Indoor Cricket Facilities: Design Guidelines [TS7] ecb.co.uk

TS7 - Indoor Cricket Facilities Design Guidelines

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TS7 standard describes the requirements for tensioned nets designed for forming the enclosed Indoor Cricket court. In addition to Indoor Cricket the courts are used for playing small-sided football and a form of indoor netball.This Standard has been developed in conjunction with sports netting installers and following the physical testing of installations in existing Indoor Cricket Arenas affiliated to the England and Wales Indoor Cricket Board

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Indoor Cricket Facilities:Design Guidelines



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. Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Site location and external layout

3.0 Arena design

4.0 Sports courts

5.0 Building services engineering

6.0 References and bibliography

Appendix A show court

Appendix B arena configurations

Appendix C line markings

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01. Introduction

Indoor Cricket

Indoor Cricket is a fast-paced form of the game. Teams of either six or eight players can play competitively throughout the year. The intensity of the game generates an exciting environment with no threat of rain delays.

The game is played within a rectangular court enclosed on all sides and above by tensioned netting. Playing and fielding the ball off the surrounding nets is an integral part of the game which means the ball is always live, the game continuous and action-packed.

Indoor Cricket forms part of a multi-sport experience where players of all abilities can enjoy competitive and social team sport. Games can be played with mixed gender and mixed age teams and with year-round play is great for off-season practice, young player development, social leagues and corporate events. Each player bats, bowls and fields so is involved in all aspects of the game.

Indoor Cricket can be played as a social game between friends through to highly competitive local and national leagues and at international level. The World Indoor Cricket Federation organises a World Cup which takes place every two years.

For the purpose of this guide the tensioned nets where the game is played will be referred to as the ‘court’. The space accommodating one or more courts and any other sports will be described as the ‘sports courts’. The term ‘Arena’ will refer to all facilities that support the playing of Indoor Cricket, whether other sports and associated facilities are provided in addition to the courts or not.

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Role of the ECB

The game of Indoor Cricket has been incorporated into the global cricket family. In England and Wales the administration and governance of the game has, since 2010, been integrated into the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) in the form of ECB Indoor Cricket (ECBIC).

Indoor Cricket forms a part of the ECB’s wider goals for the development of the game of cricket, as set out in the Strategic Plan 2010-2013 Grounds to Play, which states that “Indoor Cricket facilities will be sought to provide an expansion of the Indoor Cricket programme”.

It is the ECB’s stated aim that equality should be at the core of the game’s expansion with the sport being delivered in a socially inclusive environment. Indoor Cricket presents an opportunity to provide further impetus to cricket’s broad cultural mix, increasing the number of women and girl players and encouraging the participation of disabled players.

In the context of Indoor Cricket, the needs of the widest range of players and spectators must be met not only through the design of Arenas but also through their operation and the delivery of the sport in a socially inclusive environment.

Is this guidance relevant to you?

This document is one of a series of technical guidance notes produced by the ECB. In contrast to the other technical specifications, which detail aspects of the conventional form of the game, this document addresses the issues affecting the development of Indoor Cricket facilities by the commercial sports sector. This document supports the development of new high quality facilities, and raising the standards of existing Arenas.

This document is concerned with the design of Indoor Cricket facilities. The guidance provides practical advice to operators and designers developing commercial Arenas where Indoor Cricket forms part of the portfolio of activities on offer. Though it cannot be thought of as a blueprint, because no two projects will be the same, consideration and resolution of the outlined issues could increase the chances of a project having a successful outcome.

The aspects of developing an Indoor Cricket facility addressed in this guidance include:

– Site location and external layout– Arena design– Sports courts– Building services engineering

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This should be read in conjunction with the associated document [TS7] Indoor Cricket Facilities: A Quick Guide to Getting the Business Started which describes the likely considerations for an Arena to be a financially viable proposition.

Suppliers and installers should refer to the Performance and Construction Standards for Tensioned Nets to be used for the game of Eight-a-Side Indoor Cricket and Performance and Construction Standards for Synthetic Sports Surfaces to be used for the game of Eight-a-Side Indoor Cricket which have been developed to accompany these documents.

