November/December 2000 Volume 10/Number 6 WORLD EVENTS FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE $3.00 Eyewitness Report: State of the World Forum Mideast Peace Comes Unraveled Mideast Peace Comes Unraveled

Mid east chaos-what does it mean - nov-dec 2000

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November/December 2000Volume 10/Number 6


$3.00Eyewitness Report:

State of the World Forum

Mideast Peace Comes UnraveledMideast Peace Comes Unraveled

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Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether ornot we are living in the last days before the second comingof Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramaticproof that this is the last times. All of the proofs belowtaken together defy coincidence.

1. EUPHRATES RIVER TO BE DRIED UP: InRevelation 16:12,the Bible predictsthat the EuphratesRiver will be driedup to prepare theway for the kingsof the east to in-vade Israel. Thiswill happen at thetime of the battleof Armageddonaccording to verse16 of the same

chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle atwhich time Jesus Christ will return and fight on the side ofthe nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will estab-lish His kingdom and usher in His 1000-year reign ofpeace.On January 13th, 1990, the Indianapolis Star carried theheadline “Turkey will cut off flow of Euphrates for 1month.” The article stated that a huge reservoir had beenbuilt by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow ofthe Euphrates would be stopped for one month and a con-crete plug for a diversion channel built. These things havenow been done. With this newly built dam, Turkey has theability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditionsfor fulfilling this 1900 year old prophecy are now in place!

2. CHINA GOES TO WAR: In Revelation 9:15-16, the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million

soldiers will launch awar which will kill“the third part ofmen”. Never in thehistory of the world,until our present gen-eration, has therebeen a power onearth that could field200 million soldiers.However, the lateruler of China, MaoTsetung boasted inhis diary that he

could field an army of 200 million. We see that thisprophecy pertaining to the very last times could not everhave been fulfilled until now.

3. WORLDWIDE NUMBERING SYSTEM PRE-DICTED: In Revelation chapter 13, the Bible prophesiesthat a world dictator will soon rule over a world govern-ment. He will cause all people on the earth to receive anumber without which they will be unable to buy or sell.We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in amost astonishing way. Nearly every human being in theworld now has been assigned a number. In America it is oursocial security number. In the last few years we have seenthis number extended to small children. A child without asocial security number cannot be declared as a dependent onan income tax return. We have seen the emergence of elec-tronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many peopleare urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things couldnot possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Onlyafter the invention of the computer could such a worldwidenumbering system be administered.

4. THE EMERGENCE OF A NEW WORLDORDER: Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of aworld government.We recently haveseen the term “newworld order” beingused by the leadingpolitical people of ourworld. MikhailGorbachev has madethe term famous, andPope John Paul II hasreferred to it repeat-edly. Finally ourformer President,George Bush, in theChicago Tribune, September 12, 1990, said “Iraq is thefirst test for the new world order.” He stated emphaticallythat the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. TheUnited Nations troops are continually referred to as themulti-national forces. The decision has been made to estab-lish an interdependent community of nations that will rulethe world under United Nations authority. The Bible saysthat this will lead us into a great world government. We cansee this happening right before our eyes.

COINCIDENCE OR DIVINE PROVIDENCE? TheEuphrates River can be dried up, the necessary 200 millionman army is available, a worldwide numbering system ispossible because of the computer, and now the new worldorder is appearing.

Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertain-ing to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously?



Source: Endtime Magazine, P.O. Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375, 1-800-EndtimeThis page may be copied and distributed freely.

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Cover: AP WideWorld Photos/Elizabeth Dalziel

C O V E R S T O R Y8 Mideast Chaos — What Does It Mean?

When the violence first erupted, the phones at Endtime began to ring. “What’s going on? What will happen? Could this be the beginning of Armageddon? How close are we? Is this The Big One?” Irvin Baxter Jr. puts the chaos into perspective.

F E AT U R E A R T I C L E S12 Mideast Peace Comes Unraveled

President Clinton was recently overhead to say, “This Middle East problem is absolutely maddening.” Why is peace in the Middle Eastso elusive and seemingly impossible?

14 Mary’s View From Within“Mary” joined a UN-sanctioned organization to help bring humanitar-ian relief to a poverty-stricken world. On the inside, however, what she found was not so idealistic. An agenda was well underway for the establishment of an unchecked totalitarian world government. This is Mary’s story.

18 Temple — How Close?For 33 years, Gershon Salomon has been in the forefront of the battleto build Israel’s Third Temple on the Temple Mount. His mission, which began just following the Six-Day War, has now become the focus of international attention. Endtime interviewed Mr. Salomon onOctober 5, just a few days after Ariel Sharon paid his fateful visit to the Temple Mount.

24 World Review

D E PA R T M E N T S4 Editorial6 Letters

11 Whetstone29 Crossword31 Seek & Find and Answers

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4 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000

As we go to press, it is beingreported that YasserArafat plans to declare aPalestinian state onNovember 15th. Arafat

and Barak are scheduled to meetPresident Clinton at the White Houseon November 9th and 12th respectively.This is Clinton’s last-ditch effort to headoff the absolute chaos that could beunleashed by Arafat’s unilateral declara-tion.

If a Palestinian declaration of indepen-dence is made, it would force Israel todraw the borders between the nation ofIsrael and the new nation of Palestine. If

a mere visit to the Temple Mount byAriel Sharon ignited the violence of thelast six weeks, what would happen ifIsrael claimed permanent sovereigntyover the Temple Mount?

Arafat would much rather see interna-tional intervention than unilateralaction by Israel. He has used the violencein Israel as a pretext to request that UNtroops be placed on the ground to protectPalestinians from the superior force ofIsrael. Israel has resisted bringing UNtroops in, which would effectively sur-render the future of Israel to thedecisions of the World Community. TheUnited Nations has consistently sidedwith the Palestinians while condemningIsrael. The UN contends that Israel mustwithdraw to pre-1967 boundaries. TheUnited Nations also denies Israel’s rightto have Jerusalem for its capital. The UNdeclared Jerusalem an international cityin 1947, and has never rescinded thatruling. It is because of UN pressure thatall of the nations on earth, except two,locate their embassies to Israel in TelAviv, not in Jerusalem.

Israel has served notice that she willnot welcome UN forces on Israeli soil.UN Secretary General Kofi Annan does-n’t think deploying troops on Israeli soilis possible without Israeli permission.

Other world leaders don’t agree, how-ever. Dr. Nasser Al-Kidwa, thePalestinians’ permanent observer at theUnited Nations, argued that this actionwould not be a violation of sovereigntysince the areas under discussion are “oc-cupied territories.”

Ladies and Gentlemen: This is not atime to be asleep spiritually—not whenworld leaders are wrestling with the veryissues that ultimately will lead to the“confirmation of the covenant” spokenabout in Daniel 9:27. When thecovenant is confirmed, the final seven-year countdown to Armageddon and theSecond Coming begins! ❏






E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

Irvin Baxter Jr., Endtime Editor
















What is Endtime Magazine?In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the United States and other modern nations in the Bible. He also

found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be torn down, reuniting Germany, and that eventwould be the catalyst to spark an international movement called the "New World Order." These things havenow come to pass.

Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message ForThe President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the Bible which he had been teaching since 1968.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was made tolaunch Endtime. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show thatthey are now being fulfilled in intricate detail.

Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation.Endtime does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be left to other pub-lications.

STATEMENT OF FAITH: We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is theSavior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed (Daniel2:44). Those who are born again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and rule as kings and priests with Christforever.


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Call 1-800-ENDTIME for more information. (Ask for Christi at extension 226 or Debbie.)

Moses grimaced when he saw the whip of the Egyptian taskmaster snake across the back of theIsraeli slave. Anger welled up in him when he saw the angry stripe that was left across the Jewishback. At that moment, he made up in his mind that he and his people were leaving that place! Ittook forty years, but leave they did.

The excitement was high as they headed north toward the long-dreamed-of “Promised Land.”Little did Moses know that it would be forty years before he would stand on Mount Nebo, gazinglongingly into the land of Israel. That was as close as he would ever get.

In Egypt:The overseas portion of Prophecy Tour 2001 will begin by walking in the footsteps of Moses and

the children of Israel in the land of Egypt. We will visit Goshen where they lived while in Egypt andsee the brickyards where they toiled. Believe it or not, bricks are still being made there till this day!

While in Egypt, we will also see the Great Pyramid, the Great Sphinx, the Cairo Museum andvisit Old Cairo. We will then travel north through the Sinai desert, across the Suez Canal, finallyarriving in the land of Israel.

In Israel:Stand on the Mount of Olives where Jesus will stand when He returns—Visit the Temple Mount

itself where the Third Temple will soon be built—See the cornerstone intended for the rebuildingof the Third Temple—At the Temple Institute we will see the vessels and the garments already pre-pared for resumption of temple worship—Visit the Garden Tomb and the Garden ofGethsemane—See the site of the coming Battle of Armageddon—We will visit Judean settlementswhere Jesus prophesied great tribulation will come in the near future (Matthew 24:15-16)—Boatacross the Sea of Galilee where Jesus walked on the water. And much, much more!

At the United Nations:Prophecy Tour 2001 will begin in New York City at the United Nations—the seat of world gov-

ernment. A guided tour will take us through the chambers of the UN where decisions are made thatchange the course of the world. A one-hour briefing by a UN official has been arranged especiallyfor the members of our Endtime Prophecy Tour.

We have just scratched the surface concerning the things you will experience in the land of theBible. There is no doubt that Prophecy Tour 2001 will be the trip of a lifetime! I hope that you canjoin my wife, Judy, and me as we experience the UN, Egypt, and the Holy Land together. Eddie Sax,co-host for “Politics & Religion,” and his wife Charlotte will be with us on the tour. It will be a greattime. Don’t miss it!

The cost for the entire 12-day United Nations, Egypt, and Israel tour will be $2195 plus tips andtaxes. You can insure your place on the tour by sending your deposit of $250 to Endtime, PO Box2066, Richmond, IN 47375. Total payment will need to be made 45 days before departure. If youhave further questions, you may call us here at 1-800-endtime.

Irvin Baxter Jr. — Tour Host

Prophecy Tour 2001United Nations-Egypt-Israel

March 27-April 7 (12 days)

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6 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000

Wars involving IsraelIt seems that there will be several wars during the endtime

period which involve Israel. The Battle of Armageddon is theobvious one, but what about the red horse and the propheciesthat speak about the destruction of Damascus?

What is the chronological order of these events?

Thanks,B. JennyInternet

Reply: Many prophecy books have taught that the red horse ofRevelation 6 symbolizes war. However, I have never found anyconvincing proof that this is true. I believe that the red horse sym-bolizes Communism. This is proven conclusively in Lesson 4 ofUnderstanding the Endtime—Level One.

There may be several wars fought in Israel between now andArmageddon, but I know of no prophecy that specifically indicatesthis.

Concerning Damascus, Ezekiel 48:1 does indicate thatDamascus will be a part of the nation of Israel during the millen-nium. Whether that is accomplished during the Battle ofArmageddon or by decree of Jesus Christ when He sets up Hiskingdom is not indicated in the Bible.

Two witnesses—Jerusalem or Babylon?Nowhere does the Bible state that the two witnesses will lie

dead in the streets of Jerusalem. It says the two witnesses willlie in the streets of the “great city”, which can only beprophetic Babylon! Jerusalem is nowhere in scripture referredto as “great”, but Babylon is, repeatedly. As you know, Jesuswas not crucified in Jerusalem, but “without the walls.”

The two witnesses cannot be two individuals because theangel tells John that one of the two witnesses is the two lampstands. Two being the number of corporate identity, and theother witness is the two olive branches. It’s clear to me.

