SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE Is life on this earth a purposeless accident? Is life a result of a cosmic chance as claimed by so-called scientists? Whether all wonders, beauty, and order in the universe, is merely: an accident? Where do we come from? Where do we go? What is the purpose of this life? What is the answer for all these Questions? The answer is creation has a creator, as design in the universe implies a designer. Atheists, skeptics, & Gnostics who always talk what they do not know, engage in idle babble, collect information falsely & call their knowledge as rational knowledge. They are proud knowing nothing, but are obsessed with disputes & arguments over words. They deceive their own hearts by a strong delusion & believe false as truth & truth as false. BIBLE says that, “BECAUSE THE FOOLISHNESS OF GOD IS WISER THAN MEN AND THE WEAKNESS OF GOD IS STRONGER THAN MEN. FOR YOU SEE YOUR CALLING, BRETHERN, THAT NOT MANY WISE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, NOT MANY MIGHTY, NOT MANY NOBLE, ARE CALLED. BUT GOD HAS CHOSEN THE FOOLISH THINGS OF THE WORLD TO PUT TO SHAME THE WISE AND GOD HAS CHOSEN THE WEAK THINGS OF THE WORLD TO PUT TO SHAME THE THINGS WHICH ARE MIGHTY”.(1cor 1:25.) 1

Scientific truth

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Is life on this earth a purposeless accident? Is life a result of a cosmic chance as claimed by so-called scientists? Whether all wonders, beauty, and order in the universe, is merely: an accident? Where do we come from? Where do we go? What is the purpose of this life? What is the answer for all these Questions? The answer is creation has a creator, as design in the universe implies a designer. Atheists, skeptics, & Gnostics who always talk what they do not know, engage in idle babble, collect information falsely & call their knowledge as rational knowledge. They are proud knowing nothing, but are obsessed with disputes & arguments over words. They deceive their own hearts by a strong delusion & believe false as truth & truth as false.


The psalm 19:1 of the BIBLE states that “HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF GOD, AND THE FIRMAMENT SHOWS HIS HANDY WORK”. In Genesis 1:1-25, we read that how God created everything in the heavens and on earth. In genesis 1:26-27, we read that, “THEN GOD SAID, LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR OWN IMAGE, ACCORDING TO OUR OWN LIKENESS”.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. These are the very first words of the BIBLE, which tells us of the beginning of the heavens and the earth. God who created them in the beginning means that he existed before the beginning and that the world, the heavens, the earth and everything in them were created by him. The mysteries, miracles, wonders, and secrets of the universe wrested in the bosom of God alone and he through the BIBLE gave all the answers to his men doubts and questions arising out, in every field of human enquiry.


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Some believe that the universe is a result of some inexplicable and unknown chance of combination of interacting forces. They honestly believe that billions of years ago there was a great explosion called big bang in the space that resulted in the formation of our universe. By finding the Age of Aquarius, astronomers say that the universe is 6 billions years old. Now where is that clock or what is that clock or what was that time machine: from which they measured that time?

How absurd it is to believe some thing like that! We have heard of many explosions, and might have witnessed some. What do they produce? Do they produce beauty, design, order, or creation? They do not create or build anything, but they destroy everything. How can one get a printed newspaper, high lighting that day’s events, resulting out of a bomb explosion in the newspaper press? Are we to believe that an explosion organized letters, columns, spaces, and that set the power on to print the news paper high lighting that days events, like politics, sports, pictures and etc? Are we to believe in these scientists who take advantage, that universe cannot talk and it has no date stamp? Can scientists say any thing they like?

If the big bang theory of Hoyle, 1949 is true, why the moons of Neptune and Uranus roil retrograde? Why the cosmic dust on our moon’s surface is only a half an inch? Scientists had calculated that our moon would receive an inch of cosmic dust every 10,000 years. But when men landed on moon their boot did not go half an inch inside even. C14, Carbon dating test can date substances only up to 2000 years.

Now the scientists claim that they can date substances up to 7, 14,000 years by using Al 26 dating test. If as per scientists earth is billions of years old, why is Globe warming? Why so many rivers are drying? Why ice in North Pole is melting away and grass is growing? Why ice and snow have reduced on mountain tops, which is the source and origin of many rivers in this world? As per BIBLE our universe was created in 6 days, 6000 years ago. BIBLE speaks of creation of our earth (Gen 1:1), and destruction of our earth too (Isa 34:4, 2Ptr 3:10).


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The universe has purpose and design. There is beauty and order in it. How can life evolve from non-life? Can something come out of nothing? How wonderful it is to know and to believe that in the beginning there was God, who had always existed and that the eternal God, the creator of heaven and earth and whatsoever, that are in them.

The earth spins itself to give day and night, tilted itself, so that we get seasons. As per bible, the biosphere owes its existence to God’s act of creation. The biosphere is defined as part of envelope surrounding the earth in which the life thrives and survives. Man like all other living creature, is a product of that, biosphere, which God created on the very first day.