Where an existing sports complex is expanded to include Indoor Cricket courts many of the issues covered in this document will already have been addressed and associated facilities already provided. Where a new Arena is developed and other sports facilities are provided in addition to the Indoor Cricket courts then guidance documents from the relevant national governing bodies and Sport England must be consulted.


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Bruce Cruse – ECB National Funding and Facilities Manager

Develops and administers grass roots designs and programmes within ECB’s remit and its capital expenditure.

gcp Chartered Architects

Architects with experience in the design of Indoor Cricket facilities and a wider range of sports facilities in the commercial, public and voluntary sectors.

Hulley & Kirkwood

Specialise in the design of mechanical and electrical services systems in all types of sports and leisure facilities.

Halcrow Yolles

Structural Engineering and CDM Co-ordination Consultants, experienced in all types of building structures with specific experience in designing sports and leisure facilities.

Ridge and Partners LLP

Cost consultants who have developed a good understanding of the specific costs required for an Indoor Cricket facility.

Labosport Ltd

Independent test laboratory specialising in the testing of sports surfaces. Member of British and European Standardisation Committees responsible for standards for sports surfaces.

This document has also been circulated for comment to Sport England, The Football Association and England Netball.

Who was involved in preparing this document


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Location, location, location

Where possible any new Arena should be located in a prominent and easily accessible place in order to best attract a variety of potential users and encourage participation.

There will be many factors that influence the eventual location, but when looking for a suitable site to build on, or an existing property to convert, the selection process should include the following considerations:

– proximity to target market and local catchment areas– visibility to potential users– ease of access by public transport, cyclists and

pedestrians– ease of access for motorists, and sufficient parking

provision– sufficient space for the facilities, and particularly in the

case of new buildings the scope for future expansion

For further information see Sport England guidance Active Design, available on the Sport England website.

Ideally the building should be clearly visible from the main road with prominent signage including the Arena name and facilities provided. Clear communication of the activities on offer will promote and encourage use. Signage from surrounding access routes will form part of the ECBIC affiliation requirements.

Well signposted approach to the Arena

02. Site location and external layout

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Access and parking

Access to the site should be obvious and easy for all users, whether approaching on foot, by bicycle or by car, with a well signposted access route and a clearly identifiable main entrance.

The type of patrons must be considered from the outset, and will include some or all of the following user groups: employees; regular players; casual visitors; organised or school groups; spectators; services and emergency vehicles.

The external layout is about more than the functional accommodation of vehicles in the car park. Its visual impact and effect on users should also be considered. A well-designed external environment providing safe, secure well-lit parking and footpaths, which minimise any conflict between vehicles and pedestrian routes, will enhance the overall appearance and appeal of the building. A well-lit approach from public transport routes and the car park will make the Arena a more appealing destination, particularly for women.

Prominent signage and identifiable entrance


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Provision should be made for:

– sufficient parking bays to suit the building occupancy– disabled parking bays that comply with the minimum

standards for disabled users and have unhindered access to the entrance

– drop-off point close to the entrance with, where possible, a covered assembly area for teams or groups

– secure covered bicycle storage and locking facilities close to the main entrance, ideally visible from reception

– access for service and emergency vehicles with adequate turning provision

– coach or mini-bus drop-off and separate parking if required

Proposals should be discussed with the local authority highway officer and in some instances a travel plan to limit the volume of car journeys will need to be prepared as part of the planning application.

Refer to Sport England guidance notes Car Park and Landscape Design and Accessible Sports Facilities for further information and Building Regulations Approved Document M and British Standard BS8300:2009 to satisfy disabled parking and access requirements.

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03. Arena design

Arena layout

Careful planning of the Arena’s accommodation is essential to ensure its success and integral to this is consideration of the Arena’s use and operation. How the building is to be used by visitors and staff must be thought about during the design phase.

The building should be easy to understand for existing and new users, with simple circulation and straightforward access to the sports courts. The Arena is not a sterile environment but should generate a sense of atmosphere and excitement on approach to the sports courts.

