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Church in the Classroom

The Anti-intellectualismBy: Jeff Washington


Public schools must appeal to children from all walks of life.

Public schools are obligated to teach current facts and theories.

The voucher system is faulty.


Fact of Evolution (EV): Organisms changing generation to generation. This happens.

Theory of EV.: All organisms today can be explained through the fact of evolution.

Theory of Intelligent Design (ID): Certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Voucher program: A student in a poor preforming public school would be allowed to use his tuition (tax money) at a private institution.

Theory of Evolution

Is just a theory

Is backed up by over one hundred years of studies and observations.

Has gone through dozens of revisions, resulting in a more defined and accurate truth.

Intelligent Design

Not even a hypothesis.

Is not backed up by any amount of studies or observations.

Is simply not science because it is not testable but the methods of science.


The First Amendment (1791):Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof


Lemon Test (court ruling on religion): 1. The government's action must have a secular legislative purpose; 2. The government's action must not have the primary effect of either advancing or inhibiting religion; 3. The government's action must not result in an "excessive government entanglement" with religion.

ID is a religious movement

"This isn't really, and never has been, a debate about science," said the [Biola] conference's prime mover, law professor Phillip Johnson of the University of California at Berkeley. "It's about religion."[Jay Grelen, "Witnesses for the Prosecution, World, 11-30-96, (11)26]

Even if. . .

There is virtually no published research supporting ID.

ID is rejected by nearly all experts in the relevant areas of science.

In no other area of science do the schools teach something with so little support among scientists.

Warning: Caution

1995 - Alabama - "This textbook discusses evolution, a controversial theoryNo one was present when life first appeared on earth. Therefore, any statement about life's origins should be considered as theory, not fact."

1997 - Texas - BOE proposed replacing all biology textbooks with new ones that did not mention evolution.

2000 - Oklahoma disclaimer- similar to Alabama's

2001 - Mattoon, IL - school board rejects textbooks because of evolutionary content (later reversed)

2001 Cobb County, GA: disclaimers in HS biology and middle school science texts (later deemed unconstitutional)

Short Comings

No concise definition of what is meant by "design.

No consensus on who the "designer is.

No position on when, or how many times, the designer acted.

No position on the age of the Earth

No position on common ancestry. Did evolution occur, with the designer just inserting complex structures and pathways?

The Voucher System

Students in poor preforming schools would be allowed to take their tuition to a private school, including religiously active schools.

Paying for indoctrination.


Educate yourself and others.

Join a pro-separation group.

Contribute to the pro-separation movement.

Attend School Board meetings.

Write to legislators, everywhere!