There are naturalists and evolutionists, who believe in what is called “a continuous creation”. Of course, by this they do not mean that something was made out of nothing, but rather, something shapely things, were made out of shapeless things. But this theory of continuous and progressive creation presupposes that each state of material world was preceded by a previous state. There must be a beginning, but what was that in the beginning? Where did that come from? How and when did that start evolving? They say that man evolved from Anthropoid Ape and Anthropoid Ape from Ape and Ape from Buban and Buban from Chimpanzee and Chimpanzee from Monkey, which had evolved from another lower state, and that from another lower state, and that from another and that from another.

But the question is where did that first one come from, which the process of evolution began? Why Ape is still an Ape? Why monkey is still a monkey? Why monkey has not changed into something else? Why Ape or monkey could not talk or converse, while parrot and mina could talk like man. And why is man still a man, who was supposedly evolved from a state of monkey? Why is man not evolving into another being? HAS EVOLUTION COME TO AN END?

If man has evolved from lower species, why man does not start life like lower species? Birds start to fly the moment it comes out of egg. Reptiles start hunting its prey the moment it comes out of egg. Why not man, if he


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has come from lower specie? As per scientists, life and mankind has been there from billions of years, then why there are no traces of evolution to next higher specie? Scientists now claim that man has evolved into intelligent specie. If that is true why scientist’s children are not scientists, musician’s children are not musicians and genius children are not genius? What is an answer for all these, by these self-styled so-called evolutionists?

Why man and woman are still male and female? Why man cannot be a woman and woman a man? Why father has to be a husband and woman a wife? Why man cannot be a wife and a woman a husband? Darwin to convince the world and to become great had put all kinds of misleading questions. Example: Why giraffe has long neck? Why frog’s back legs are longer than front legs? Why man lost the tail? Why mammary glands are there in between legs in a cow or buffalo, while in man it is between shoulders? Why canines have long mammary glands stretching from hind legs to fore legs?

Evolution theory is nonsense, however sophisticated it might appear in dress. The desire of these evolutionists, and the naturalists, is to explain the world without God and to use man as mere animal of labor. It is interesting to note animals have no idea of God at all. Persons who accept evolution theory have to accept themselves as animals and have to be atheists like animals. One cannot accept to Darwin’s conclusion and idea of God both, since they contradict each other. But most people, who accept Darwin’s theory of evolution, also accept to idea of God who thinks he influences daily life. These people neither know message of Darwin’s theory nor about God. They try to sail in two boats, with one leg in atheistic Darwin’s theory and other leg in theistic religion. Theory of evolution is destructive and it later became the foundation of Inhuman Communism, Nazism, fascism and capitalism, to treat divine man as an animal and justify use him as mere animal. Hitler was the one who greeted Darwin’s theory of evolution. Quoting Darwin he hailed that the German Aryans as racially superior and annihilated 6 million Jews as racially inferior. Today it is proved beyond doubt that Jews are fore runners in all fields of human enquiry, be it military or science or technology or medicine. Darwin’s theory has more questions than


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answers. Darwin’s theory is ridiculous and it was accepted during the industrial revolution

Today science has opened up large dimensions of reason and thus brought us new insights. But in the joy at the extent of its discoveries, it tends to take away from us dimensions of reason that we still need. Today scientists denounce evolution theory. BIBLE is historical and scientific, greater than any book in existence. It is God’s book and his word. It has been spark, which has promoted numerous scientific advances. Speaking in the realm of sciences, even though BIBLE is not a book of science, it does deal with scientific principles that have been proved correct. True science and BIBLE agree, and do not conflict. Many of the scientific truths that have been discovered only in recent times were written in the BIBLE several thousand years ago. Many Jewish and Christian scientists attribute their source of scientific knowledge to the BIBLE. Science and technology is native and the natural born children of Christians and Jews alone. BIBLE makes Christian and Jewish scientists feel, that they are not alone, that is why all inventions have come from them alone.

Spiritually, the BIBLE contains the word of God, the will of God, and his mind through the scripture to man. BIBLE is the greatest book ever to be delivered into the human hands. It is a book of the books, shinning gem of the ages, and inexhaustible. It has done more to change the course of human events than any other book ever printed. It is bromide of life and an x-ray of truth. It gives comfort to the dying and a compass to the living. Some of the authors were shepherds, some were kings, some were of great education, others men of formal education. Yet all wrote in such a harmony and unity that not a single contradiction has ever been found in their teachings.

When scientists are asked to explain the destiny of galaxies, they answer that they will all be slowly be eliminated in millions of years. When asked about the destiny of man, they answer that man probably will have to leave this earth and find another civilization in another planet. When asked whether life is there on any other planet, they say that they are to be probed. Believing in these scientists, governments are spending


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billions of dollars, tax payers’ money, and sending manned and unmanned space crafts to nook and corner of our solar system.

For thousands of years men had believed that the earth was flat and that the ship went too far off to sea, fall off the edge and are destroyed. Today we laugh at such a theory. Yet this belief was widely accepted throughout the world, as late as the days of Columbus, the year A.D.1492. It was not until Magellan first sailed around the world on ocean in A.D. 1522 that the earth roundness and that all the oceans are together was proved. As we go back to the scripture, Moses wrote in his book of Genesis that, “THEN GOD SAID, LET ALL OCEANS ON EARTH UNDER THE HEAVENS BE GATHERED TOGETHER INTO ONE PLACE AND LET DRY LAND APPEAR, AND IT WAS SO” (Gen 1:9F).