B. HamrickInternet

Reply: Revelation 11:8 says that the dead bodies of the two wit-nesses will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is calledSodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Where wasJesus crucified? In Jerusalem, of course, even if the act was perpe-trated just outside the walls.

In Luke 13:33, Jesus said, “Nevertheless I must walk today, andtomorrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophetperish out of Jerusalem.” Jesus Himself knew that He was destinedto die in Jerusalem. From this we know for certain that the two wit-nesses will also be killed in Jerusalem. To insist that Jesus wascrucified in prophetic Babylon (Rome), is to totally disregard the

conclusive proof of the Bible.Revelation 11:10 calls the two witnesses, two prophets. It cer-

tainly sounds like two individuals to me.

“Politics & Religion” in NagasakiI am a foreign student here in Nagasaki, Japan. I originally

started listening to “Politics & Religion” on my short-waveradio in Madagascar, where I am from. The reception inMadagascar is not very good, but I listened as often as I could.

Since I have been studying in Nagasaki for a year and a half,I listen to the program all the time. The reception is betterhere.

I am glad I found your show. I appreciate “Politics andReligion”, and especially the Bible Study programs you broad-cast.

Yours sincerely,H. RafidinarivoNagasaki, Japan

Benjamin CremeI just want to let you know how much I appreciated the in-

terview that you had with Benjamin Creme. Most definitely,his theology does not agree with ours, but that was expected!

I told someone about it. They could not understand whyyou guys would interview him. I answered for you. To me, youdid that interview to show “from the horse’s mouth” that theman of sin is coming.

As always, I appreciate your program and your materials. Iam a supporter of your ministry and had the opportunity tomeet you at your last conference here.

Dave H.Dallas, TX

How long is a generation?How do people equate the phrase, “This generation shall

not pass” with the rebirth of Israel? Matthew 24 is talkingabout all the things that will happen. I have heard that it isabout the fig tree, but it looks like Jesus is simply saying that,when a fig tree puts on leaves, you know it is springtime. I seeno way that the fig tree in Matthew 24 could point to this.

Thank you for your time,D. Marion

Reply: Many people have contended that the fig tree is a type ofthe nation of Israel. Consequently, they have taught that the gener-ation that witnessed the rebirth of Israel as a nation would not passuntil all things in the Matthew 24 prophecy were fulfilled.

E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

Letters to Endtime

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I have never found proof of this interpretation in scripture.However, I do believe that the generation that witnesses the eventsreferred to in Matthew 24 will not pass until the entirety of the chap-ter is fulfilled. This, of course, would include the rapture of thechurch.

By the way, we are the generation that is witnessing the fulfill-ments of Matthew 24; therefore, we are the generation that willsee the Second Coming of Jesus.

Revelation can’t be chronological…or can it?I have been a subscriber to Endtime magazine for over four

years and do appreciate your ministry. Your latest issue wasquite incisive and packed with information. I always wonderedwhy you believed that we were in the “trumpet” series, andnow I can understand from your article on “Understanding theBook of Revelation.” I do disagree with your conclusionshowever.

The seals, trumpets and vials do NOT run parallel but arein sequence (or chronological). This can be shown by a num-ber of verses, but is most clearly expressed in Revelation8:1,2,6. The verses clearly show that, when the Seventh Sealis opened, the seven trumpets are given to the angels, andthen they sound in sequence. The trumpets come after theseals and cannot possibly run parallel with them.

I would be interested in your comments.

J. FerroCyberspace, USA

Reply: Many have taught that the seven trumpets are containedwithin the Seventh Seal. However, close examination of scriptureshows that this cannot be true.

Revelation 8:1 records the Seventh Seal, “And when he hadopened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the spaceof half an hour.” Note that there were no chapters or verses in theoriginal writing of the Bible. Because the publishers chose to createa chapter break before the Seventh Seal instead of after the SeventhSeal where it would probably have been more appropriate, manypeople assume that the seven trumpets are contained in the SeventhSeal. But the scriptures do not say this.

How do we know then that the seven trumpets are not containedin the Seventh Seal? Because the Sixth Seal happens after the GreatTribulation, and the Sixth Trumpet takes place before the GreatTribulation.

We know that the Sixth Seal happens after the Great Tribulationbecause, under the Sixth Seal, the sun and moon are darkened andthe stars shall fall from heaven (Revelation 6:12-14). Jesus said inMatthew 24:29 that these things happen immediately after theGreat Tribulation.

We know that the sounding of the Sixth Trumpet in Revelation 9is before the Great Tribulation because the Two Witnesses begintheir ministries after the Sixth Trumpet in Revelation 11. They thenprophesy during the 1,260 days of the Great Tribulation. So theSixth Trumpet sounds before the beginning of the last three and one-half years.

Since the Sixth Seal is loosed after the Great Tribulation, andsince trumpets one through six sound before the GreatTribulation, it is conclusive that the Seven Trumpets are not con-

tained in the Seventh Seal.

Should we donate to Temple Fund?Thanks for overseeing this outreach. It is a definite blessing.Since you know Gershon Salomon well, do you know his

position on the scriptures regarding the outer court of the tem-ple being trodden down by the Gentiles, the false peace andthe false messiah, and the fact that they will mourn for Jesuswhen they see Him?

I left this strictly Old Testament. I have a feeling that sincehe believes in the veracity of scripture, he might be inclinedto revisit some positions.

My second question is this: We are to bless Israel. The tem-ple will be built because it is in the Word. Does blessing Israelinclude giving to the Temple Fund?

K. EkoSouth Bend, IN

Reply: The prophecy that the outer court will be trodden downof the Gentiles is in the New Testament—Revelation 11:1-2.Consequently, Gershon would not consider this prophecy as HolyScripture.

I have never had the opportunity to ask Gershon how he explainsZechariah 12:10 where the Jews will look upon him whom theyhave pierced and mourn for him. I certainly want to discuss thiswith him at some point.

Concerning giving to the Temple Fund, I think that is an indi-vidual choice. The scriptures teach us that God does not dwell intemples made with hands. We know that our bodies are the tem-ples of the Holy Ghost. Since this is true, we are not mandatedto build the temple, but we are commanded to preach the gospelto every creature. That’s the reason I invest everything I can infulfilling this great commission given to us by Jesus Christ.

Does Jerusalem Covenant fulfill Daniel 9:27?While it seems that the majority of prophecy students,

church leaders, and the body of Christ are focused on Oslo I& II and the Wye River Agreements as the peaceprocess/treaty of Daniel 9, why is no one giving any consider-ation to the Jerusalem Covenant of May 31, 1993, as thecovenant of Daniel 9?

Daniel 9:27 clearly mentions that the Antichrist, as leaderof the New World Order (UN), will “confirm the covenantwith many for one week.” The Hebrew language is clear thatthe “prince that shall come” shall confirm a covenant, not aso-called peace treaty. To confirm a covenant implies that oneis already in place. In the context of Daniel 9, I believe “withmany” means “many Jews and possibly Gentile heads-of-state.”

The context of Daniel 9:24-27 deals with the City ofJerusalem and the Jewish people living in Jerusalem when thisendtime scenario begins. Therefore, the focus of the covenantis upon the City of Jerusalem and the Jewish people living inthat holy city.

The Jerusalem Covenant emphatically deals with the City

E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

continued on page 28

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8 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000

Most of the world knowsthat a battle calledArmageddon is prophe-sied for the Middle East.Consequently, every

time conflict breaks out there, we allwonder if this one is “the big one.”

As the latest occurrences of violencein Israel escalated, our phones atEndtime Ministries began to ring. Thecallers asked: “What’s going on? Whatdoes all this mean? What’s going to hap-pen? Could this be the beginning ofArmageddon? How close are we to therapture?”

What triggered the latest violence?

For the last seven years, the hope ofpeace in the Middle East has been dan-gled tantalizingly in front of Israelis andArabs alike. Even though progress hasbeen maddeningly slow, enough has beenaccomplished to keep the flickering hopeof peace alive. Ninety-eight percent ofArabs in the occupied territories nowlive under the control of the PalestinianAuthority; Palestinians have their ownairport and seaport; and negotiationshave continued.

According to the Oslo Accords, the

final status of Jerusalem and final bordersbetween Israelis and Palestinians were tohave been determined by May 4, 1999.Arafat had said that if final status talkswere not concluded by this deadline, hewould unilaterally declare a Palestinianstate.

Due to the toppling of BenjaminNetanyahu’s government in the spring of1999, Arafat decided to postpone the de-claration of Palestinian independence.Subsequent negotiations with the newly

elected Barak government established anew deadline, September 13, 2000, forfinal status issues to be negotiated andimplemented.

With the September 13th deadlinelooming just ahead, President Clintoncalled for a Middle East Summit at CampDavid for July 11th. For two gruelingweeks, Arafat, Barak and Clinton la-bored to hammer out a final set ofaccords that would signal the end of theseemingly eternal Arab-Israeli conflict.


E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

Mideast ChaosWhat does it mean?by Irvin Baxter Jr.








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Women rush for safety from the Western Wall Plaza on September 29, the eve of Rosh Hashanah,the Jewish New Year. They were being stoned by hundreds of Palestinians from the TempleMount, located just above the wall in reaction to Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Mount. Israeli riot po-lice fired rubber bullets, killing three, in the bloodiest clashes in four years at the site.

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Just when it seemed that peace waswithin reach, the talks stalled. The issueon which the two sides could not reachagreement was control of the 36 acresthat Israelis call the Temple Mount.Muslims call it the Haram al-Sharif orthe Noble Sanctuary. Israel’s First andSecond Temples stood there, and Jewshave prayed toward this place for the last2,000 years. Muslims claim thatMohammed ascended into heaven on hishorse from the Temple Mount back inthe Seventh Century.

Even though the future for peace inthe Middle East depended on solving thestatus of the Temple Mount, still Arafatand Barak could not agree. Arafat con-tended that the Temple Mount belongedto Muslims and that its holiness couldnot be compromised. Barak said that noIsraeli prime minister could ever perma-nently surrender control of the center ofJewish life and the heart and soul of theJewish nation to the Palestinians.

When it became obvious that the talkshad reached an impasse, PresidentClinton decided to offer a bridging pro-posal. He proposed that Muslims beallowed unlimited access to their holyplaces and that Jews be allowed to prayon the Temple Mount. Simply stated, hesuggested the sharing of the TempleMount.

It appeared that Barak was prepared toconsider the Clinton proposal, butArafat said that Jews being allowed topray on the Temple Mount was out of thequestion. Consequently, the talks brokeoff.

With the deadline of September 13thjust ahead, Clinton urged Arafat not tounilaterally declare Palestinian state-hood. He promised that America wouldcontinue to aggressively pursue a solu-tion to the remaining obstacles to peace.European leaders joined Clinton’s call forallowing more time to achieve a peaceagreement. It was felt that unilateral ac-tion could only bring disaster.

After meeting with the PalestinianCouncil, Arafat decided to postpone de-claring Palestinian independence untilNovember 15, 2000, or possibly even aslate as January 1, 2001.

As the November 15th deadline ap-proached with no significant progresshaving been realized, Arafat apparentlyconcluded that diplomacy would not de-liver the desired results. Consequently,

the violence began.

What prophecies are being fulfilled?

Some of the greatest prophetic fulfill-ments of all time are presently takingplace in the Middle East. It would be atravesty for us to live through these un-precedented fulfillments withoutunderstanding the significance of whatwe are experiencing.

Some of the prophecies that arepresently unfolding are: 1. The finalseven-year period that precedesArmageddon is about to begin. 2. TheTemple Mount will be placed under asharing arrangement. 3. Israel’s ThirdTemple will be built there. 4. A great in-ternational leader, the Antichrist, willstand in the rebuilt temple claiming to beGod. 5. Great persecution will belaunched against the settlers living in theWest Bank area.