Visitor facilities should be sized to suit occupancy levels and patterns of use and, along with staffed areas, can be located to assist the management and running of the Arena, minimising staff levels.

Although no two facilities are the same, in addition to the actual playing environment, there are requirements common to all Arenas whether newly built or a conversion of an existing building. Layouts will vary considerably depending on the Arena size, the sports and other activities on offer as well as the business plan priorities.

Typical relationship of adjacent spaces within an Indoor Cricket Arena

Alternative relationship of adjacent spaces within an Indoor Cricket Arena

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Inclusive design is about creating places that everyone can use. Accordingly, the design of Indoor Cricket Arenas should consider how the facility is used from approach, to building entry, through to specific areas including reception, social spaces, changing rooms and the playing environment. All users must be able to access the tensioned net courts, with minimum circulation widths unobstructed by supports and fixings. Indoor Cricket Arenas might include facilities where specialist ‘sports wheelchairs’ are used and the dimensional requirements of these needs to be considered.

Refer to Sport England guidance notes Sports Halls Design and Layouts and Accessible Sports Facilities for further information regarding building design and management considerations.

Entrance, foyer and reception

The approach to the Arena is important not just in terms of access but the appearance of the building and the ease of identifying the main entrance. First impressions of the Arena will be formed before the visitor has even entered the building. The entrance must be clearly visible and welcoming, creating an attractive image that will encourage people to use the Arena.

An appealing and comfortable atmosphere will be created if the entrance foyer and reception area have a high ceiling, an open visible feel with natural lighting where possible. The look and feel of the Arena will be dictated by the choice of materials and decoration in this area.

The entrance foyer will act as the hub of the Arena and must be designed to cope with peak time numbers, with sufficient space for people to circulate, gather, read notices and for the reception to function. The game board displaying upcoming fixtures, and the posting of league tables will provide a focus of attention in the entrance foyer and should be located prominently enabling users to congregate. League standings and the fixture list will often be the focus of team rivalry and banter within the Arena.

Views of the sports courts should be provided from the entrance foyer to aid customer appeal and for ease of orientation, and to assist staff supervision. This will be the first point of contact with the activities on offer at the Arena.

Management decisions regarding access controls will impact upon the reception and foyer planning. Sport England describes the options as either a reception close to the point of entry, which has the advantage of close control over those entering the Arena, or an informal hotel type arrangement, which is a more relaxed and welcoming style of operation. These options will have different space requirements so the operating style of the Arena must be established at the outset.

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Upon entering the Arena the reception desk should be prominent and suitable for use by all visitors. Secure office accommodation should be adjacent to the reception desk for security and ease of staffing, ideally with an external window to provide natural light and more importantly views of the building approach. The size of the reception and office accommodation will depend upon the size of the Arena.

Bar / café / social area

A successful Arena is likely to include a bar or social area, which is not only a source of revenue but is also an important part of the social atmosphere associated with Indoor Cricket.

The Arena layout should locate the bar in or adjacent to the entrance foyer. This can enhance the initial welcoming atmosphere and, by leading players through the space en-route to and from the sports courts and changing rooms, will facilitate the Arena’s efforts to benefit from players’ secondary spend. When located adjacent to, or as part of the reception then staff numbers can be minimised, particularly during the less busy periods of the day.

To encourage players and spectators to stay after the game, the social area should be designed with décor comparable to that of equivalent successful high street venues with the same user profile. A food counter and kitchen may form part of the social facilities, but this will depend on the size

of the Arena, the programmed daily use and the user profile established in the business model.

Ideally, the sports courts should be visible, enhancing interest from the social area, and creating an informal opportunity to familiarise players with the other activities on offer. Providing social facilities on a viewing gallery is a popular model in the southern hemisphere that has not been entirely successful when transferred to this country. In addition to the initial cost of construction, there is a tendency for it to be hidden or remote from the main hub of activity. If it is not possible to accommodate the social area on the ground floor, or a conscious decision has been made to locate it on a viewing gallery, then the facilities should be visible from the foyer and benefit from a prominent stair and lift connection.