Magellan had faith in the BIBLE and took the voyage on sea, believing that the BIBLE as truth and infallible. Magellan after the voyage came to the conclusion that earth is round and all the seas are together, but not the lands or mountains. Moses never went around the globe on sea. Then who revealed him to write this astounding fact?

The first ship launched by Americans was in San Francisco in 1919. The ship was built on the laws of buoyancy. It was rock stable having perfect meta-center and its dimension was 300 ft X 50 ft X 30 ft. As we go back to the BIBLE, the first ship Noah built as per God’s commandment was 300 cubits X 50 cubits X 30 cubits. (Gen 6:13-22). Noah was no Mariner. Was it God’s purpose that after revealing that all the seas are together, that man should have a world wide voyage by the seas?

Along side, as we turn back through the BIBLE, to the prophets, Isaiah 40:22, we read that, “IT IS HE WHO SITS ABOVE THE CIRCLE OF EARTH”, meaning earth as round. Moses lived in 3850 B.C.E. and Isaiah lived in 2350 B.C.E. Again in (proverbs 8:27), we read that, “WHEN HE PREPARED THE HEAVENS, I WAS THERE, WHEN HE DREW A CIRCLE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH”. Who could have revealed them to write all these truths several centuries ago?


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Another example of BIBLE, which deals with is, the universal law of gravitation: For centuries it was believed that earth was held in a place by some great support on its outside. As Magellan sailed around, however he discovered nothing visible holds it in place. Thousands of years before this fact was accepted by the scientific world, Job in his book (Job 26:7), declared that “GOD STRECHED OUT THE NORTH OVER AN EMPTY SPACE, AND HE HANGS THE EARTH ON NOTHING”. Job was a shepherd and who gave him this kind of astounding astronomical knowledge? His book is full of astronomy having cosmic values. Till 16th century A.D., mankind had believed that Atlas, a Greek god, had carried the earth on his back.

The coming of Jesus will be in the day–and in the night. In the passage 2 activities are in the night and 2 in the day. There is only one coming spoken of. At any given time part of the earth is covered by darkness and the other part by light. One half of the world has night, while other has day, at the same time (Luke17: 34-36). Who reveled this to this gentile doctor?

Later scientists also discovered that in the northern region there is a vast empty space, in which even most powerful telescopes have not been able to locate any celestial bodies. In every other direction, stars can be found. Prophet Job in his book wrote about star constellations visible during different seasons, which is valid even today. Job was a shepherd and did not go out of his own village. Who revealed him to write these terrestrial truths? Job was not an astronomer and there were no telescopes those days.

Noble Laureate, William Fountain Murray, an admiral in the navy, “the path finder of the sea” and “the founder of science of oceanography”, was a firm believer of the BIBLE. Before Murray lived there were no charts of the sea and sailing lanes. One day he was ill, and he asked his son to read psalms. His attention became ever increasingly more and more, when his son read the (psalm 8:4), which read, “THE BIRDS OF THE AIR AND FISH OF THE SEA, THAT PASS THROUGH THE PATHS OF THE SEA”. Murray got the clue from the BIBLE and his unfinished work on oceanography was completed, and they are followed by sailors for the


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safety and smooth sailing of marine’s and sub-marines today. King David by inspiration wrote in psalms 3000 years earlier.

The law of celestial universe is that whatever that takes birth, grows and dies and there is no exception to anything in this universe, be it plant life, animal life or celestial bodies. Everything in this world has entropy and everything comes to an end.Even astronomers say that stars which are born too perish some day by burning up. The dead star becomes a black hole and swallows up the neighboring living stars. They also say that our solar system together with earth also get burnt up some day. BIBLE in (2 peter 3:10), says “BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL COME AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, IN WHICH HEAVENS WILL PASS AWAY WITH A GREAT NOISE, AND THE ELEMENTS WILL MELT WITH FERVENT HEAT: BOTH THE EARTH AND THE WORKS THAT ARE IN IT WILL BE BURNTUP”.

The prophesy made by Peter 2000 years ago are coming true as we are witnessing the disappearance of snow on mountain tops, rivers drying up one by one, polar animals migrating or dying and the globe is warming. Who revealed this knowledge to this poor Galilean fisherman? Was Peter an astronomer?

There is scientific fore knowledge on eclipses too. Till 18th century it was thought that shadow planets would swallow up Sun and Moon causing Eclipses. But GOD had revealed to Isaiah, the terrestrial truth several centuries ago. He wrote in his book that, “THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED IN ITS GOING FORTH; AND THE MOON WILL NOT CAUSE ITS LIGHT TO SHINE” (Isa13:10) meaning that moon would come in between the earth and sun, hence no light from the Sun to the earth, which is called total solar eclipse. How did Isaiah know about law of celestial mechanics, and who revealed it to him? Even Sun Dial was in the use for the astronomical predictions wayback in prophet Isaiah times(Isa 38:8).