The final seven yearsThe Bible prophesies a seven-year pe-

riod that begins with the confirmation ofa covenant and ends at the Battle ofArmageddon. It appears almost certainthat we are on the brink of the beginningof this climatic seven-year period. Howdo we know this?

According to Daniel 9:27 and Daniel11:31, the prophesied covenant will beconfirmed by the Antichrist. Three andone-half years later, a temple will havebeen built, animal sacrifices will havebeen resumed, and the Temple Mountwill be shared.

Notice that all of these fulfillments aretied directly to the principle issue thathas stalled the Middle East peaceprocess—the status of the TempleMount. It appears that the prophesiedcovenant will concern the status ofJerusalem and the status of the TempleMount in particular.

Temple Mount will be sharedThe issue that caused the failure at

Camp David was the right of Jews tohave access to the Temple Mount. InPresident Clinton’s bridging proposal, hestated that Muslims would worship at theAl Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of theRock, and that “Jews would be allowed topray on the Temple Mount.” This veryarrangement for the Temple Mount wasprophesied in the Bible almost 2,000years ago. In Revelation 11:1-2, theApostle John stated, “And there wasgiven me a reed like unto a rod: and theangel stood, saying, Rise, and measurethe temple of God, and the altar, and

E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

President Clinton’s bridging proposal could make the Temple Mount look something like this com-puter generated image. Clinton has said the Jews should be allowed to worship at their most HolySite.





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10 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000

them that worship therein. But the courtwhich is without the temple leave out,and measure it not; for it is given untothe Gentiles: and the holy city shall theytread under foot forty and two months.”Notice that Jews will control the temple,but the outer court of the temple will beunder Gentile control.

Two-thousand years ago, the Bibleprophesied that the Temple Mountwould be shared in the endtime. Fourmonths ago, President Clinton suggestedthe exact same thing—the sharing of theTemple Mount!

Israel’s temple will be builtThe Bible specifically prophesies that a

Jewish temple will stand on the TempleMount in the near future (IIThessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation11:1-2). If Jews obtain the right to prayon the Temple Mount, it is obvious thatthey will want a house of prayer—a tem-ple.

The Temple Institute in Jerusalem isfar along in its plans to build the ThirdTemple and resume the Old Testamenttemple rituals.

Gershon Salomon, head of the TempleMount Faithful, already has a 4,000-pound solid marble cornerstone ready tobegin constructing Israel’s temple.

Two weeks after Camp David, theChief Rabbinate Council of Israel con-sidered passing a resolution to call for theconstruction of a synagogue on theTemple Mount. This resolution has nowbeen consigned to a committee for study.

Antichrist will assert authorityover Temple Mount

II Thessalonians 2:3-4 says that a greatinternational leader (the man of sin—the Antichrist) will sit in the temple ofGod, claiming to be God. For years, ithas been difficult to understand how theAntichrist could claim authority overthe Temple Mount. Recent unforeseendevelopments in the peace process, how-ever, make this prophetic fulfillmentseem all too close.

As we have explained, the peace talksbroke down because the two sides couldnot agree on the status of the TempleMount. Barak was apparently willing toshare it, but Arafat demanded that it betotally under Palestinian sovereignty.

In his desperation to reach some kindof accommodation, Barak made a shock-

ing proposal, which was reported inIsrael’s Ha’aretz newspaper on September22, 2000. The article’s title read, “IsraelPresses for UN Role on Temple Mount.”Israeli Prime Minister Barak was quotedas saying, “Israel now believes bringingthe Temple Mount under the aegis of theinternational community could be thebest way to safeguard the rights and in-terests of both faiths, while retaining thestatus quo on the ground.”

Longtime followers of Israel werestunned! The UN has historically beenpro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli. Yet hereis Israel’s leader proposing to place theheart and soul of the Jewish nation underUN control! As unthinkable as this de-velopment was, it certainly would set thetable for the international leader of theworld, the Antichrist, to stand on theTemple Mount and assert his sovereigntythere, just as the prophecy indicates thathe will! It now appears quite likely thatthis is the course that events will take.

Great persecution against the West Bank settlers

The second most vexing issue in theMiddle East puzzle is what to do with the144 settlements that have been estab-lished in territory that Arafat isdemanding be returned to Arab control.The population of these settlements issomewhere between 140,000 and200,000 Israelis.

The settlers are the most hated of allIsraelis by the Palestinians. This is truebecause most of the settlers don’t believethat any of the lands occupied in the1967 War should be relinquished. Manyof the settlers are determined to holdonto the land even if their governmentdecides to redraw its borders in such away that some of the settlements are notincluded in the boundaries of Israel.

Jesus foresaw that this situation wouldexist in the endtime and prophesiedabout it almost 2,000 years ago. InMatthew 24:15-21, Jesus prophesiedspecifically about the West Bank: “Whenye therefore shall see the abomination ofdesolation, spoken of by Daniel theprophet, stand in the holy place, (whosoreadeth, let him understand:) Then letthem which be in Judea flee into themountains (Judea is the West Bankwhere the settlers live): Let him which ison the housetop not come down to takeany thing out of his house: Neither lethim which is in the field return back totake his clothes. And woe unto themthat are with child, and to them that givesuck in those days! But pray ye that yourflight be not in the winter, neither on thesabbath day: For then shall be great tribu-lation, such as was not since thebeginning of the world to this time, no,nor ever shall be.”

This prophecy speaks of the eventcalled the Abomination of Desolationwhen the Antichrist will stand in the re-built Jewish temple claiming to be God.Jesus warned those living in the WestBank to immediately flee for their liveswhen this occurs. He said that thenwould be great tribulation such as hadnever been experienced before. He toldus that this event called theAbomination of Desolation would trig-ger the time known as the GreatTribulation.

So what is going to happen?We know for certain that several spe-

cific things will take place in the MiddleEast. The Temple Mount will be shared.Israel’s temple will be built there. Animalsacrifices will be resumed. TheAntichrist will stand in the templeclaiming to be God. Great tribulationwill come against those living in the areaof Judea (the West Bank). And in spiteof all these developments, the conflict inthe Middle East will continue to festeruntil it culminates in the invasion ofIsrael by a UN “peacekeeping” force—the Battle of Armageddon.

We know all of these things for certainbecause they are specifically prophesied.What we don’t know is the exact paththat events will take in order to fulfillthese prophecies. For this, we will haveto wait and see. But it doesn’t appear thatwe will have to wait long! ❏

mideast chaos — what does it mean?

E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

“Israel Pressesfor UN Roleon TempleMount.”

—Ha’aretz newspaperSeptember 22, 2000

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11NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtimeE-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

1. Before Abraham was, ___ ___.(2 words) A. I am B. You are C. They were

2. God told him to marry an unfaithful wife, named Gomer. A. Moses B. Joshua C. Hosea

3. In Genesis 1:5, who called the light day? A. Adam B. Eve C. God

4. Who anointed David king over Israel? A. Nathan B. Samuel C. Adonijah

5. Christ is the ___ of the church. A. Arm B. Head C. Eyes

6. A ___ without blemish out of the flock, for a sacrifice, A. Ram B. Camel C. Horse

7. But ___ ye first the kingdom of God. A. Knock B. Find C. Seek

8. ___ said, except a man be born again. A. Jesus B. Nicodemus C. Peter

9. The woman who gleaned Boaz’ fields. A. Orpah B. Ruth C. Naomi

10. Thy word is a ___ unto my feet. A. Comfort B. Path C. Lamp

11. Thou art my beloved ___ in whom I am well pleased.A. Bride B. Son C. Husband

12. For ___ have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. A. All B. Few C. Some

13. Which one of these women is connected with Samson? A. Jezebel B. Bathsheba C. Delilah

14. Therefore the Lord shall give you a ___. A. Plan B. Sign C. Vision

15. This king was eaten by worms for not giving God the glory. A. Agrippa B. Herod C. Saul

16. My God shall supply all your ___ according to His riches. A. Needs B. Wants C. Demands

17. Rugged in appearance and dress – a prototype of Johnthe Baptist A. James B. Esau C. Elijah

18. She, the worried housekeeper, was Lazarus’ sister A. Martha B. Mary C. Dorcas

19. He made a brazen serpent and put it upon a pole. A. Joshua B. Moses C. Caleb

20. Which one is not a fruit of the Spirit? A. Hope B. Love C. Faith

Whetstoneby John L. Bryant

Answers on page 31

Radio LogPolitics & Religionwith Irvin Baxter Jr.

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12 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000

When Yasser Arafat leftthe Camp DavidSummit in July, he ap-parently realized hehad pushed Israeli

Prime Minister Ehud Barak as far asIsraeli public opinion would allow him togo. Yet it was still not far enough forArafat. Only violence could soften theIsraeli stance, making additional gainspossible.

Barak had come out of Camp Davidlooking like the conciliating peace-maker, and Arafat was seen as rigid anduncompromising. Somehow, thePalestinians had to recapture the sympa-thy of the World Community.

Arafat knew what would work. It hadworked every time. Find a plausiblepremise to launch violent protestsagainst the Israeli occupier and oppres-sor. However, the outbreak of violencehad to appear to have been provoked.

Soon the perfect excuse presented it-self.

Sharon’s visit to the TempleMount

Barak had shocked the nation of Israelwith the extent of the compromises hehad offered to make at Camp David, es-pecially concerning Jerusalem. The strawthat broke the camel’s back was Barak’s

proposal that the UN be given sover-eignty over the Temple Mount. Theleader of the opposition Likud Party inIsrael, Ariel Sharon, couldn’t stand asideany longer. He decided he would person-ally visit the Temple Mount to assertIsraeli sovereignty over the nation’s mostrevered site. Arafat knew that his mo-ment had come!

It should be understood that ArielSharon had every right in the world tovisit the Temple Mount. The TempleMount is under Israeli sovereignty; there

is no prohibition against such visits inthe Oslo Agreement or in any otheragreement; and Jews regularly visit theTemple Mount. Sharon had visited thereseveral times before. Sharon’s visit wasmerely a pretext for the Palestinians tolaunch the violence that had alreadybeen decided upon by Arafat.

So why the condemnation of theSharon visit by the United Nations?Why the vilification in the world press?Simply this…Sharon had taken a standon the issue on which the entire Middle

Mideast PeaceComes Unraveledby Irvin Baxter Jr.


Israeli security men guard opposition leader Ariel Sharon, center, as he leaves the Temple Mountcompound in east Jerusalem's Old City, Thursday, September 28. Clashes erupted momentsafter Sharon's visited the area. This is when Palestinians began stoning Jewish worshippers atthe Western Wall Plaza, just below the Temple Mount.

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East dispute turns—Israeli sovereigntyover the Temple Mount.

Then came the violenceThe day after Sharon’s visit violence

erupted throughout the nation of Israel.This level of conflict had not been seenin Israel since the lethal suicide bomb-ings of February and March of 1996.

Early on, the world’s sensibilities wereassaulted by pictures of a 12 year-oldPalestinian boy dying in his father’s armsafter being shot by Israeli soldiers. Thenthe confrontations took on a pattern.Young Palestinian boys would bait theIsraeli forces by hurling stones at them.The Israelis would then retaliate by firingrubber bullets. The adult Palestinianmen would be in hiding with guns.When the Israelis revealed their posi-tions, the Palestinians would try to pickthem off.

When the number of Palestinian chil-dren that were being killed continued torise, someone finally questioned whatthese 12 and 13 year-olds were doing inthe line of fire. It became apparent thatthe adult men were using them as decoysto draw out the Israelis. Furthermore, thedeath of mere children provided power-ful propaganda against Israel.

Interviewed by journalists after thesetragedies, some of the parents of theseyoung victims referred to their childrenas shaheeds (martyrs), whose lives weregiven willingly and proudly to thePalestinian cause in fighting the hatedZionist enemy.

