges, when "Each man did what he considered

to be right." Few could be found who were willing and

able to offer moral and spiritual direction.

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Willing LeadersWilling Leaders

Perhaps that's why Deborah, in her song of praise composed after

Israel's victory over Jabin and Sisera, celebrated willing leaders followed

by willing people.

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Willing LeadersWilling Leaders

Apparently the people were willing to follow if they could find leaders who would lead rather

than despots who would dominate, such as


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Willing LeadersWilling Leaders

Deborah and Barak were good models of leaders

willing to lead. Their stand for God and integrity before the

people were profoundly inspiring.

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Willing LeadersWilling Leaders

So much so that even common people such as the

woman Jael were emboldened to grab

whatever was at hand, be it but a tent peg and a

hammer, and strike down their enemies.

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Willing LeadersWilling LeadersWill you be a willing leader for

God today? Whatever your sphere of influence—at your

job, in your home, at church, in the community—will you accept the challenge to stand for God's ways and encourage others to

do the same?

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

Christians believe that they should carefully obey God's will. But how can we know

what His will is? How should we go about making

decisions that honor the Lord?

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

The example of Gideon is frequently cited as a model for godly decision making.

Before acting, Gideon carefully considered

whether the Lord wanted him to rally an army and

attack the Midianites.

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

Twice he set out a fleece to make sure of God's intentions. On this basis,

some have argued that before Christians make major decisions with

long-range consequences, they should "put out a fleece before the

Lord," seeking some tangible sign that indicates His will with certainty.

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

Is that an appropriate way to know God's will? In

considering the question, it is important to note that

this is the only occasion in the Bible when God

revealed His will through a fleece.

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

It is also worth noting Gideon's extreme hesitation, doubt, and

fear. The Lord had already told him what to do through the Angel of the Lord. In fact the Angel had already given Gideon a confirming sign.

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

In light of these facts, Gideon's use of the fleece would appear to demonstrate a lack of faith

more than any zeal to be certain of God's will.

Fortunately, God was very patient with him and granted his request for a confirming sign.

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

But it seems that using a fleece to determine God's

will was the exception rather than the rule, and thus does

not serve as the best pattern for how we can

depend on God for guidance.

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

Is there a more reliable way? Yes, God has clearly and objectively

told us what He wants throughout the Bible. For example, the Ten

Commandments give straightforward instructions to

guide our behavior in numerous areas of life.

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

Likewise, one of the New Testament letters to the

Thessalonians says plainly, "This is the will of God" (1 Thess. 4-

3) The passage then goes on to outline some of God's will in regard to sexuality.

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

Thus when it comes to making choices in life, God calls us to clear thinking—thinking that is based on our relationship with Him and our allegiance to His values, which are clearly spelled out in Scripture.

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

God has made us to be thinking, discerning,

analytical persons who assume responsibility for working our way through

life in accordance with His general plans and


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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

He challenges us to learn all that we can about any situation, relationship,

responsibility, or opportunity that we have, weigh it in light of His precepts and principles, and then act.

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How Can We Determine God’s Will?How Can We Determine God’s Will?

As we act, we can take comfort from the fact that He is at work within us.Philippians 2:13 NET for the one bringing forth in you both the desire and the effort — for the sake of his good pleasure — is


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The Man Who Would Be KingThe Man Who Would Be King

After Gideon defeated the Midianites, the people of Israel wanted to make him their king,

but he refused the title. Apparently his son, Abimelech,

was not so humble.

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The Man Who Would Be KingThe Man Who Would Be King

Even though it meant the brutal murder of his seventy half

brothers, he arranged to have himself crowned king of

Shechem. Yet Abimelech's glory was as limited in scope

as it was in duration.

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The Man Who Would Be KingThe Man Who Would Be King

His influence probably never extended more than ten miles, even though he was said to have reigned over Israel. And after three years he

was driven from Shechem by troubles with the very people who

had aided his rise to power.