Herbert Spencer, a known fashionable atheist once declared that science offers 5 basic principles for universal stability, as time, space, matter, force and motion. The first verse of BIBLE reveals these five principles. Gen 1:1, “IN THE BEGINNING (TIME), GOD CREATED HEAVENS (SPACE), AND THE EARTH (MATTER), AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD (FORCE), WAS


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HOVERING OVER THE FACE OF THE WATERS (MOTION)”. Everything Herbert Spencer had said had already been revealed several thousand years ago by Moses in his very first book: Genesis.

Another latest discovery by Albert Einstein in the modern physics is about the fate of space, time, matter and motion in 4th dimensional space. Here Einstein talks about shrinkage of time with respect to space. No matter: no space, no time and no vector dimensions. Whatever Albert Einstein said and stated in his famous theory of relativity can be found in (2 ptr 3:8), which says, “BUT, BELOVED, DONOT FORGET THIS ONE THING, THAT WITH THE LORD ONE DAY IS AS A THOUSAND YEARS, AND A THOUSAND YEARS AS ONE DAY”. How did Peter know that the day of the earth and the day of the universe were different? How did he even know about the shrinkage of time in space in this universe? Peter was a Galilean fisherman lived his life in a remote corner of this world.

To-day, there is no one who does not know about Radio and T.V: the entertaining gadgets. Both radio and T.V. works on the principles of electro-magnetism: a transmitter and a receiver gadget. As we return to the BIBLE in the book of Job 38:19-35, says that, “WHERE IS THE WAY TO THE DWELLING OF LIGHT? AND DARKNESS, WHERE IS ITS PLACE? CAN YOU SEND OUT LIGHTNINGS, THAT THEY MAY GO? AND SAY TO YOU, “HERE WE ARE!” Yes: Whatever Hertz, Marconi and Baird had laid down the theory and principles of transmission of electrical waves are already there in the book of Job. Job was an ordinary wayside shepherd had no schooling and did not go out of Israel. Who revealed him to write these principles of electronics?

The latest talk today in astronomy is about BLACK HOLE. It was discovered by Dr. Chandrashekar, for which he was given the nobel prize. He revealed that black hole (a dying star) swalows up the living stars, to keep itself alive from dying. For the Bible writers, this black hole was not any thing new. As we turn to the pages of bible, under the book of Jude (1:13) states that “raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars fror whom is reserved the black ness for ever”. Was Jude an astronomer? Who revealed him this astounding knowledge?


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Till 16th century mankind did not know as how moon shines in the night. But as we go to BIBLE, Matt 24:29-31, Lk 21: 25-28, and Mk 13: 24, it is clear that moon shines at the cost of the Sun. Who revealed this to the four gospel writers?

Atheists in their boastful bravado deny these truths. Apostle James the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ wrote in his canonical epistle (Jms 2:19), “AN ATHEIST DENIES, BUT DEVIL ADMITS”. Atheists complain that they cannot see him, and can’t prove him in the laboratories, or even see him through the telescopes. Atheists are weak, but their avarice is hard to satisfy. They are like moth seeking a wick light of the evening than broad daylight. They climb a molehill and claim that they have climbed a mountain hill. We know it is for a small fame and a cheap popularity. They are unwontedly educated beyond their brains. Their hearts are sick souls.

Doctors and nurses are different. Those in that profession are working with the most astounding organism of the world. Human body is a complex biological, pathological and physical machine with precision. The complexity of the body and marvelous works that it accomplishes ought to cause each of them to believe in divine creation. BIBLE reveals, that “BLOOD IS THE LIFE OF THE BODY” (Lev 17:11). Truly it is. Why people look for blood donors when they want to save the patient, because blood is the seat of body-life. It brings life giving iron and oxygen and carries away the life destroying waste products. It is rare to come across doctors and nurses, who are atheists.

God’s power and wisdom are displayed in nature. It is apparent that our universe is not limited to the physical realm and no doubt GOD is in control, which mortals cannot know. We do not want any human interpretation of GOD, because he who is born of earth talks about GOD at earth level. But atheists provoke questions, without certainty of any answer. They leave us at a point, when it is impossible for us to stop. Atheists try to find happiness in wine, woman, wealth, and fortune, but happiness cannot be found apart from GOD, and without him everything is meaningless.


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Man imitates God’s design and claims it as his own invention. Can man make an aircraft without it, looking like an eagle? Can man make a boat without, it looking like an external shell of Spathodia or donis reglia? Can man make a submarine without, it looking like a fish? These are only a few examples. God provides a proto type in nature for man to imitate and use it, because he loves him.


How the BIBLE writers knew about these things? Who revealed this super scientific knowledge? There is only one answer: - GOD REVEALED. Refusing to recognize his authority and follow his order, would take him to eternal condemnation.