In an unbelievably shocking scene,one mother boasted that she bore her sonprecisely for this purpose, and the fatherproudly claimed credit for providing thetraining. The parents will also receive asizeable financial “reward” from thePalestinian Authority.

As this issue of Endtime goes to press,214 have been killed over the last sixweeks, mostly Palestinians. The UN haspassed a resolution condemning Israel’suse of “excessive force” in putting downthe Palestinian riots. Palestinians arelobbying for Israel’s leaders to be placedon trial as war criminals.

Why provoke Armageddon over 36 acres?

Why does world peace boil down tosovereignty over the thirty-six acres ofthe Temple Mount? The explanation is

found in II Chronicles 6:6. God statedthere, “But I have chosen Jerusalem, thatmy name might be there; and have cho-sen David to be over my people Israel.”

The Middle East conflict is more thanan age-old dispute between ancientcousins. It is more than a struggle forcontrol of a very strategic part of theworld. This conflict is a spiritual battle!It has now boiled down to whether thewill of man or the will of God will pre-vail.

Believe it or not, two solutions havebeen proposed for the Temple Mount—declaring God sovereign over theTemple Mount or making the UnitedNations sovereign there. What a choice!

It appears that the world is leaningstrongly toward putting the UnitedNations in charge of the site where Godchose to place His name. Ultimately, thishumanistic plan will not work. Demandswill eventually be made of Israel that shecannot possibly submit to. She will refuseto comply to the resolutions of the UN,precipitating an invasion by the WorldCommunity. Thus the Battle ofArmageddon will begin.

This final effort by world governmentto assert its authority over Jerusalem, theplace where God chose to place Hisname, will bring about the intervention

of God Himself.Ezekiel 38:16-18 describes the World

Community’s intervention—“And thoushalt come up against my people of Israel,as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be inthe latter days… And it shall come topass at the same time when Gog shallcome against the land of Israel, saith theLord GOD, that my fury shall come up inmy face.”

The prophet Zechariah also prophe-sied specifically about the Battle ofArmageddon—“For I will gather all na-tions against Jerusalem to battle…Thenshall the LORD go forth, and fightagainst those nations, as when he foughtin the day of battle” (Zechariah 14: 2-3).

Armageddon will go nuclearIt has been an open secret for many

years now that Israel possesses nuclearweapons. Jane’s Intelligence Reportstates that Israel has at least 200 nuclearsites throughout the area of Judea. Theonly question is: Will she ever have touse them?

The answer to that question was an-swered conclusively by Zechariah almost2,600 years ago! “And this shall be theplague wherewith the LORD will smiteall the people that have fought againstJerusalem; Their flesh shall consumeaway while they stand upon their feet,and their eyes shall consume away intheir holes, and their tongue shall con-sume away in their mouth” (Zechariah14:12).

This passage is an absolutely incredibleprophecy written by a man at a timewhen nuclear weapons and their effectswere yet unheard-of. Yet he described theeffects of nuclear radiation so accuratelythat there can be no doubt that nuclearweapons will be unleashed against theenemies of Jerusalem during the Battle ofArmageddon!

It is no wonder the prophet Jeremiahsaid they shall say—“Peace, peace, whenthere is no peace.” Over the next fewyears, world leaders will continue to pur-sue a peace agreement between Israeland her Arab neighbors, but their effortswill not succeed. Events will continue toplunge the world alternatively betweenhope and despair. Yet it is crystal clearthat our world is ultimately destined forthe cataclysmic climax of Armageddon.

Only the Prince of Peace will everbring peace to the Middle East! ❏

E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

“The MiddleEast conflict ismore than anage-old dispute between ancient

cousins. It is morethan a struggle forcontrol of a verystrategic part ofthe world. This

conflict is aspiritual battle!”

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14 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000

An Eyewitness Report from insideMikhail Gorbachev’s State of the WorldForum

My name, for the purposesof this article, is Mary. Iam an official of a non-g o v e r n m e n t a lorganization – an NGO.

We are approved by, and work in associ-ation with, the United Nations. OurNGO is made up of volunteers dedicatedto providing humanitarian relief to apoverty-stricken world. We do goodwork.

Over the last few years I have attendedhigh level meetings at conferences acrossthe world. I was at Habitat II in Istanbulin 1996, Rio+5 in Brazil in 1997 andmany others. Over the course of time,however, I slowly began to see a differentside of this movement of which I wasnow a part. It was a dark side.

I bit my tongue and persevered. It wasalso then when I began listening to aradio program that had just begun airingon a Christian station in my area called“Politics & Religion.”

Everything I had been suspecting wastrue! I was right smack in the middle ofSatan’s most sinister plan ever for

mankind. O Lord, why me? I can’t ignorethis. The pieces have come together, andit is now time I must share.

A firsthand reportI have seen Mikhail Gorbachev speak

many times. He is an incredible orator. Iattended his State of the World Forum inNew York in September. I am personallyacquainted with Maurice Strong and hislovely wife, Hanne. People whose namesare household in global circles are people

whom I consider friends. They are myfriends, yes, but they meet with eachother behind closed doors. And they areall involved.

I recorded over 20 hours on audio ofthe sessions I attended in New York.Much of it is quite disturbing. And Ibrought home reams of the documentsthey were distributing. That on which Ireport to you is true. What they are plan-ning, and what they have virtuallyaccomplished, is what we read in the

Mary’s ViewFrom Within



I took this photo of Mikhail Gorbachev at the Rio+5 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1997. Histranslator is to his left.







E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

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15NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtimeE-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

prophecies of the Bible. Who is like untothe beast? Who is able to make war withhim?

It is all based on spirituality. It is allbased on lust for power, greed and decep-tion. Globalism is earth worship.Globalism has become a religion unto it-self.

Earth Charter becomesMillennium Declaration

When I first started attending UNconferences, I understood that the UNwas the umbrella under which the inde-pendent nations and others could cometogether to dialogue, discuss and solveproblems. This was a place where I per-ceived I could make a difference—thatthere was a real possibility our effortswould help the peoples of the world.What I found, however, was a presetagenda. We were there to be educated, orrather, indoctrinated. They were notseeking my input.

The expectation at the State of theWorld Forum was that there would be afocus on the Earth Charter. It would bediscussed, rehashed and then presentedto the UN Millennium Summit acrosstown. The voice of the people – civil so-ciety, would be heard through ourvehicle, the Earth Charter. But that’s notwhat happened. The principles of ourEarth Charter had been skillfully incor-porated into another document calledthe Millennium Declaration. It was theMillennium Declaration that was pre-sented to the UN Summit and rubberstamped by the heads-of-state. It allseemed somewhat strange.

And yet not. The underlying agenda, Ihave come to discover, is spiritual. Theglobalists are far advanced in the processof establishing an international beliefsystem to supplement their global politi-cal system and economic system. Oncepeople believe the right things, all oftheir actions will line up behind thoseprinciples. That’s the reason the EarthCharter is so important. It sets forththose principles. And now, in some mea-sure, presidents and prime ministersworld over have signed off on it.

What have we done?The emphasis is clearly on worship-

ping creation rather than the Creator.Creation worship is being used as an ap-peal to the environmentalists to garner

support. From the inside I see this as the“Trojan Horse” that will bring the one-world government to power, because en-vironmental concerns affect the entireglobe. Environmentalism tramples downnational borders.

I am not against environmentalism,but rather, against how they are using thecause to further their very differentagenda.

That which is rotten in DenmarkIt was actually at the very first UN

conference I attended that I began to sus-pect something was wrong with theentire picture. I felt uncomfortable inmany of the sessions, especially those in-volving the religious and spiritualleaders. They were more like ceremonies,and the Christ within me crawled. Butwho could disagree with the purposes ofthe meetings? World peace!

I was a novice, too close and wantingto be tolerant. The Buddhists andHindus have been such powerful forceson earth and within the UN itself.Maybe it was just that it was my first ex-posure to it. But as I kept going to theseconferences, I saw the thread. They cried

for world peace, unity and brotherly love.And to accomplish this, they taught,there must be a universal compromise onmatters of spirituality. No one group canbe selfish and exclusive, but must reachout in tolerance and love.

I had misgivings, and that’s when Istumbled onto Endtime’s radio broadcast,“Politics & Religion.” What was beingdiscussed that day rang true in my spirit.I had just experienced firsthand every-thing that was being discussed on theprogram. I ordered and studied the mate-rials. The prophecies hit me like a ton ofbricks. It all came together! New WorldOrder is world government, and I was apart of it. Wham!

And the rate at which it is happeningis accelerating. The pieces have almostcome together.

I continued to attend the UN meet-ings. My perspective, however, hadchanged.

Under our noses In Gorbachev’s opening keynote

speech at the State of the World Forumhe said, “We must establish how we aregoing to govern this new globalization.”





Many spiritual ceremonies take place at UN conferences.This one is a Peace Prayer from HabitatII in Istanbul. The Whirling Dervishes are dancers in a spiritual trance. Their right palm faces up-ward, supposedly to receive power from God. The left palm faces downward to supposedlychannel this power to the earth.

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Globalization, although they won’t say it,means world government. And the term,Global Governance? The same. Thetheme of most every Forum session wasGlobal Governance. What is the differ-ence between Global Governance andworld government? Nobody ever tried toexplain.

Mikhail Gorbachev is forceful, enthu-siastic, charismatic and dynamic. He’s agood salesman, and he knows where he’sgoing. The package is very pretty. He saidthat we must remove national bordersand national sovereignty. Everyoneseemed to agree. The prophecies alsoagree, but don’t speak for a pretty out-come. The whole world will wonder afterthe one-world government beast.

I am concerned about the lack of gen-eral awareness, especially on the part ofChristians. But the information is notreadily available in the media.Had I not been there and seen itfor myself, I probably wouldn’tbe aware of it either. But I didsee it. Had I not smelled a spiri-tual rat I might have evenaccepted it!

The package is so beautiful,but the Lord told us not to bedeceived.

So much power, so fewpeople

A question was asked in oneparticular session that I attendedon the International CriminalCourt: “Would the Secretary-General be the final authority todetermine what constituted acrime against humanity?” Theanswer came after a pause.“Yes…but of course he has anadvisory council.” Anothercommented: “That’s a lot of power forone man to have, don’t you think?”There was no response.

There are no checks and balances.And the United States has no vetopower over the actions of the ICC. It’sdownright frightening.

There was an overall anti-U.S. atti-tude at this meeting, as well as at theothers I have attended. It has always dis-turbed me.

Global taxes were mentioned, theTobin Tax in particular. Also discussedwas the elimination of Third World debt.In other words, massive wealth redistrib-

ution—United States wealth, that is.The root of everything addressed at theState of the World Forum was socialism.What struck me was that these same peo-ple advocating this global socialism werethe same people who failed with social-ism on a national scale. Now they wantto take their failure to an internationallevel and have the U.S. pay for it. Onlynow, when it doesn’t work, there won’tbe any rich nations left on earth to playpiggy bank. But by then they plan for theworld’s weapons to be under their con-trol, so it might not matter.

Gorbachev has been the chief voiceand advocate of worldwide nuclear disar-mament. If nuclear disaster were to occurin the world, whether it be from Chinaor even in the Middle East, the biggest I-Told-You-So would come from his camp.In fact, people would expect it. Someeven want it to happen.

Just one crisis away Spirituality permeated every aspect of

the State of the World Forum, and it allcentered on the Earth Charter. Prayerswent up to various gods and goddesses.What once struck me as a positive I wasnow seeing in a radically different light,or rather, in a radically different dark-ness. Initially, I thought they werebringing God into this! Great idea! Itwon’t work without Him—without JesusChrist. But I was naïve. Their conceptdoes not include God. It is evil from thecore, and it can be seen—but only fromdiscerning eyes wide open.