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The Man Who Would Be KingThe Man Who Would Be King

He sought safer quarters several miles south at Arumah. As

Abimelech's grasp on the region began to slip, he resorted to more violence in a desperate bid to retain control. But in the end, having been rejected by

Gideon's family, by his mother's family,

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The Man Who Would Be KingThe Man Who Would Be King

and by the citizens of his "kingdom," he found himself

dying in shame. True to form, he made one last request to

preserve what little reputation he had left by compelling one of his men to run him through

with a sword.

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Overcoming A Tough Start Overcoming A Tough Start

What hope is there for a child born to a prostitute? Society

tends to have low expectations—and sometimes downright hostility—for people

born out of wedlock. Such was the case for Jephthah.

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Overcoming A Tough Start Overcoming A Tough Start

The product of his father's dalliance with a

prostitute, Jephthah was not only excluded but

expelled from his more "respectable" family.

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Overcoming A Tough Start Overcoming A Tough Start

Like many rejects, he led the life of a criminal,

though he and his gang of raiders may have

harassed the Ammonites more than the Israelites.

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Overcoming A Tough Start Overcoming A Tough Start

The irony of Jephthah's life was that when Israel faced

war with Ammon, the leaders of his hometown

came looking for Jephthah to deliver them!

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Overcoming A Tough Start Overcoming A Tough Start

They offered no apology; they merely appealed for

help. To his credit, Jephthah agreed to help them after negotiating his terms, and God gave him the victory.

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Overcoming A Tough StartOvercoming A Tough Start

Jephthah's life is a good illustration of the truth that God does not Judge people on the basis of appearances. He can overcome any background and use any set of circumstances to

accomplish His purposes.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

The incident of Jephthah's daughter may seem

incredible and profoundly cruel to some modern-

day Bible readers.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

But in reading this narrative, one must be

careful to interpret events in the context of that day, not merely by the moral climate of one's own.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

The account is clear that the judge Jephthah vowed to

sacrifice as a burnt offering whatever came out of his

door if he returned victorious from battle.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

Many commentators think Jephthah had a human sacrifice in mind, probably a slave. It was a common practice for warriors

in the ancient world to make vows to their gods in order to secure divine assistance in


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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

However, the Israelites were prohibited from making human sacrifices, in contrast to many of their neighbors. In fact, child sacrifice was common among the Ammonites and Moabites.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

Why, then, would Jephthah make such a vow? And why fulfill it

once he realized that the sacrifice would have to be his own daughter?

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

The answer may lie in a recognition of how much the moral and

spiritual condition of Israel had declined by this time. The Mosaic

covenant was violated more than it was honored, and a spiritual

blindness seems to have fallen over the land.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

In the midst of this darkness. God used the Ammonites to

bring His people to their knees. Not that they actually turned back to Him. But they did recruit Jephthah to lead


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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

Jephthah was no spiritual giant, but he at least remembered the

history between Israel and Ammon, and how God had

delivered His people during the Exodus.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

He viewed the Lord as the supreme Judge who would decide the current conflict

between Ammon and Israel. Jephthah was accurate in

his understanding.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

God was indeed prepared to judge between the two

peoples. Neither group was without sin. On the one hand, the Israelites had forsaken the Lord for idols; however, they

also had repented.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

On the other hand, the Ammonites had long practiced what the Lord called "abominations," such as child sacrifice; yet they never had repented, and now they

were claiming territory that did not belong to them.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

God decided the matter by empowering Jephthah to recruit

an army to carry out His judgment on the Ammonites. At this point of zealous energy and action, Jephthah made his rash

vow. Why did he make it?

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

Perhaps because of an inadequate view of God.

Jephthah correctly perceived God as Judge, but he may

have incorrectly likened Him to the god Chemosh of the


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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

He may have felt that if Chemosh's help supposedly

could be enlisted through human sacrifice, then the

Lord's help could be gained in the same way.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

Jephthah appears to have followed through on his vow,

though first he gave his daughter time to grieve the fact that she would never marry and have children; childlessness was

considered a curse in that day.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

He kept the vow because he had a profound fear of the Lord. He was deeply afraid of what God might do if he did not fulfill his


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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

From today's perspective, that fear seems primitive,

superstitious, and tragically misplaced; but it was certainly

genuine. The daughter's statement of submission is one

of the most touching speeches in Scripture.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

She shared her father's extreme reverence for God, even if it

cost her marriage, children, and life itself. No wonder the young women of Israel honored her

ever after.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

What does this incident teach us who read it

today? For one thing, it warns us to beware of spiritual decline in our surrounding culture.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

When our neighbors are not following God, it can warp our own perspective, leading us to make foolish statements and

rash commitments, and causing us to do things that are unworthy of our Lord.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

At the same time, the incident reminds us of how seriously people of that day took their

vows to the Lord, and therefore how seriously we

should take our own commitments to Him.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

We may criticize Jephthah as cruel and superstitious, but we cannot deny that he

feared the Lord.

