Three years ago our giving campaign Theme was “See the Possibilities” And the quote we thought spoke to our situation so well was Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass… it is about getting out there and dancing in the rain. and we did

Saint Alban's Episcopal Church - Visioning for 2014

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Page 1: Saint Alban's Episcopal Church - Visioning for 2014

Three years ago our giving campaign Theme was

“See the Possibilities”

And the quote we thought spoke to our situation so well was

“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass… it is about getting out there and dancing in the rain.

…and we did

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The letter in our Stewardship packet for 2011

reminded us that

“It is time to See the Possibilities as our tree grows toward maturity, putting out strong branches filled with fruit. Mother Melanie has guided us to plant our orchard in a way that will sustain growth. God calls us to share the fruits as we build God’s Kingdom and welcome others to join us in our physical and spiritual journey. The work we feel called to do requires everyone’s continuing and expanding support.

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And now the theme

that has been brought to us for 2014 is:

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We are being challenged not only to grow in our Faith—but also to thrive—to flourish-- in

the abundance of God’s riches.

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That the fruit which is produced might nourish the

hungry, and the weary might find shelter beneath

her boughs.

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We look to where we have been:

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Two Years ago we saw some growth

2009 2010 20110



5160 67





Average Sunday Attendance MembersEaster

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And we IMAGINED doubling our original


2009 2010 2011 Double0



5160 67







ASA Members Easter

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What did we Experience?

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In 2012 we saw

2009 2010 2011 20120



51 60 67 7591




133150 158

Average Sunday Attendance MembersEaster

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And we thought “Double may be sooner than we think”

2009 2010 2011 2012 Double0



5160 67






133150 158


ASA Members Easter

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We wondered…

Was it imagination?

Or inspiration?

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And what was next?

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We speculated that

if God was calling us to new things

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God would also equip us to do them…

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and we took a bold step…

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We set our sights high…

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We raised our pledged giving from $105,000 to $150,000

The Vestry passed a $190,000 budget

And committed up to $30,000 of the $63,000 from our reserves and Future fund…

To be INVESTED in…

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…the Future

of our Parish

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We brought Mthr Melanie up to Full Time

We paid cost-of-living increases to our staff for the first time

We invested more in our children’s ministries

We invested in Social Media development

We invested in professional financial management support

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So, were they wise Investments?

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Well, we saw this

2009 2010 2011 2012 20130






51 60 67 759291





133150 158


ASA Members Easter

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And we saw that…

Average attendance grew to 92—

It is likely to pass 100 by the end of the year

Membership grew to over 200

Numbers of children increased to nearly 30

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Active youth membership doubled to 8

The College Ministry began to thrive, with Young Adults active in weekly meetings, Sunday morning worship and Inquirers classes

We have rejoiced in the baptism of an older child and an adult

We have witnessed the Confirmation or formal Reception of 12 new members so far this year, and others are waiting for the next Bishop’s visit

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And In Outreach and Mission we were able to

send 12 youth on a life changing Mission Trip—building and repairing homes for those in need

Serve meals to the hungry at the Arlington Life Shelter

Provide uniforms for children at a lower income school

Sponsor 10 high achieving, low income children for Academic summer camps

In conjunction with the AISD and Salvation Army, help provide a free day camp for about 50 homeless children, using performance training to enhance self-esteem, learn teamwork, etc. 

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And the list goes on…

As we seek ways to share the $15,000 that was earmarked for Outreach

An intentional tithe of our $150,000 pledged giving

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Since our life at Theater Arlington


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Annual Budgets and Pledges

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


0 108000 122000 105000 150000

total bud-get

72000 116000 129000 135000 190000





Annual Budgets


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Annual Income and Expense

2009 2010 2011 2012 YTD

total In-come

87000 124000 138000 130000 103000

total Ex-pense

63000 116000 125000 138000 123000






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Pledge-Income, Budget-Expense

2009 2010 2011 2012 YTD 2013


0 108000 122000 105000 100000

total In-come

87000 124000 138000 130000 103000

total bud-get

72000 116000 129000 135000 127000

total Ex-pense

63000 116000 125000 138000 123000






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Households Active and Pledging

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 YTD

active 65 69 75 80 85 92

pledging 0 44 42 42 46 53










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Details on Debts and Reserves

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We have NO current Debts

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Reserves have fluctuated

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Undesignated and/or “Future Funds”

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

at years end

26000 44000 60000 68000 63000 33000





Reserves at year end


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So that is where we are to date financially.

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In 2013 we end the year with 53 of our 92 households pledging.

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That is about 57% of our active membership

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So, what new things is God planning to do among us this next year?

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You have given some great ideas at the Cottage Meetings!

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What budget will it take to bring those things into being?

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And how is God calling YOU to be a part of his provisions…

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To help one another…

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