Adoption of the Earth Charter is theircapstone. It’s the last piece of the puzzle.Yes, there are a few other loose ends totie up—global tax, ICC ratification, andelimination or circumvention of U.S.veto power—to name a few. These wereall discussed in earnest. And it’s all beingdone in the name of democracy.

The infrastructure is in place. Weshould make no mistake about this. It’stime to sit back and wait for one big in-ternational incident. China? MiddleEast? Maybe some other hot spot willflare up. They will rally around the manwith the answers; the man who says hetold us so; the man with the plan. Don’tbe surprised at anything. And it mightnot be more than a few months off. Iwouldn’t be surprised if it were tomorrow.

Something will happen to put theglobal agenda into motion, and when it

does it will come fast. This is notime for complacency.

The fall of the Berlin Wall istheir rallying point. They perceiveit to have been the birth of theirNew World Order. Vladimir Putinwas Gorbachev’s KGB head inBerlin when The Wall camedown. Gorbachev is now the greatworld statesman and Putin runshis country. It has come full circle.I’ve shaken his hand.

Step deep inside my globalarena and you will see prophecycome alive. It’s time to take themessage out to the world. We mustteach all nations. Time is short. Iknow. I have the t-shirt.As for my real name…I am wait-ing for God to give direction.Right now I feel I can be morevaluable to His people on the in-side. God will give me the signal.

Satan is soon to come down to earthhaving great wrath.

When “Mary” appeared as a guest onPolitics & Religion, a special offer was madeto the radio listeners to obtain copies of someof the documents that were passed out toparticipants at the State of the World Forum.We extracted 64 prime pages from the literalsuitcasefull she provided. These pages are inEndtime’s research files. You may want tohave them in yours. We will include them,upon request, with any product order fromthe Understanding the Endtime series,Levels 1, 2 or 3. ❏

a view from within — mary

E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

“The fall of the BerlinWall is their rallying

point. They perceive it tohave been the birth of

their New WorldOrder...Gorbachev is nowthe great world statesmanand Putin runs his coun-try. It has come full circle.

I’ve shaken his hand.”

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For 33 years, Gershon Salomonhas been in the forefront of thebattle to build Israel’s ThirdTemple on the Temple Mount.His mission, which began just

following the Six-Day War, has now be-come the focus of internationalattention. Endtime interviewed Mr.Salomon on October 5, just a few daysafter Ariel Sharon paid his fateful visit tothe Temple.

Salomon: Shalom to everyone fromJerusalem. It is wonderful to live in thiscity. Don’t worry, God is in control.Jerusalem will be forever the City of Godand the capital of Israel. Come here andfeel the spirit of God dwelling all overthis wonderful city.

Baxter: What is going on there rightnow?

Salomon: Jerusalem is under an attackby the enemies of God and Israel—theso-called Palestinians and Yasser Arafat.All of the riots that happened started onthe Temple Mount. The real story is thatthe Arabs, who are today unfortunately

still on the Temple Mount after a longoccupation of the hill of God of Israel, tryto deny that the Temple has ever beenthere. They destroy all the remains fromthe first and second Temples. And theyused the visit of Arik Sharon, the leaderof the opposition in Israel, to the Temple

Mount to make a riot all over the land.They are those who attacked the Israelisand the Israeli police; they are those whothrew stones down on the prayers nearthe Western Wall, and are in the middleof attack against the existence of Israel asa state in the Holy Land. I say more than


A supporter of the Temple Mount Faithful, a group that advocates razing the Al Aqsa and Domeof the Rock mosques and rebuilding the biblical temple on its original site, blows a ram's horn asothers gather around a 4.5 ton marble "cornerstone" for a new Temple. Gershon Salomon isseated above and to the right of the man with the horn.

E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

Temple – HowClose?Exclusive Interview with Gershon SalomonTemple Mount Faithful Movement Director



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19NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtimeE-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

Understanding theEndtime Level 1by Irvin Baxter Jr.

You can now enjoy thisprophecy series by IrvinBaxter Jr. on 12 hours ofbroadcast-quality video.Ideal to show at home Biblestudies. See page 5 for moredetails.

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endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

this, maybe the endtime war described inEzekiel 38-39 has started already.

Baxter: You are speaking of the Gog-Magog war?

Salomon: Yes. And the battle ofJerusalem as described by the prophetZechariah in chapters 12-14. We see howall the nations—most of them, and I’mafraid even your president, supportArafat, who is dedicated to destroyingthe God and people of Israel.

Baxter: The war, which you are speak-ing of, we also call Armageddon.

Salomon: Yes.

Baxter: We have been discussing howpresent events are a prelude to this war.We don’t think it is quite time yet for thefull-out battle of Armageddon, but wethink as you do that this could be the be-ginning. You are the head of the TempleMount Faithful, and you were involvedin a riot yourself back in 1990.

Salomon: That was when we decidedto lay the cornerstone for the ThirdTemple. We heard the voice of Godtelling us, “Go lay the cornerstone for myhouse. This is the time.” We brought the4 1/2-ton marble stone to the TempleMount, but unfortunately the weaknessof the Israeli government did not allowus to bring it inside. They had the policeblock us because of fear. What will be thereaction of the Arabs?—The billionMuslims?—The United Nations organi-zation. We say we don’t fear anyone. Wetrust in God. We fear God. And we shallfulfill God’s will in us. So that’s what wedid. Together with God we are the ma-jority and all the rest are the minority.

Baxter: When that riot broke out 17died at that time.

Salomon: Yes, very similar to the riotlast week. Thousands of Arabs came tothe Temple Mount the day before. Theyprepared a lot of heavy stones to attackthe Temple Mount Faithful Movementfor when we shall come. In spite of thefact that the authorities didn’t allow us toenter and bring the cornerstone inside,they still made the riot. They threw thestones on 15,000 Jewish prayers at the

Western Wall, and it was only a miraclefrom God that the prayers weren’twounded from the thousands of stones.And then they attacked the police sta-tion. They burned it and stated, “Weoccupy the Temple Mount.” The Israeliarmy and police had to enter the TempleMount and not leave it in the hands ofthe enemies. The Arabs were armed withguns. In the battle seventeen Arabs werekilled. I have no doubt that God pun-ished them. And God will continue topunish them because they are doingeverything to destroy Israel. I want to telleveryone, this is not a peace negotiation.They don’t mean peace. Their one goalwas, and still remains, to push Israel intothe sea, and to stop the great eventwhich Israel is doing in this land.

Baxter: Do I understand correctly thatas a result of the 1990 riots you were for-bidden any access to the Temple Mount?Can you go there right now?

Salomon: No. Since these riots theMufti stated that, if I go to the TempleMount, a river of Jewish blood will flowand cover all the city. The Israeli author-ities decided for my security not to allow

me to go up there. I told them that I amnot afraid. God is my protector. He willbe with me. Since then the Arabs haveput me on the top of the hated list. Theyhave called on everyone to kill me. Theystated I am the enemy of Islam. Pay at-tention to this. Since they put me on thislist, never before have I felt so safe.

Caller: What compromise can bemade in your mind that will bring theArab world and Jewish world together tomake a peace deal work?

Salomon: I want to say to you, my dearbrother, they will never accept an Israelicompromise. Even when Yasser Arafat isspeaking about a compromise, he meansjust to make another step to found aPalestinian state in the middle of Israel—to get more power to destroy Israel frominside and outside with the Arab nations.The Israeli nation came back to this landin a godly event 52 years ago, not just tobe another nation in the world. This isan endtime event! Please read theprophecies. He gave us this land in acovenant.

Baxter: How can we have peace? If

TEmple — how close?


This is the site where Palestinian rioters hurled stones at Jewish worshippers praying at theWestern Wall. The Dome of the Rock is located slightly to the left of center. The Al Aqsa Mosqueis to the right (not shown in photo).





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you were king in Israel today, what wouldyou do?

Salomon: The only peace that can bein this country is the peace Godpromised to Israel. It depends on onething—the establishment of Israel as astate, the rebuilding of the Temple, theHouse of God, and the establishment ofthe kingdom of God in this land and allover the world. If I were now the king ofIsrael, I would liberate the TempleMount, purify it, build the House of God,and then would come the rest of the rev-olution.

Baxter: Are you saying you would teardown the Dome of the Rock and the AlAqsa Mosque?

Salomon: No doubt. These two build-ing were built as a result of animperialistic occupation by the Arabs inthe 7th Century. They built the mosqueon the most holy place of Israel and all

the world. They did not ask our permis-sion or the permission of God.One-thousand three-hundred years?Enough! Quite enough! Take it downand rebuild it again in Mecca. TheTemple Mount was dedicated by God,and Israel, and King David to be theHouse of God. It is so sad that most peo-ple in the world don’t understand whatGod is doing in Israel. God will gather allnations to Jerusalem to judge them.

Baxter: Are you closer now to buildingthe Temple than you were 33 years ago?

Salomon: More than any time in thepast. Even these last events, the riots, thewar, are another great sign we are in theright time. Notice the way the prophetEzekiel lined up his prophecy. He speaksin Chapter 37 about the rebirth of Israelfrom the valley of dry bones. In Chapters38 and 39 he speaks of the Gog-MagogWar, and in Chapter 40 and on he isspeaking about the rebuilding of the


Baxter: Ariel Sharon went to theTemple Mount and the Palestinians usedthis as an excuse to start this uprising.Where does Sharon really stand in all ofthis? If he were prime minister, whatwould he do?

Salomon: I have met Arik Sharonmany times, and have spoken with himabout the Temple Mount. He showedvery, very strong support to the struggleof the Temple Mount Faithful. He hashelped us. I believe God put it in hisheart to go to the Temple Mount. ArikSharon is just an instrument in the handsof God to accomplish and fulfill Hisendtime plans. This is the first step. I amsure God is going to judge terribly YasserArafat, this murderer and terrorist. Theyhave no chance to establish a Palestinianstate in this land. Even if they declare itand all the world recognizes it, God willnot recognize it. God dedicated this land

Top 6 Israel ProgramsT1024 Interview with Israeli National Radio Arutz 7T1101 The Christian Position in the Middle East ConflictT1005 Live with Gershon Salomon, Temple Mt FaithfulT1004 When Will Final 7 Years Begin?T1031 Anwar Speaks: The Palestinian PerspectiveT1017 David Dolan Reports Live from Jerusalem

World GovernmentT925 “Mary’s” Eyewitness Report: State of the World ForumT906 New York, New York: World Leaders MeetT912 UN Millennium DeclarationT913 Comparing Earth Charter to Millennium DeclarationT809 Court System Is in Place for Great Tribulation

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to Israel.

Caller: If there is a peace agreementand it allows Israel to build its ThirdTemple, would the Temple MountFaithful be willing to build it north of theDome of the Rock so that they would nothave to tear down either of the mosquesthat are there right now?

Salomon: No. It cannot be built in anyother place than the one God appointed.

Caller: Is there another group thatwould go along with building the Templenorth of the Dome of the Rock so thatthe mosque would not have to be torndown?

Salomon: It is not a group. There aretwo people, mainly. One is a physicist.He’s not even an archaeologist. He saysthat the Temple existed north to theDome of the Rock. Another one says itwas south. And believe me, the mainthing that determined them to do this isbecause they are trying to compromise.God cannot compromise.

Baxter: You know, Gershon, your lead-ers are compromising left and right.

Salomon: That’s right. And more thanthis, when Yasser Arafat said no, he’s notwilling to compromise (and believe me,my brother Irvin), he did it because Godmade his heart a heart of stone likePharaoh in the time of Moses to say no,no, no. But now Barak has anotheridea—to give it to the authority of theUnited Nations.

