Dmitryi Nikolaevich Besov The founder and the first headmaster of football school “Smena”. Performed by Oksana Chava School 473 St. Petersburg

Dmitryi Nikolaevich Besov

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Page 1: Dmitryi Nikolaevich Besov

Dmitryi Nikolaevich Besov The founder and the first headmaster

of football school “Smena”. Performed by Oksana Chava

School 473 St. Petersburg

Page 2: Dmitryi Nikolaevich Besov

I’d like to tell about the person whom hundreds and hundreds of boys in our country will always be grateful for the opportunity to play football. This year D.N. Besov is 89.!He is a living legend in the history of football not only of Leningrad, St. Petersburg, the former Soviet Union, Russia but the whole world. Only due to his all-out efforts, high professionalism, self-devotion to football the construction of school in Vernosty street was chiefly completed by 1976.

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D. N. Besov recalls: “The Mass Media is not blowing the trumpets all over the world about us yet, but 700 Leningrad boys have already forgotten about backstreets, know nothing and care less about drugs, beer and cigarettes. They are taking hard and complex lessons of football skills to become winners in sport and life”.

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Dmitryi Nikolaevich was born into the family of doctors. He has been playing football all his life except for war years. When he became the chief coach after the war, he understood how many talented boys there were in Leningrad and he did his best to bring up champions.

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I hope, that one day my pupils on the one hand, and young footballers on the other hand, will glorify the sport school they are studying at and never will forget the man whose life was devoted to football.

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Bibliography: http://fc-zenit.ru/main/news/t/62916.html http://www.fc-zenit.ru/app/mods/info_stor

e/res/images/news.55444.545x410.jpg http://fc-zenit.ru/academy/academy_news

/acadnews/ct114/64744.html http://fc-zenit.ru/academy/photo/gl4717/ http://fc-zenit.ru/academy/photo/gl4717/