06/06/2022 Central Union Church of Christ, 3202 Westcliff Rd #100 Killeen Texas 76543 www.cucockilleen.org 1 Patience Discipleship Series Wednesday Night Study Series Lesson Author K.Brady


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Page 1: Patience



Discipleship Series

Wednesday Night

Study SeriesLesson Author K.Brady

Page 2: Patience



Patience..What is It? A Fruit of the Spirit?Why Add it to your Faith?Trials builds PatienceYou Win when you Wait?Patience is needed for Others…

Topics below to be discussed (02/15/12)

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3Central Union Church of Christ, 3202 Westcliff Rd #100 Killeen Texas 76543 www.cucockilleen.org

Patience It is more than passive waiting or gentle tolerance Which means “Enduring”, “Forbearing”, “Longsuffering” Word Occurrence - Found 33 times in the Bible In a Nutshell Patience is “Endurance”, “Forbearance”

and “Moderation”

Webster Defines Patience as bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint (other) manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain


Page 4: Patience

4Central Union Church of Christ, 3202 Westcliff Rd #100 Killeen Texas 76543 www.cucockilleen.org

Fruit of the Spirit? Patience is a Fruit of the Spirit

Gal 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, “longsuffering”, gentleness, goodness, faith, The word “Longsuffering comes from the same Greek word used for Patience in “makrothumia” G3115) to longanimity, that is, (objectively) forbearance or (subjectively) fortitude: - longsuffering, patience….(Also Used in James 5:10)


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5Central Union Church of Christ, 3202 Westcliff Rd #100 Killeen Texas 76543 www.cucockilleen.org

Why Add it to Your Faith?


Children of God need to run the spiritual race with forbearance and endurance. Adding patience reveals our faith in God’s timing, omnipotence, and love.

Is Patient a learned spirit?


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6Central Union Church of Christ, 3202 Westcliff Rd #100 Killeen Texas 76543 www.cucockilleen.org

Trials Builds Patience


James chap 1:3 gives us a vivid example of how trials can makes us stronger through patience. The “trying of our Faith, worketh patience”. This in turn will perfect our faith when our storms, trials, temptations and challenges will come and will NOT go away overnight.

The word patience in this text originates from a Greek word called “hupomone”:

which means enduring (waiting). This will build patience in us as we learn how to endure through the rough waters of Life.

Read Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Read 2Th 3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

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7Central Union Church of Christ, 3202 Westcliff Rd #100 Killeen Texas 76543 www.cucockilleen.org

You WIN when you Wait?


How Can we win when we wait on the Lord?

God will always deliver his children in due time. Psa 27:14 “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. “

We Will reap the ultimate prize, eternal life if we just hold to the promises of the Lord…Read James 5:7-8

Those in the Bible who Waited..(Good Examples)James 5:10-1 (The Prophets, Job, Abraham Waited)

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04/08/2023Central Union Church of Christ, 3202 Westcliff Rd #100 Killeen Texas 76543 www.cucockilleen.org


Patience Lesson End


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