Baxter: Gershon, I was absolutelystunned when I read that Barak was ac-tually willing to consider placing theTemple Mount under UN sovereignty. Icould see the smoke coming out yourears.

Salomon: It’s a terrible thing, and itbreaks the hearts of everyone here inthis country. Barak is finished in his of-fice. All of the political powers have lefthim, and to give attention to this histor-ical fact, all the prime ministers of Israelwho compromised and gave away partsof the land were removed from their of-fice. And now Barak—it will be justdays, weeks or months until he’s no

longer prime minister.

Baxter: If no agreement happens,Arafat says he will unilaterally declare aPalestinian state.

Salomon: Even if a peace agreement issigned, it will never work. God won’tallow it.

Baxter: What percentage of Israelshares your opinion that Messiah is com-ing very soon?

Salomon: Even if it was my opinionand all the rest will not believe in it, thisis the right Word of God. I live amongmy people, and I see what happens. Moreand more people feel we are living in theendtimes. They feel all the scriptures arebecoming reality—even secular people.

More and more people are coming backto faith. Even Barak, a secular person,came to the negotiations at Camp Davidand said to Arafat and Clinton, “This isour holy place. I cannot give it to any-one. I cannot give it to Yasser Arafat.” Itshows something is happening in theminds of secular people. He was ready togive 95% of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Hewas even ready to compromise inJerusalem. But he could not give theTemple Mount to Arafat.

Baxter: Gershon, will you be able tospeak to our tour group in Israel on April1?

Salomon: It will be for me an honor tocome and speak for your group.

Caller: We hear rumors that the ark of

temple — how close?

E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

The sign in Hebrew reads: "The hands are Oslo's hands," a reference to the 1993 Oslo PeaceAccords. The Palestinian in the window on the poster raises his bloody hands after a mobstormed a police station where two Israeli reservists were hiding.








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the covenant has been located, and thatit is within close approximation to theTemple Mount. Can you confirm or denythis?

Salomon: Yes. The ark of the covenantwas hidden 20 years before the destruc-tion of the First Temple when one of thelast kings of Israel, Josiah, understoodthat the enemy was soon to come, oc-cupy Jerusalem and destroy the Temple.The high-priest hid the ark of thecovenant. We know it was hidden un-derneath the Temple Mount in a secretroom. It was never located in the SecondTemple, because they knew throughprophecy that the Second Temple wouldbe destroyed. It was kept for the ThirdTemple. So we are sure, from the Talmudand other holy books, that the ark ofcovenant is underneath the TempleMount in a secret room. We know ex-actly where it is. And in the momentwhen the Israeli government will be rea-sonable and brave enough, and trust inGod, and come to the Temple Mountand open the secret rooms, we shall pickup this great vessel which God gave toMoses. It will be an exciting day formankind all over the world.

Baxter: The Talmud says the ark ishidden? What part of the Talmud?

Salomon: It is in the Mishnah. It ismentioned also in a few other places. Bythe way, 18 years ago when theRabbinical Tunnel was built along theWestern Wall and cleaned, Rabbi Getzdiscovered a gate which was closed butnot by the original stones. They discov-ered a beautiful special tunnel, which weunderstood immediately was the priesttunnel. It was a special entrance directlyto the Temple so that they could keeptheir purification. And this tunnel led usdirectly to the location of the Dome ofthe Rock under the ground. But unfortu-nately the media published it, and theArabs started to demonstrate. Then theUnited Nations made a resolution thatIsrael should immediately close the gate.The Israeli government again showedweakness and closed it. We were just afew hours before the founding of the arkof covenant. We missed another greatopportunity. The enemies cannot stopwhat God is determined to do on theTemple Mount and in the land of Israel.

The ark of the covenant will shortly, Ibelieve, be discovered and be in the Holyof Holies in the Third Temple.

Caller: In all of the discussion, we’renot talking at all about Jesus. My ques-tion is, when the kingdom of God isestablished, what is the role of Jesus andChristians?

Salomon: First of all, we better not togo to this discussion. I am Jewish, and wehave a different idea about the Messiah.We believe in the First Coming and theChristians believe in the SecondComing. But what is common to us isthat we believe in the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob. We expect the comingof the Messiah. We both understand thatIsrael was chosen by God to be the peo-ple which will carry the Word of Godand bring it to all the world. TheMessiah will come not to Washington,D.C. and not to London, or even toCairo or Gaza. He will come toJerusalem. And to both Christians andJews. He will be both Israeli, Jewish, andspeak Hebrew; and He will come to theTemple.

Baxter: Let me break in on you

Gershon. I have to tell a story. You and Iwere sitting in a hotel back in 1995, sadlythe night Yitzchak Rabin was killed, andwe were studying some scriptures to-gether. I inadvertently called the comingof Messiah the Second Coming. I didn’tdo it to insult you, because I think theworld of you. We are very dear friends.

You interrupted me and said, “To us it’sthe First Coming.” I continued to talkand accidentally again said the SecondComing. I’ll never forget the exchange.

You looked at me and said, “Well,what if when He comes, it is the FirstComing?”

My reply to you was, “Well Gershon,I’ll have to say you were right and I waswrong.” And then I couldn’t resist. Myquestion to you was, “What if when Hecomes it’s the Second Coming?” I’llnever forget your words as we bothsmiled together. You said, “It’s going to beinteresting, isn’t it!”

Salomon: I believe God has put us to-gether for His endtime plans. We aretogether, the people of the book. Thereare some differences, but we have somuch in common. We are both in theagenda of God in these exciting days. ❏

Visit www.templemountfaithful.org.

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And He Causeth All to Receive a Mark

Digital Angel is back in the news.Florida-based Applied Digital Systemsofficially unveiled its patented computerchip implant technology in New York inlate October. Body heat powers the sys-tem. The applications for Digital Angelare endless—from medical to security toe-commerce…

Visa has introduced its most advancedSmart Card to the North American mar-ket. An imbedded computer chip in thiscard can interface with computers andstore a variety of data. This will allow acomputer to positively identify the card-holder for secure Internet purchases. Itwill prevent retail fraud. (Riddle: Whatdo you get when you cross this VisaSmart Card with Digital Angel technol-ogy?…)

The Defense Department is now usinga high tech ID badge designed to controlaccess to buildings and computer net-works. The chip in the badge can storedata and act as a passport to the elec-tronic world. Applications now beingconsidered for the badge include storingmonetary value to buy food in mess halls,medical and dental information and de-tails on training and rifle rangeperformance. “We’re very excited aboutthe seemingly limitless possibilities ofsmart card technology,” said BernardRostker, Under-Secretary of Defense, at anews conference. “We believe it will rev-olutionize the way we conduct business.”4.3 million badges are on order. Privacyadvocates, of course, object. “The mili-tary is frequently used as guinea pigs forproposals that would be too controversialto try among civilians,” says DavidBanisar from the Electronic PrivacyInformation Center. “Ultimately, thedanger is that people could be routinelytracked and their records used for pur-poses other than those originallyintended.”…

The FBI’s controversial email snoop-ing program is now capable ofreconstructing the web-surfing trail of aperson under investigation. The program

is called DragonWare Suite. It’s all foryour protection…

The Number of The Army Was200 Million

Mid-October witnessed the most ex-tensive display in 35 years of Chinesemilitary capabilities. According to YanXuetong, an international security ex-pert at Tsinghua University in Beijing,the “show” made clear that it views theUnited States as its most likely enemy.Missiles were test-fired and targets wereblown up demonstrating Beijing’s newcapabilities to attack U.S. stealth war-planes and cruise missiles…

“A remote possibility” is the forecastfor confrontation with Taiwan accordingto the London-based InternationalInstitute for Strategic Studies. China ismore preoccupied this year with enteringthe World Trade Organization. Yet, it isacknowledged by others that conflict isinevitable. The Chinese defense policywhite paper, issued on October 16, calledthe situation “complicated and grim.” Itrestated that China would “adopt alldrastic measures possible, including theuse of force” if Taiwan continues to fore-stall unification talks. French PresidentJacques Chirac said he thinks Chinacould join the WTO by the end of theyear. European Union leaders, gatheredin Beijing for a conference, agreed, butthink it may take a little longer…

China hosted its first-ever China-Africa forum in Beijing with officialsfrom 44 African nations. President JiangZemin warned that “hegemonism andpower politics” were preventing the es-tablishment of an equitable world order.Hegemony means domination. His com-ments referred to the United States…

Top Chinese generals have been visit-ing U.S. military bases and academiesthis fall as part of an effort to furtherhigh-level military communication be-tween the two countries. Critics areconcerned Washington is sharing toomuch valuable information and gettingnothing in return. Two Chinese navyships made a goodwill visit to Pearl

Harbor…China’s People’s Liberation Army has

set up military camps on Hong Kongequipped with air-defense guided missileforces “to guard against attacks fromTaiwan”...

A top Chinese newspaper labeledJapan as a growing military threat toworld security…

Chinese military documents providedby a defector five years ago have justbeen translated, and have led the CIA toconclude that Chinese spy agencies havegathered more secrets about U.S. missiletechnology than nuclear weapons…

China’s Defense Ministry has re-quested to purchase two moreSovremenny-class destroyers fromRussia. The $1 billion China has alreadygiven Russia for its first two destroyershas been a boost for Russia’s defense in-dustry. China takes possession of thesecond destroyer in November…

At the UN Millennium Assembly inSeptember, China blocked a motion tobring up for discussion UN membershipfor Taiwan…

A Chinese military think tank haswarned that George W. Bush, if elected,would undermine the One-China Policy,destabilize the global balance of powerand restart the Cold War…

Bill Gertz’ new book, The ChinaThreat, is said to be dangerous to nationalsecurity and could land its author in legaltrouble. Gertz published excerpts fromclassified documents…

Who Is Like Unto the Beast…The Appeals Chamber of the

International Criminal Tribunal forRwanda unanimously upheld the geno-cide conviction of former PrimeMinister, Jean Kambanda. He is the firsthead of government to be convicted andpunished for genocide. Life in prison…

Although it was first published fouryears ago, Edward Jay Epstein’s book,Dossier: The Secret History of ArmandHammer is all too relevant to the U.S.presidential election. Hammer, accord-ing to the book, was a secret agent of the

W o r l d Rby Eddie Sax

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25NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtimeE-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

Soviet Union since 1921 and was themoney-man behind, and therefore aclose ally of, Albert Gore Sr. The bookalso documents Hammer’s connection toAl Jr…

West Berlin is bracing for a communisttakeover. Eleven years after the fall of theBerlin Wall and the “death of commu-nism,” the election of Barbel Grygier, asmayor of Kreuzberg makes him the re-gional prime minister over Berlin.Grygier is a member of the Party ofDemocrat Socialists, the successors tothe former Communist Party. GermanChancellor Gerhard Schroeder sees thePDS as a future coalition partner. Recall,Schroeder’s election was engineered byClinton’s campaign director JamesCarville…

The UN Security Council authorized4,200 “peacekeepers” to monitor a cease-fire agreement between Ethiopia andEritrea. In other action it unanimouslycalled upon Indonesia to disarm and dis-band the militia in West Timor who were

responsible for the killing of three UNrefugee workers…

When Politics Meets Religion…Mikhail Gorbachev shared his affec-

tion for Jesus Christ on national TV atthe Crystal Cathedral in California withhis longtime friend, Dr. Robert Schuller.“Gorbachev’s eyes filled with tears manytimes in the church service,” Schullersaid, “and his love and respect for Christcame through loud and clear.” Schullerpublicly disagreed with Gorbachev’sclaim to be an atheist. “You keep refer-ring with such respect and affection toJesus Christ, and anyone who respectsJesus Christ cannot call himself an athe-ist.”…

Abdelfattah Amor, a United Nationsexpert monitoring religious intolerance,has found “alarming” levels of discrimi-nation worldwide according to his latestreport….