What are the achievements of so-called scientists, whose fashion is atheism? Unchecked by any authority they have out grown to the extent of destroying the world with their useless inventions. Statesmen, progressive scientists, and doctors are warning of impending disaster by them. The late Albert Einstein said that, “there is no defense in science against the weapons which can destroy civilization”. Late John F Kennedy said that, “together we shall live or together we shall perish in its flame”. The great powers are facing their last moments.

Ours is an age of agnosticism and atheism, mixed with worst form of cynicism and self-hatred. The vast majority is skeptical of the existence of higher power called GOD. The BIBLE foretold this time of atheism on earth. The Old Testament prophets had foretold the exact time of God’s appearance on earth, yet people refused to believe in him. When he came, he was beaten, tortured, crucified, and killed. The ruler of the universe was judged and condemned to death. Of course GOD, the father resurrected him and took him back in to the heaven to judge the world now. All authority has been given to him now by the father. He is now


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sitting on the right hand side of the power. The Lord says in the BIBLE that, “Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool, Where is the house that you will build me? And where is the place of my rest?” (Isa 66:1).

New Testament reveals of his second coming. The BIBLE speaks of signs before all these things happen. Mankind has rejected the BIBLE and its teachings. Mankind has reached the end of rope. The further he goes, the more destructive he becomes. Mankind has no solutions. Any attempt to bring change in these men is like serpent to repent. The BIBLE reveals, as how God will intervene in the worldly affairs to save his believers, baptized, and saved in his name. Yes, Jesus saves us, with his hidden nature of compassion. Called or not called, Jesus Son of God will visit his people again. Because he lives, we also live. He will not leave us as orphans. And that is his promise to his beloved disciples. So let us pray for his second coming. The Christian and the Jewish cosmic vision of this world and its realities are above narrow world vision of the gentile pagans. Saints. AMEN.

Christianity took its birth, for saving mankind from eternal condemnation in Jerusalem, a smallest town in Israel. It became a spiritual conviction of Jewish Christians of Israel in spite of crucifixion. It became a national faith of Rome in spite of persecutions. It became a spiritual force of Europeans in spite of condemnation. It became world’s leading spiritualism (seekers of divine truth) amongst highly civilized people in spite of rejection and frequent attacks from the religionists.

It is practiced in all countries, and in all continents, and in all races of mankind. It is more universal than regional. Today it is faith of highly civilized people like Europeans and Americans, who produced great inventors, discoverers, doctors, scientists, technocrats, and what not. Are they fools or mad to accept Jesus Christ as their redeemer? THE SECRET OF ITS GROWTH IS PERSECUTION, REJECTION AND CONDEMNATION BY OTHER RADICAL RELIGIONS. This vindicates the mighty hand of Christ working amongst his people and in his nations (Psalm: 112).


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Christians do not have any festival related or linked to the new moon or full moon (Gal 4: 9-12, Col 2: 14-17). They have no dress codes or external logos or religious uniforms to impress their fellowmen or others. Christianity is not a religion, but a spiritual way of life. Jesus represents Christians and all Christian nations. They have unquenchable thirst for freedom of people, all races, and all nations. All moderate people appreciate Christianity of their enlightened moderation.

They are always God-wards and heaven-wards rather than to seek life and luxury on earth. They are always calm in the world, which has gone bad, mad, hysterical, tyrannical and cynical. They are taught to have no enemies and they pray for their enemies. They are transparent and preach openly, fulfilling the liberal openness of Christ. They dislike, people taking religious laws into their own hands, on behalf of their religious convictions. They say it is immortal God’s business to judge and punish, and not the business of dying mortals.

Karl Marx wrote that, “Science and technology are the natural and native born children of Jews and Christians alone.” Many major fields of science were founded by the Christians. It is significant that the early pioneers in modern science were men of deep Christian faith. The scientists believed that “God declared that all he has created is good... therefore, God’s works are worthy of study.” The Christian faith aided the scientific approach of many of the original thinkers and shaped their scientific quest for truth. God gave the Christians the power and boldness of thought to tackle any problems in all fields of human enquiry.

Here below are stories and inventions of most eminent scientists.

Johnn Kepler was the founder of physical Astronomy. Kepler wrote, “ Since we, astronomers are priests of the highest God, in regard to the book of nature, it benefits us to be thoughtful, not of the glory of our minds, but rather, above all else, of the glory of God”.


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Robert Boyle is credited with being the father of modern chemistry. He was active in financially supporting the spread of message of Christ through missions and bible translations.

John Ray was the father of English natural history, considered the greatest zoologist and botanist of his day. He wrote a book titled, “The wisdom of God manifested in the works of creation”.

Isaac Newton, father of physics invented calculus, discovered the law of gravity and the law of motions, anticipated the law of energy conservation, developed the particle theory of light propagation and invented the reflecting telescope. He invented calculus. He firmly believed in Jesus Christ as his savior and the bible as the word of God and wrote many books on these subjects. He remained celibate as Disciples of Christ.

Carolus Linnaeus was the father of biological taxonomy. His system of classification is still in use today. One of his main goals in systemizing the verities of living creatures was an attempt to delineate the original genesis classification of the “kinds”. He firmly believed in the genesis account as literal history.

