By Room 23

Our Swimming Recount Of Massey Park Pools 3

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By Room 23

On Monday the 8th of March, Room 23 and the seniors went to Massey Park Pools to swim in a competition to see

who could swim


First we lined up outside room 16 in the shade, so that we didn’t get burnt by the sun. We were only there a short while when Mr. McMillan told Room 23 that we were champions because our whole class was swimming. I felt so proud to be in this class!

The first thing we did when we got to Massey Park was to get changed. We had a race to see who could get out first. Meanwhile, Mrs. Smith was waiting to give us the swimming rules.

Next it was the boys turn and they did really well. Regan is such a fast swimmer and won lots of his races.

Here they are telling judge Neroli their names for their certificates.

Thanks for sharing your sunscreen Tyson, you saved us from getting burnt!

Finally, it was time for the flutter board races. We were sending in our mighty warriors from Room 23. I thought they looked pretty scary!


Finally it was time to get changed and walk back to school. Thank goodness Mrs. Smith had an Ice block waiting for us when we got back. You are the best Mrs. Smith!

What an awesome day. I really liked going to the pools but the best part was free time. I got to play and splash everyone. I can’t wait till next year’s Massey Pools event.