Archimandrite Theodosios Hanna, aJerusalem-based Greek Orthodox leader,

accused Israel of practicing “ethniccleansing” against Palestinians, and hascalled for solidarity from Christians andchurches around the world…

The Baptist Press is reporting that for-mer U.S. president Jimmy Carter saidthat while homosexuality is a sin, he seesnothing wrong with a “Christian homo-sexual” being ordained. Carter, whorecently disassociated himself from theSouthern Baptist Convention, made thiscomment during a telephone interviewon October 20…

On the Interfaithism FrontThe Vatican has recently come out of-

ficially rejecting the notion that otherreligions are equal to RomanCatholicism. They ordered their theolo-gians not to manipulate what it called“the truth of the faith.” The announce-ment comes in the wake of questionsabout the Vatican’s stance onInterfaithism....

Members of the Monroe Street UnitedMethodist Church in Toledo partneredwith Temple B’Nai Israel and the IslamicCenter of Greater Toledo in building aHabitat for Humanity house. For allthree congregations it was a beginning ofunderstanding and appreciating eachother’s faiths and building friendshipsthat will allow them to work together onfuture projects. All were gathered forprayers at the house’s dedication...

The Irvine United Church of Christopened its doors to a small Jewish con-gregation. An Islamic congregation usesthe church’s multipurpose room. Newtrend?…

Venkatachalapathi Samuldrala, aHindu priest from Ohio, delivered open-ing prayer in the U.S. House ofRepresentatives on September 14. It wasarranged by Rep. Sherrod Brown…

Amidst fierce opposition, BryanLankford, a Wiccan minister, deliveredthe opening prayer at the Dallas CityCouncil meeting on October 4…

Insight, a weekly magazine of theWashington Times, appears to have a solidprophetic understanding of the UN’s

R e v i e w

Rev. Robert Schuller, who recently had Mikhail Gorbachev address his nationally televised churchservice, is shown here with Imam W. Deen Mohammad, founder of the Muslim American Societyat an Islamic Convention in 1997.

AP Wide World Photos/Michael Sypniewski

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World Millennium Peace Summit. In itsOctober 2 edition it reports, “In thename of world peace, the UnitedNations appears to have embraced a sortof religious universalism that views all re-ligions as equals and is seeking to banproselytizing.” Does that not hit the nailright on the head?…

Bumper sticker printed by the organiz-ers of September 15th’s Pagan Pride Day:“We Are Everywhere.” It is true…

Middle East Media WarA war within a war is taking place in

the Middle East. The weapons beingused are newspaper, radio and televisionnews. The side which uses the weaponsbest will gain international sympathyand support. Israel appears to be losingthis war…

Israel has offered certain facts thathave been omitted from most news re-ports. If included, they claim it wouldturn international sympathy to theirfavor. These include: Arafat’s lack of acounter-offer to the serious compromisesmade by Barak at Camp David—Arafat’scall for the violence, knowing the deathsof children will win back internationalsympathy—Arafat’s failure to call for anend to the violence despite the Sharm E-Sheikh agreement—Arafat’s decision tofree terrorists from prison knowing thisincreases the chance of terrorist attacksagainst Israelis—The deaths ofPalestinians as the direct result of theIsraeli army trying to defend themselvesand its citizens against Palestiniansthrowing stones, igniting home-madebombs, and firing live ammunition atIsraeli targets—Orders given by theIsraeli government to the Israeli army toavoid causalities and only to shoot to killif fired upon…

The Palestinian Authority deniesclaims they are inciting their populationagainst Israel. Palestinian Media Watch,a group which monitors PA television, is-sued its latest report, which shares manyexamples of inciting messages repeatedlypromoted. These include the claim thatIsrael’s establishment was illegal andtherefore void; death in battle fightingIsrael is an ideal to be sought; Israel mustbe fought and all of Palestine must be lib-erated; and Israel is compared to Nazis asthey are co-enemies of Islam…

After two Israeli soldiers were lynchedin Ramallah, Israel retaliated with rocket

attacks on Ramallah and Gaza. A gener-ally unreported fact by the world mediawas that Israel gave the Palestiniansthree hours notice that the attacks werecoming so buildings could be evacuated.According to Arutz-7, the reasonPalestinian Arabs were shown in thenews running for their lives before themissiles hit was because they were or-dered to wait there until the last possiblemoment. Arafat’s residential compoundwas destroyed in the retaliation mea-sures. Israeli authorities are noting thatall Palestinian attacks have come with-out warning…

According to World Net Daily’sJoseph Farah, Arafat is not a“Palestinian.” He was born in Egypt. “Itwas Arafat’s uncle,” writes Farah, “whoserved as the grand mufti of Jerusalem inthe 1920s and 1930s. It was his unclewho concluded, for the first time, thatMohammed ascended into heaven fromthe Dome of the Rock site on the TempleMount. And it was his uncle who, in anunholy alliance with Adolf Hitler, con-demned the Jews and their designs ontheir eternal capital city”…

The U.S. State Department issued amemorandum seeking to squelch an edi-torial report by Voice of America aboutthe terrorist attack on the USS Cole forfear it would offend Palestinian listeners.Ultimately the report was approved toair…

A hacker defaced the website of thepro-Israel American Israel Public AffairsCommittee. 3,500 email addresses and700 credit card numbers were down-loaded. Anti-Israeli diatribes weree-mailed to the list. The credit card datawas published on the Internet…

All Nations Against Jerusalem The UN Commission on Human

Rights has adopted a resolution con-demning “grave and massive violationsof human rights of the Palestinian peopleby Israel.” The resolution cited what ittermed Israel’s disproportionate and in-discriminate use of force. “The use oftanks, helicopters and missiles againststone-throwing civilians in residentialareas is in violation of international law.”No resolutions have been broughtagainst the Palestinians for any of theiractions during the recent conflict…

Jibril Rajoub, a Palestinian leader fromthe area known as the West Bank, called

upon the UN Security Council to dictatethe peace process. Arab leaders want apenal court to try Israeli war criminals.So does the pro-globalization groupAmnesty International…

The Israeli Defense Forces declaredthat the country’s anti-missile shieldbased on the Arrow-2 rocket is opera-tional. This marks the world’s firstoperational surface-to-surface missile de-fense system...

In early October, IDF commanderNoam Tivon reported that the PA is en-couraging children to participate inclashes with the IDF by offering theirfamilies $300 per injury and $2,000 perdeath (plus a one-way ticket to paradise).Opponents have likened this to nothingmore than human sacrifice. Horrifyingimages have been shown on worldwidetelevision of young Palestinians beingkilled by Israeli soldiers…

Arafat’s meeting with Hamas leadersin Gaza was described by Israeli newspa-per Ma’ariv as “a rare demonstration ofnational unity” among the Palestinians.The PLO and Hamas, a militant Islamicterrorist group, have traditionally been atodds…

The Israeli Defense Force indicated itwould no longer focus on counteringevery individual shooting attack onIsraeli civilian targets, but would insteadrespond directly against Arafat’s militiacommand positions and to other targetsconnected to his Palestinian Authority,which is openly encouraging, if not or-dering, the civilian attacks...

Leah Rabin, widow of assassinatedIsraeli leader Yitzhak Rabin, said hewould be turning in his grave over theconcessions Barak has been willing togive to the Palestinians. Barak is suppos-edly carrying Rabin’s mantle. Leah Rabindied from cancer on November 12. Shewas 72...

Russia is seeking a more active role inMiddle East peace talks, if and when theyresume…

The regime of new Syrian PresidentBashar Assad denies that the Holocaustever took place. The government-runSyrian Times reported on September 7,“The Nazis did not operate gas chambersor kill Jews. (The gas chambers) are onlyin the minds of Jewish terrorists”…

The London Times reports that earlierthis year over 25,000 youngsters, aboutone-third of them boys as young as 12,

world review

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were trained in 90 different camps byArafat’s Fatah movement. The stone-throwing children at the center of riotsin Judea-Samaria and Gaza receivedweeks of training in guerrilla warfare, andwere also indoctrinated with “ferocious”anti-Israeli sentiments. Israel accusesArafat of using children on the front linefor propaganda purposes. These recentrevelations of thousands of childrenbeing given guerrilla training long beforeAriel Sharon ever walked onto theTemple Mount shows, according toIsrael, that the uprising was premedi-tated. Human rights groups and theUnited Nations have condemned Israelfor killing children…

An Iraqi defector says his country hasdesigned a crude nuclear bomb. All itnow lacks is uranium…

Kofi Annan told the GeneralAssembly on October 20 that the UN“can make a real difference” in responseto the recent crisis in the Middle East.The Bible prophesies that a great latter-day world political leader will ultimatelymake a real difference in the MiddleEast. Whether it be Annan or someoneelse, these are unprecedented times froma prophetic point of view...

Loose EndsVladimir Putin is considering a pro-

posal to bring back the Soviet nationalanthem, which has not been used sincethe 1991 Soviet collapse. He is also call-ing for an end to the Middle Eastviolence and has spoken with Barak andArafat…

The British government has acknowl-edged that the new EU Charter ofFundamental Rights, which it does notoppose, would enable European judges tooverturn British laws…

Jerusalem police once again bannedGershon Salomon’s Temple MountFaithful group from ascending to theTemple Mount on their annual Sukkot(Feast of Tabernacles) march…

U.S. Defense Secretary WilliamCohen has warned Saddam Hussein of apossible American attack on Iraq. Thewarning was in response to an unusualmovement of Hussein’s elite SpecialRepublican Guard, a possible indicationthat Iraq may try to take advantage ofthe tense situations surrounding Israel.Overseas U.S. military personnel wereput on the very highest state of alert due

to the situations inIraq and Israel…

Brooklyn’s NewYork Torah Court hastaken the unusualstep of excommuni-cating Sen. JoeLieberman on thegrounds of causinggrave scandal for theJewish religion.While claiming to bean observant Jew, thecourt says Liebermanhas been misrepre-senting and falsifyingto the American peo-ple the teachings ofthe Torah against par-tial birth infanticide,against special privi-leges and preferentialtreatment for flaunt-ing homosexuals, andagainst religious in-termarriage of Jews…

Former BritishPrime MinisterMargaret Thatcheraccuses Tony Blair ofseeking to “abolishBritain.” Such wouldhappen, she claims, ifBlair’s Labour partysucceeds in droppingthe Pound in favor ofthe Euro…

The InternationalMonetary Fund is ex-pected to offer debtrelief to 20 nationsbefore the end of theyear. From whencecometh the money?A large part will comefrom the UnitedStates, of course…

Russia and Turkeyare on the road to de-veloping a diplomaticand political partner-ship. Ezekiel 38prophesies both na-tions will beprominent membersof the internationalcoalition that willinvade Israel atArmageddon... ❏

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28 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000

of Jerusalem. In fact, it is a covenant with the City ofJerusalem. The people of Israel made this covenant withJerusalem in May of 1993 in which they covenanted with oneanother not to allow Jerusalem to be divided and not to relin-quish control of the Temple Mount. It is interesting that thecovenant is stamped with the number 7. It has 7 paragraphs andmentions the 7 gates of Jerusalem. Also, it was approved by theIsraeli Supreme Court Justice and signed into law by theKnesset. It was also signed by national leaders and dignitariesand by Jews of the Diaspora. It was a document literally sentaround the world.

It is no wonder that Satan, the arch deceiver of the world,has everyone focused on the Oslo and Wye River Agreementswhile little or no attention is paid to the Jerusalem Covenant.Satan doesn’t want the church or the world to know how closewe are to the unveiling of his man, the Antichrist, and to thefulfilling of God’s Word. So what does he do? He creates a di-version by having everyone focus on Oslo and Wye River as thetreaties that will bring final peace to the Middle East.