Micheal Faraday was one of the greatest physicists of all time, who developed fundamental concepts of electricity and magnetism, invented the electrical generator and made many contributions to the field of chemistry. He was active in the various ministries of the church, both in private and public and had abiding faith in the bible and in prayer.

Charles Babbage was the founder of computer science. He developed information storage and retrieval systems and used punch cards for instruction and data sets in automated industrial controls. He was a Christian with strong convictions and wrote an important book defending the bible and the miracles.

John Dolton was the father of atomic theory, which revolutionized chemistry. He was an orthodox, bible believing Christian.


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Matthew Mauray was the founder of oceanography. He beloved when psalms 8:8 talked about ‘paths in the sea’ and dedicated his life in charting such pathways in Atlantic and confirmed that seas did have paths. “The birds of the air follow the paths in the sea”.

James Simpson discovered Chloroform and laid the foundation for anesthesiology. He said that his motivation to conduct research, which led to the discovery, was fascination in the book of genesis with Adam’s deep sleep during the time in which Eve was fashioned from his side. He said that his biggest discovery was finding Jesus Christ as savior.

Gregor Mendel was the father of genetics. He had strong religious convictions and chose the life of a monk. He was a creationist and rejected Darwin’s ideas.

Luis Pasteur was the first virologist, who invented vaccine for rabies and later to small pox and measles. He was a pastor of a church. His love for Christ and love for mankind was beyond any one. He wanted to be martyred like Christ and his disciples.

Bernard Riemann developed concept of non-Euclidian geometry, which was used by Einstein in his development of the theory of relativity. He was a Christian with a desire to go into ministry, but his interest in mathematics side-tracked him. He apparently made several efforts to prove the validity of book of genesis, using mathematical principles.

Joseph Clerk Maxwell developed a comprehensive theoretical and mathematical frame work for electromagnetic theory. Maxwell rejected the theory of evolution and wrote that God’s command to man to subdue earth, found in the first chapter of genesis, provided the personnel motivation to him for perusing his scientific work. He acknowledged a personal faith in Jesus Christ as lord and savior.


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Joseph Lister founded antiseptic surgical methods. Lister’s contributions have perhaps led to more lives being saved through modern medicine. He wrote, “I am a believer in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity”.

William Mitchell Ramsay was among the greatest of all archeologists. He acquired “liberal’ theological beliefs during his days as a university student. However, as he began to make various archeological discoveries in Asia Minor, he began to see the archeology confirmed the accuracy of the bible and thus he became an ardent follower of Christianity.

Werner Von Braun was the father of space science. He wrote, “The vast mysteries of the universe should only confirm our belief in the certainty of its creator. I find it as difficult to under-stand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the existence of the universe, as it is to comprehend a theologian who would deny the advances of science.

The more that the science advances, it advances towards the bible. The more modern and latest finding, the more it approaches closer to the bible. What an awesome God we have! With all this, Christian scientists do not boast at their colossal discoveries and inventions. Many Jewish and Christian scientists attribute their source of scientific knowledge to the bible. Bible makes a Jewish or Christian scientists feel, that they are not alone, that is why all inventions and discoveries have come from them alone. God Jesus gave the Christians: boldness to tackle worldly problems.

Christianity is not a religion as people claim. Christianity means knowledge discoveries and inventions. God’s people means, absolute knowledge in every thing. A Christ follower means complete knowledge with an absolute power to change the world. Take physics and chemistry, it is full of only the Christian scientists. Take Engineering, it is only Christian scientists. Take medicine it is again only Christian scientists. Take any field; it is only but Christian scientists. Christians should own and defend their own men of inventions. Christians have no country barriers,


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because all are in Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ (Gal 3:28). All Christians are personnel property of Jesus Christ, since he has purchased us with his own blood (Acts 20:28) . Then why can’t Christians feel proud, when every invention has come from them alone, from paper to plane? Periyar wrote that, “However fanatical a religionist may be he does not resent changes. He does not give up the benefit of scientific progress made by the Christians. No one has gone to wilderness rejecting progress by way of science saying that it is unacceptable to god and religion”. Rationalists, scientists, and technocrats thought that the advancement in science and technology would remove the religions from the mind of entire mankind. Instead, priests and their religions are all the more using science and technology, hijacking its believers. They can not survive without science and its technology. Christian cosmic vision of the world and its realities are above narrow world vision of the gentile pagans.

The Bible and its commandments is the heart property of all Christians. So let our hearts, Praise Lord JESUS, king of kings and the lord of our universe, with our song voice of faith.

You cannot massacre an idea and you cannot run tankers over hope. R. Reagan.

In the words of Gamaliel, a Pharisee and a Sanhedrin member: “ And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this is the plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; But if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it-lest you even be found to fight against God” Acts 5:38-39.

While some books inform and others reform, only the BIBLE can transform----By Billy Graham.



