Top 20 quotes from Mukesh Ambani View more at here: http://bestskills.net

Top 20 quotes from Mukesh Ambani

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Top 20 quotes from Mukesh Ambani

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Page 2: Top 20 quotes from Mukesh Ambani


Indian business magnate, Mukesh Ambani, has an

estimated net worth of $20.3 billion as of March 2015

according to Forbes. Despite dropping from the list of top

ten richest people in the world after losing $4.7 billion,

Mukesh Ambani is still the richest Indian in the world. He is

the chairman and managing director of the one of India’s

largest conglomerate, Reliance Industries Limited.

Source: Therichest.com

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Page 3: Top 20 quotes from Mukesh Ambani

Everybody has equal opportunity, and I think

that is true for everything.

Mukesh Ambani

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Page 4: Top 20 quotes from Mukesh Ambani

You have to manage money. Particularly with

market economies. You may have a great

product, but if your bottom line goes bust, then

that's it.

Mukesh Ambani

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I think that our fundamental belief is that for us

growth is a way of life and we have to grow at

all times.

Mukesh Ambani

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The organizational architecture is really that a

centipede walks on hundred legs and one or

two don't count. So if I lose one or two legs, the

process will go on, the organization will go on,

the growth will go on.

Mukesh Ambani

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I personally think that money can do very little.

And this has been my experience all across.

Mukesh Ambani

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All of us, in a sense, struggle continuously all

the time, because we never get what we want.

The important thing which I've really learned is

how do you not give up, because you never

succeed in the first attempt.

Mukesh Ambani

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China and India will, separately and together,

unleash an explosion of demand.

Mukesh Ambani

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I don't think that ambition should not be in the

dictionary of entrepreneurs. But our ambition

should be realistic. You have to realise that

you can't do everything.

Mukesh Ambani

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Essentially, whoever is successful, whoever is

going to do things that make a difference, is

going to be talked about.

Mukesh Ambani

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My big advantage was to have my father

accept me as first-generation.

Mukesh Ambani

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I am a big believer that technology shapes


Mukesh Ambani

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[Internet] the biggest discovery after printing


Mukesh Ambani

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Page 15: Top 20 quotes from Mukesh Ambani

Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of self-reliance can

be attained by making use of Internet and


Mukesh Ambani

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Broadband and digital services will no longer

be a luxury item - a scarce commodity - to be

rationed amongst the privileged few,

Mukesh Ambani

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Page 17: Top 20 quotes from Mukesh Ambani

My first memories are of the early '60s at mount road which

was then an emerging area. We were a close-knit family

and the four of us -- Dipti, Nina, Anil and I -- were left to do

what we wanted. There were boundaries, of course, but

within those, we were not micro-managed. Things have

changed so much now. When my kids, Isha and Akash,

were in the third standard, we behaved as though it was our


Mukesh Ambani

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Our own childhood was totally different. I

guess when you are left on your own, you find

your true potential. I remember my father

never came to our school even once.

Nevertheless, he was hugely interested in our

all-round development for which he did some

amazing things.

Mukesh Ambani

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A third track running at that time, apart from

academics and the fun stuff, was that my

father shared with me his passion for business

and entrepreneurship from very early on. Even

when I was in high school, I used to spend

long hours at office on weekends.

Mukesh Ambani

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Page 20: Top 20 quotes from Mukesh Ambani

So, these were the four components of my

upbringing -- the academic stuff where I was

left to myself, Mahendrabhai, my father's

passion for creating Reliance and the last

piece was his deep links with the family.

Mukesh Ambani

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And it has to be non-academic. It is easy to be

with your kids and say let's do homework

together. But we try to do things, beyond doing

lunches and dinners. I learnt that from my

father. He was a big nature lover and during

our school days, we went to different places

every Sunday -- we walked through the forest

or had a bath in streams.

Mukesh Ambani

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I have turned into a big nature fan as well....I

can afford it more today. These childhood

influences have shaped me into what I am


Mukesh Ambani

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