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The Tragedy Of Jephthah’s DaughterThe Tragedy Of Jephthah’s Daughter

The tragedy of his daughter challenges us to ask: What

would we be willing to sacrifice as a sign of our devotion to God?

Or are there things (or people) that ultimately we value more

than Him?

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God’s Gifts Without God’s BlessingGod’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing

Hebrews lists Samson as a hero of the faith, an honor that seems

to conflict with the image of Samson in Judges. For example,

he was notorious for his involvement with Delilah that led

to his downfall.

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God’s Gifts Without God’s BlessingGod’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing

Likewise, as a Nazirite he was obligated to refrain from touching a dead body, to

abstain from alcohol and other products of the vine, and to avoid the use of a razor.

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God’s Gifts Without God’s BlessingGod’s Gifts Without God’s BlessingHe clearly violated the first commitment, in all likelihood

violated the second, and ended up betraying the third. Yet these failures must be put

in perspective with the low moral and spiritual tide of

Samson's day.

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God’s Gifts Without God’s BlessingGod’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing

Ultimately, he did act in faith at the time of his death by praying to God for the strength to pull down the roof

on his enemies. Thus he not only destroyed a temple of Dagon, he killed more Philistines than ever,

most of which were probably members of the ruling class.

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God’s Gifts Without God’s BlessingGod’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing

In addition, Samson demonstrated that it is possible

to experience the gifts and power of God without the

blessing of God. God gives people abilities to accomplish

His purposes, but that in no way guarantees that they will seek to

know Him or follow His ways.

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God’s Gifts Without God’s BlessingGod’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing

Balaam, for example, was empowered by God to bless

Israel, yet his own life remained spiritually bankrupt. For that

matter, God could even speak through Balaam's donkey, but that

hardly enabled the donkey to enjoy God's presence.

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God’s Gifts Without God’s BlessingGod’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing

Samson is a sobering reminder that great abilities are not the same as great faith. As Paul pointed out, one can "speak with the tongues of men and

of angels" yet live a life of loveless emptiness.

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A Spark of HopeA Spark of Hope

If you ever feel that you are living in dark times, the

story of Ruth can provide encouragement. It stands

as an important afterword to the Book of Judges.

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A Spark of HopeA Spark of Hope

The Book of Ruth tells how God used an unknown widow from a foreign nation to produce a king

for His people. Against the backdrop of Judges, Ruth’s faith shines like a point of light in the spiritual darkness of that era.

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Page 110: Mar 23-29 God The Son Is A Deliverer

A Spark of HopeA Spark of Hope

In reading Ruth's story, you can take hope from the fact that no matter how terrible, the times may be, God always has His

people, and He is always carrying out His purposes.

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A Spark of HopeA Spark of Hope

Are you aware that the Lord wants to use you? The impact of your faithfulness may seem small and insignificant, but as

Ruth shows, that hardly matters. Any spark of faith can light a fire of righteousness.

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God The Son Is A DelivererGod The Son Is A Deliverer

This week we read of God’s people continually

falling into corruption, then being lifted up and

redeemed by God raising up a Judge.

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God The Son Is A DelivererGod The Son Is A Deliverer

In the era we live in God’s own Son was raised up to

deliver us from the corruption that surrounds


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God The Son Is A DelivererGod The Son Is A Deliverer

There is reason to follow the straight and narrow path that leads through the gate to eternity few

will enter.

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God The Son Is A DelivererGod The Son Is A Deliverer

Too many travel the wide & easy path that leads

through the gate to eternal death. Which

path are you on?