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Acetylene Gas 1862 Berthelot France

Adhesive tape 1930 Richard Drew USA

Adding Machine 1642 Pascal France

Airplane 1903 Wright Brothers USA

Aero Jet engine 1939 Ohain Germany

Aerosol Spray 1926 Eric Rotheim Norway

Air Conditioning 1902 Carrier USA

Artificial Heart 1957 Willem Kolff Netherlands Atomic Bomb 1945 Robert Oppenheimer USA

Atomic Numbers 1913 Moseley Britain

Atomic Theory 1803 Dalton Britain

Atomic reactor 1942 Szilard Fermi USA

Automatic Rifle 1918 John Browning USA

Bakelite 1907 Leo H Baekeland Belgium

Ballistic Missiles 1944 Wemher Von Braun Germany

Balloon 1783 Joseph and Jacques France

Ball-point pen 1888 John J Loud USA

Barometer 1644 Evangelista Torricelli Italy

Battery 1800 Allesandro Volta Italy

Bicycle 1839-40 Kirkpatrick Macmillan Britain

Bicycle pneumatic tyres1888 John Boyd Dunlop Britain

Bifocal lenses 1780 Benjamin Franklin USA

Bleaching powder 1798 Tennant Britain

Bunsen burner 1855 R. Wilhelm Von Bunsen Germany

Burglar Alarm 1858 Edwin T Holmes USA

Calculus 1670 Isaac Newton Britain

Camera 1888 Walker Eastman USA

Canned food 1804 Appert France

Car (Steam) 1769 Nicolas Cugnol France

Car (Petrol) 1888 Karl Benz Germany

Carburetor 1876 Gottlieib Diamier Germany


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Cassette (audio) 1903 Phillips and co Holland

Cassette (Videotape) 1969 Sony Japan

Celluloid 1861 Alexander Parkes Britain

Cement (Portland) 1824 Joseph Aspdin Britain

Chemotherapy 1909 Ehrlich Germany

Chronometer 1735 John Harrison Britain

Cinema 1895 Nicolas and Lumiere France

Clock 1656 Christian Huygens Netherlands

Cloning DNA 1973 Boyer and Cohen USA

Cloning (Mammal) 1996 Wilmut et al UK

Compact disc 1972 RCA USA

CD player 1979 Sony and Phillips Japan,Netherl

Computer laptop 1987 Sinclair Britain

Computer, Mini 1960 Digital Corp USA

CT Scan 1973 Hounsfield Britain

Diesel Engine 1895 Rudolf Diesel Germany

Disc Brake 1902 Dr. F. Lanchester Britain

DNA Structure 1851 Crick, Wilkins, Watson UK, USA

Dynamo 1832 Hypolite Pixii France

Electric Iron 1882 H. W. Seely USA

Electric Lamp 1879 Thomas Alva Addison USA

Electric Motor (DC) 1873 Zenobe Gramme Belgium

Electric Motor (AC) 1888 Nikola Tesla USA

Electric Washing 1906 Alva J Fischer USA

Electro Magnet 1824 William Sturgeon Britain

Electron 1687 Thomson J Britain

Electroplating 1805 Luigi Brugnatelli Italy

Electronic Computer 1824 Dr Alan M Turing Britain

Facsimile Machine 1843 Alexander Bain Britain

Fiber Optics 1955 Kepany Britain

Fire Cracker 1874 Edgar Wallace Pataki Britain


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Floppy disc 1970 IBM USA

Freq. Modulation 1933 E.M. Armstrong USA

Fountain Pen 1884 Lewis E Waterman USA

Galvanometer 1834 Andre-Marie Ampere France

Glider 1853 Sir Gregory Cayley Britain

Gramophone 1878 Thomas Alva Addison Britain

Helicopter 1924 Etienne Oehmichen France

HIV 1984 Martagnier France

Holography 1947 Denis Gason Britain

Hydrogen Bomb 1952 Edward Teller USA

Jet Engine 1937 Sir Frank Whittle Britain

Laser 1960 Theodore Maiman USA

Lift 1852 Elisha G otis USA

Locomotive 1804 Richard Treviithick Britain

Logarithms 1614 Napier Britain

Loom, power 1785 E. Cartwright Britain

Loud speaker 1900 Horace Short Britain

Machine Gun 1718 Richard Gailing Britain

Matchbox 1826 John Walker Britain

Microphone 1876 Graham Bell USA

Microprocessor 1971 Robert & Gordon USA

Microscope 1590 Z Janssen Netherlands

Microwave oven 1947 Percy Spensor USA

Motor Cycle 1885 G. Diamler Germany

Movie projector 1893 Thomas Edison USA

MRI 1971 Damadian USA

Neon Lamp 1910 Georges Claude France

Neutron Bomb 1958 Samuel Cohen USA

Nylon 1937 Dr. Wallace USA

Paper A.D. 105 ----- China

Pacemaker 1952 Zoll USA


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Pasteurization 1867 Louis Pasteur France