I believe the Jerusalem Covenant bears serious study and ac-ceptance that it just may be the covenant of Daniel 9, not Osloand Wye River. It is in place and waiting for the prince to cometo confirm it. It will take a major crisis to call attention to it,but if it is the covenant to fulfill endtime prophecy, God willmove it onto the center of the world stage.

Irvin, I hope you see this, and I would appreciate your com-ments. God bless.

A. BarberCarrollton, TX

Reply: Back in 1993 when the Jerusalem Covenant wasadopted by the nation of Israel, Endtime magazine carried a coverstory on the Jerusalem Covenant. Since that time, we have taughtthe scenario that you describe as the most likely fulfillment ofDaniel 9:27. However, we are not absolutely certain that theJerusalem Covenant is the covenant in the prophecy. Time willsoon tell!

Shocking headline I almost fainted when I read the Dallas Morning News head-

line, “The battle over Jerusalem has begun.”

Lisa N.

Jesus Christ is Lord and SaviorI have listened to your radio show for almost a year. You all

have some very good information. What bothers me is that youall “consistently” fail to name Jesus Christ as LORD and SAV-IOR at the end of your show. That HE came, suffered, died, roseon the third day, ascended to heaven on a cloud and will comeback in like manner and those who believe and claim this willnot suffer their soul to hell or the tar pits. You make it sound asif getting the Endtime video will save my soul, and I know itwill not. I will know for some signs to look out for. Please bemindful of this and never fail to remind your audience thatJESUS CHRIST is LORD and SAVIOR. Maybe the LORD

will let you read this critic over the air. GOD bless you guys inall your work.

In Christ Jesus,Tony G.

Reply: There is nothing more important than people believingthat Jesus is Lord and Savior. In the Understanding theEndtime—Level 1, one of the lessons is almost totally devoted toexplaining the kingdom of God and how to become a part of it.Furthermore, so far this year, we have given away at least 10,000of our “What Do You Mean—Born Again?” brochures. Thisbrochure thoroughly explains Jesus Christ and His salvation.

Signs of the final seven yearsWill we know when we have entered into Daniel’s 70th

Week? In other words, immediately after we have entered thistime period, will we have any definite signs?

T. Farmer

Reply: The confirming of the covenant begins the final sevenyears before Armageddon. Scripture does not make it clear whetherwe will recognize when the covenant is confirmed or not. If somekind of an agreement concerning Jerusalem and the Temple Mountis reached and then shortly thereafter the construction of Israel’sThird Temple begins, that would appear to have been the confirma-tion.

We will know for certain that the covenant has been confirmedif a world political figure stands in the rebuilt temple claiming to beGod. At that time, if not before, we will know that the confirma-tion of the covenant took place three and one-half years prior.

Prophecy in the Nigerian wee hoursI thank you for this prophetic ministry you are carrying out

on World Harvest Radio. I am writing from Eastern Nigeria ofCross River State, Calabar. I’ve been a regular listener of yourprogram for about four weeks now. I have been benefited so im-mensely from your prophetic ministry. I’ve even introducedother brethren to the Endtime radio program, which I receiveat about 1 o’clock in the morning.

However your accurate research and Holy Spirit interpreta-tion strengthens me more that God is on His way to this worldfor His Second Coming. Thanks, and keep up the Good Work.

God bless,Chioke NnanyelugoNigeria

Reply: And thanks to all of our monthly supporters who makesure that “Politics & Religion” airs daily worldwide on short-waveradio! ❏

letters to endtime

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continued from page 7

Endtime thanks you for your letters. The letters we use in Endtimedo not necessarily reflect the views of Endtime and/or its staff.

Endtime reserves the right to edit letters according to space andeditorial style.

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29NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000 endtime


E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com


1. “___Sarah laughed...” Gen. 18:127. ...came to Joel the ___.. Joel 1:19. “____ upon mount Zion...”

Oba. 1:1710. Member of the Legislative

Assembly, abbr.11. Acquire12. “...___of the Chaldees,..” Neh. 9:714. Destruction18. Observes, Old English20. “... ___that ye refuse...”

Heb. 12:2521. Detestable thing23. Large lake (Deu. 34:2)24. Apples grow on this (Song 2:3)25. Stories27. “...decreased continually ___..”

Gen. 8:528. Appointed portion29. Near31. Spoke forth the Word of God33. Equal36. Noise38. Posterity39. Timeout, abbr.41. Has, Old English42. 3.141644. Perceive46. Lice eggs47. Lane, abbr.48. Petitioned God50. Opposite of hers52. Series of battles56. Large birds of prey57. Opposite of Jews61. Put up with64. Times of the year65. “...terribly ___.” Nah. 2:366. Allow (Acts 1:20)67. Possessive pronoun


1. thallium, symbol2. “...he ___horns...” Hab. 3:43. Pride4. “...smite his ___,..” Matt. 24:495. Office of Technology Assessment,

abbr.6. A son of Gad (Gen. 46) 7. Daylight provider8. “...either good ___bad.”

Gen. 31:249. Happy

10. Determine13. Larger than hills15. “...of Keros, the children

of___,...” Neh. 7:4716. Anguished trouble17. Obadiah, abbr.19. “...the heaven of___,...” Neh. 9:622. Kindred26. Trespassed against30. The starting place

32. No matter which34. Value Engineer, abbr.35. Neon, symbol37. Alternate39. Use the mind40. Type of grain42. Do good43. Independent, abbr.45. “...borders of___...” Josh. 11:248. Localities49. “...destroy___kings and people, ...”

Ezra 6:1251. “...___one another,...” Matt. 24:1053. Agricultural Marketing Service,

abbr.54. Continue55. Deluge58. Opposite of west59. Have to60. God of Babylon, (Is. 46)62. Grow, Old English63. Single (Deu. 6:4)

Answers on page 31

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 11 12 13 11

14 15 16 17 18 19

17 17 19

20 22 21 22 23

25 25 24

25 26 27 30 28

32 29

31 30 32 31 39 32

33 34 35 39 36 37

38 41 39 40 43

44 46 41 47 46 42 43

44 45 46 47

53 54 49 48 49

50 52 51 53 54

57 56 55 57 56

57 58 59 58

60 61 61 62 64 63 63

64 65

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30 endtime NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000

As this magazine goes topress, we do not yet knowwho the next president ofthe United States will be.As the dominant power

on the globe, the next leader of the U.S.will have an effect upon the world’s fu-ture and therefore, upon how Bibleprophecies will be fulfilled. It is also quitelikely that the next president will be inpower concurrent with the Antichrist!

What will the ultimate destiny of theUnited States be according to the Bible?Can we know for certain?

In Daniel 7, there are four beasts por-trayed—a lion with eagle’s wings, a bear,a leopard and a ten-horned beast. Thesebeasts are symbols for nations. It can beshown conclusively that the eagle’s wingsrepresent the United States (seeUnderstanding the Endtime—LevelOne).

In Revelation 13:1-3, one beast is de-picted, but this single beast has the bodyof the leopard, the feet of the bear, themouth of the lion, and the ten horns ofthe ten-horned beast. It is obvious thatall the nations represented in Daniel 7are included in this composite, endtime,world government beast—except theeagle.

Why are the eagle’s wings representingthe United States left out of theprophecy depicting the world govern-ment of the Antichrist? There are severalpossibilities. Perhaps America’s domi-nance is destroyed in a war with Chinaover Taiwan. Or could it be that the U.S.is represented under the lion out ofwhich she originally came. Or maybe theUnited States will withdraw from partic-ipation in world government, with thecenter of global power swinging to thecountries of Europe.

There is reason to believe that the

United States may not be fully coopera-tive with the New World Order of theendtime. Just four verses before we readabout Revelation 13’s New World Order,we see a depiction of the nation of Israelbeing protected from the Antichrist. Thesetting for this passage is the time of theGreat Tribulation. Revelation 12:14shows a woman, Israel, being given twowings of a great eagle, that she might flyinto the wilderness for three and one-halfyears where she is protected from Satan.Could these eagle’s wings possibly be theUnited States? The U.S. has certainlybeen Israel’s protector in these times.

If Revelation 12:14 does refer to theUnited States, then we are going to bestanding with Israel and resisting theAntichrist and his New World Order atthe time of the Great Tribulation.

Will the United States vanish from itsposition of world dominance betweennow and the time of the end? Do theeagle’s wings split off from the world gov-ernment and stand in opposition to it insupport of Israel? We can’t say conclu-sively from scripture exactly what paththe U.S. ultimately takes.

There is no doubt that the eagle’swings in Daniel 7 is the U.S. Can we saythe same of the eagle’s wings ofRevelation 12:14? No. This scripture isnot clear.

There does seem to be reason to be-lieve that the United States may standwith Israel. If this is true, it may also bepossible that the U.S. will serve as a cen-ter for world evangelism and a harbor ofsafety from the coming storm.

Since America’s future is not explicitlydefined in scripture, we have to believethat the course we take could be alteredthrough the power of prayer.

Perhaps the motto of America willcontinue to be “In God We Trust!” ❏

E-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

The Prophetic Futureof the United States

By Irvin Baxter Jr.

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South Bend, INUPC of South BendPastor Kenneth MendenhallNovember 30th219-291-3060Speaker: Irvin Baxter Jr.

Omaha, NESettle InnPastor Jimmy ToneyDecember 4th402-571-9078Speaker: Eddie Sax

Pearl, MSPentecostals of PearlPastor Randal BoydDecember 4-6601-939-3400Speaker: Dan Barkley

Beaverton, ORPalace of PraisePastor Barry KingJanuary 19th503-642-2347Speaker: Irvin Baxter Jr.

Pittsburg, CAUPC of PittsburgPastor Donald O’KeefeFebruary 14-16925-458-1106Speaker: Dan Barkley



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31NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2000endtimeE-mail: [email protected], Website: http://www.endtime.com

1. A., I am, John 8:582. C., Hosea, Hosea 1:1,23. C., God, Genesis 1:54. B., Samuel, I Samuel 16:135. B., Head, Ephesians 5:236. A., Ram, Leviticus 5:157. C., Seek, Matthew 6:338. A., Jesus, John 3:39. B., Ruth, Ruth 2:2

10. C., Lamp, Psalms 119:105

11. B., Son, Mark 1:1112. A., All, Romans 3:2313. C., Delilah, Judges 16:614. B., Sign, Isaiah 7:1415. B., Herod, Acts 12:20-2316. A., Needs, Philippians17. C., Elijah, II Kings 1:8, Matthew 3:418. A., Martha, Luke 10:4019. B., Moses, Numbers 21:920. A., Hope, Galatians 5:22

Whetstone Answers



Seek & FindBy N. Teri Grottke

CrosswordBy N. Teri Grottke




1 T H E R E F O R E S O N B U TM L A G E T 11 T U R M L 11

E D E S O L A T I O N L O O K E T HA 17 17 I 19 L R B U S ES E E 22 A B O M I N A T I O N S E AU 25 25 W B R T R E E VR U M O U R S U N T I L A 30 D U EE 32 F E L B N I G H N

31 B 32 F P R E A C H E D N 39 A SE V E N V T 39 S S O U N DG E N E R A T I O N 41 T O T Y 43

I D N 44 O 46 H A T H 47 46 P IU N D E R S T A N D N I T E L N

53 N D 54 S M 49 N P R A Y E DH I S 52 B W R S K L L A

N 57 E 56 F M T 57 E A G L E SG E N T I L E S A M C 58 E

B A R O 61 E N D U R E W 64 63 OE S E A S O N S D S S H A K E NL E T Y D 70 I T S 69 X E



The Covenant


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P.O. Box 2066Richmond, IN 47375-2066



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