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Karate dirtying of the white belt

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Karate: The Dirtying Of A White Belt

They long journey of the training is not only blissful and blessed but of tears of

understanding of my inner soul. As a beginning student who knew that this is

what is was all about. I surely did not know this when I first start many many

years ago. Through my love of the arts of the peaceful warrior and the training

with so many great elders I have learned not only the art but about myself as a

person. I hope this lesson of the dirty white belt gives you an insight to your


I am going to talk about the ghost movements and the power unseen. These are

all available and apply through the practice of your katas, sparring, over all

training. This is to give you an insight of your training and meaning. I want you

to have question about this so go ask your instructors your questions. If you are

not fortunate to have a senior teacher you can contact me please. You are never

alone in your journey to dirty your white belt.

We live in harmony with the Universe. Harmony means to interact with the Glory and energy of the Universe. Breathing is important to keep this harmony. We breathe the Glory and energy of the Universe throughout our body. Glory and energy breathing is to activate and interchange with the Glory and energy of the Universe. This is the best way to activate your life power and keep your health.

To train in emptiness leads to awareness where one can sense blockages and

the flow of energy and also realize the nature of the heavens. My understanding

after forty years of experience, I have learned that all true strength arises from a

primordial, selfless void, and that this void can be gradually comprehended by

paying attention to the small, subtle movements of the body.

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Glory and energy and the body must be totally united. It is, especially in Martial

Arts, very important to fully understand the importance of right exhaling; the

exhaling together with a concentrated energy is the key to wholeness. I’ve

talked and written about the importance of correct breathing, now let’s say

some small words about concentration (NEi San He). Training in the capability to

concentrate makes us by time able to do just one thing at the time, but at the

same time be fully aware of our surroundings and what’s going on around us. In

the practice it is of outstanding importance to be able to concentrate our energy

on one particular point. In most fighting systems you have to concentrate on the

opponent’s eyes and breath or the area between or just above the eyes. With

this concentration we will be able to notice all the movements from our


The action of relaxation is a process which begins in stillness but must be

maintained during dynamic movement. Incorporating body mechanics refines

the way that we use the skeleton muscular system. Every technique uses a

series of muscles, contracting in the proper sequence, producing awareness at

the point of full extension and impact. Relaxation affects these movements in

several ways.

In combination techniques, the end of one technique is said to be the beginning of the next. In order to accomplish a seamless transition, we must understand the type of relationship that each technique has to the other and apply the proper body mechanics. Flow occurs when both techniques are essentially moving in the same direction. Releasing the focus of the first technique allows us to perform the second technique along the same line of motion. An example of this would be a reverse punch-front kick combination, where the front kick is launched immediately following the focus of the reverse punch; the energy for both techniques is flowing in the same direction.

To develop the Ghost moment of suri ashi or shinobi ari and many others one must understand the connection of the body and its breath. Everyday movement generally utilizes the skeleton muscular system to facilitate motion. At earlier stages of young students rely on this system to produce the gross movements of techniques, refining these movements through constant repetition. This practice greatly increases the speed and precision of technique,

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as well as the complexity of muscular use, but it has its physiological limits. In the muscular movements will miss the ghost moments of action. I learn that many are missing the understanding in a recent seminar I was giving. Once the center is found and maintained through breathing, relaxation, and posture, movement can then originate from this vital area. Techniques based on movement from the seika tanden have a unified, flowing, holistic quality which allows for efficient and effective development and transfer of power.

To use mind and body together, it is necessary to remember: your mind moves

your body. Before using your body, you should use your mind clearly first. By

doing this, you can use your mind and body together. By using breathing freely,

muscles and bones of limbs and trunk can be used minutely, and by using

groups of muscles controlling breathing, it becomes possible to express greater

power. Furthermore, by adjusting the breathing, the pulls and the actions of

inner organs, the nervous system including the brain, and the state of harmony ,

which all cannot be controlled consciously, can be influenced.

Your journey to dirty your while belt will lead to this understanding and

practice. Please I empower you to take your time and study, sweat, and be

patient. I shall be here and others on your journey to discover the way the Do

in karate.

Written by: Dr. Paul W Dyer PhD, Grandmaster Soke.

Owner of Dakota Dragon Defense, 3D System.