Pencil 1792 Nicolas Conte France

Periodic table 1869 Mendeleyev Russia

Photocopier 1938 Carlson USA

Photoelectric cell 1893 Julius Elster Germany

Photo film 1893 Reichenbach Germany

Piano 1709 Cristofori Italy

Pistol 1836 Colt USA

Plutonium fission 1940 Kennedy, Seaborg et al USA

Popup toaster 1927 Charles Strite USA

Printing press 1455 Gutenberg Germany

Proton 1919 Rutherford N. Zealand

Quantum Theory 1900 Max Plank Germany

Radar 1922 A.H. Taylor & Young USA

Radiocarbon Dating 1947 Libby USA

Radio telegraphy 1864 Loomis USA

Radio telephony 1901 G. Marconi Italy

Rayon 1883 Sir Joseph swan Britain

Razor (Safety) 1895 King C Gillette USA

Razor (electric) 1931 Col Jacob Schick USA

Refrigerator 1850 Harrison & Alexander USA

Relativity 1905 Albert Einstein Germany

Rubber (Latex) 1928 Dunlop Britain

Rubber (Vulca) 1841 Good year USA

Safety Pin 1849 Walter Hunt USA

Sewing Machine 1891 Merritt singer Britain

Self Starter 1911 Kettering USA

Ship (steam) 1775 I.C. Perier France

Ship (turbine) 1894 Sir C Parsons Britain

Silk manufacture 50 B.C. ---- China

Slide rule 1621 William Oughtred Britain


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Spinning 1764 James Hargreaves Britain

Steam Engine 1765 James Watt Britain

Stainless Steel 1913 Harry Brearley Britain

Stethoscope 1819 Laennec French

Submarine 1776 David Bushnell USA

Telegraph code 1837 Samuel Morse USA

Telephone 1876 Alexander Graham Bell USA

Telescope 1608 Hans Lippershey Netherlands

Television 1926 John Logie Baird Britain

Transformer 1831 Micheal Faraday Britain

Transistor 1948 Bardeen et al USA

Vacuum Cleaner 1907 Spangler USA

Video tape 1956 Ginsberg USA

Washing Machine 1907 Hurley USA

Welding 1877 Elisha Thompson USA

X-ray 1895 Roentgen Germany

Zero B.C.E --------- Chinese, Maya

Zip Fastner 1891 W.L. Judson USA

Mile stones in Medicine by the Christians and their nations:-_________________________________________________

Invention Year Inventor Country

Adrenaline 1894 Oliver and Schafer Britain

Anesthesia (L) 1888 Koller Austria

Anesthesia (sp) 1898 Bier Germany

Anti-toxins (imu) 1890 Behring Germany

Aspirin 1889 Dreser Germany

Bacteria 1683 Leeuwenhock Netherlands

Biochemistry 1648 Baptista Belgium

Blood Bank 1940 Drew USA


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Blood tranfusion1625 Jean-baptiste France

Chemotherapy 1541 Paracelsus Switzerland

Chloroform 1847 James Simpson Britain

Chloromycetin 1947 Burkholder USA

Cholera and T.B 1877 Robert Kooch USA

Embryology 1792 Karl Bayer Estonia

Endocrinology 1902 Bayliss Britain

Test tube baby 1978 Edwards Britain

Gene therapy 1980 Martin Clive USA

Heart transplant 1967 Christian Barnard S. Africa

Kidney machine 1944 Kolf Netherlands

Leprosy bacillus 1873 Hansen Norway

LSD 1943 Hoffman Switzerland

Malaria germs 1880 Laveran France

Morphine 1805 Friderich Germany

Neurology 1758 Joseph Gall Germany

Open Heart surg 1953 Walton Lillehel USA

Oral contr pills 1955 Gregory pincus USA

Pencillin 1928 Alexander Fleming Britain

Physiology 1757 Albrecht Von Hailer Switzerland

Rabies Vaccine 1860 Louis Pasteur France

RecombinantDNA1972 Paul Berg USA

Reserpine 1949 Jal Vakil India

Rh Factor 1940 Karl Landsteiner USA

Serology 1884 Paul Ehrlich Germany

Sex Hormones 1910 Eugen Steinach Austria

Stethoscope 1819 Rene Laennec France

Streptomycin 1944 Selman Waksmann USA


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Synth.Antigens 1917 Landsteiner USA

Syringe 1853 Alexander wood Britain

Terramycin 1950 Finlay & others USA

Thyroxin 1919 Edward Calvin USA

Tomography 1978 Louis Sokoloff USA

Typhus Vaccine 1909 J. Nicolle France

Virology 1892 Ivanovski USSR

Allopathy 370BC Hippocrates Greece

Homeopathy 1914 Hanehmann Germany

Let every Christian heart and mind feel proud about the contribution made in the field of science and technology by their Christian community to the world. This was the promise of God to David in his Psalm 112: 9-10, “His heart is established; he will not be afraid, until he sees his desire upon his enemies. He has dispersed abroad, he has given to the poor, his righteousness endures forever; his horn will be exalted with honor. The wicked will see it and be grieved; he will gnash his teeth and melt away; the desire of the wicked shall perish. Christians are half brothers in solving worldly problems.

Christians and their Christian nations with their discoveries and inventions, coupled with their research institutes, hospitals and schools, and along side with their induction of democratic setup like army, police, judiciary and elections are the building blocks of modern civilized world----Christian voice.


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