The nature of the game of Indoor Cricket, and the other sports on offer, enables team members and casual spectators to gather safely outside the tensioned net court, which unlike in a traditional sports hall enables the social area to spill out into the sports courts. Where this is the case it might be appropriate to define distinct player and non-player areas. There are other considerations that might influence this approach to the layout, principally the heating of the space. Where social facilities such as a viewing gallery are provided within the sports courts area, the heating design must be considered to ensure a comfortable temperature for those not participating in sport. See heating installations section.


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Where the financial viability of an Arena requires a social area that can be used for private functions there needs to be the flexibility to separate this from facilities used by players. For some communities or user groups it will also be beneficial to be able to screen the sports courts from the social area for player privacy.

Essential support accommodation for bar or social areas will include cellarage and storage serviced by a nearby vehicle delivery point and direct access to refuse collection. As far as possible deliveries should be remote from the main entrance and not obstruct public areas.

In small Arenas vending machines may be sufficient to meet the need for refreshments, but even where a bar is provided, vending machines should still be available. Their strategic siting can have a significant impact on sales and, in addition to the foyer, locating them behind the courts will ensure steady use. The location of vending machines should be considered early on to ensure there is sufficient space, small power provision, water and ventilation if required.

Changing rooms and toilets

Changing capacity should be calculated to cope with normal maximum occupancy when all courts and other activities are operating, though peak-time demand can be reduced through careful scheduling of booking times.

An understanding of the user profile and target market should allow for a changing room layout appropriate to an Arena’s pattern of use. Accommodating varying ratios of male and female changing, or group change with additional buffer or overflow areas, or individual cubicles affects the space requirements. There must be changing accessible to disabled players. Sport England recommends that all changing areas are designed so that disabled people can use them and, for small schemes, that at least one individual unisex accessible changing room with shower and toilet is provided so that assistance can be given by someone of either sex.

It is unlikely that an Arena will have outdoor grass pitches, but it is possible in a joint venture development, and these would require separate changing facilities with external access. Though not ideal, all-weather pitches can share indoor facilities and need to be considered when calculating the capacity.

Changing rooms should be designed with high ceilings and design features or materials, such as suspended ceilings or exposed services which are vulnerable to damage, must be

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avoided. High quality, robust and easily cleaned materials should be used to present an impression of hygiene and cleanliness. The décor will very much depend upon the user profile and target market. The quality of changing rooms and toilets are very important to women users.

Toilet provision should be calculated to cope with maximum occupancy of the Arena, including players and spectators. Provision should consider whether events or functions are to be hosted, as occupancy for these could be higher than for normal everyday use. Toilet provision can be shared between players and other users where facilities are located close to the social area and can be accessed independently of the changing rooms.

Refer to Sport England guidance notes Sports Halls Design and Layouts and Accessible Sports Facilities for further information regarding changing and toilet capacity, layout, minimum dimensions and accessible provision. The provision of sanitary facilities should be calculated in accordance with BS 6465-1:2006.

Arena operators will be required by law to provide employees with clean well-maintained facilities, including toilet, washing and changing facilities and somewhere to eat and drink during breaks. These should be separate from customer facilities and disabled staff must be provided for.

First aid

Provision must be made for first aid treatment and, although a dedicated first aid room can be provided, at the most basic level this can be accommodated within an office or staffroom.

Refer to Sport England guidance note Sports Halls Design and Layouts for further information regarding minimum requirements.


Sufficient storage capacity for sports equipment is essential, and this should be provided in suitably located stores. Sport England guidance note Sports Halls Design and Layouts recommends that a total of 12.5% of the hall floor area is required as a minimum, but the actual space required will be determined by the activities in the sports courts. Door and internal store heights need to be suitable for bowling machines if they are to be used at the Arena. Stores should be located where they will efficiently serve the courts making the changing of equipment easy. Additional storage will be required if furniture and equipment for functions and events is stored on site. Cellarage and food storage, observing safety standards and security considerations will be required for any bar or refreshment area and suitable stores should be provided adjacent to vending machines. A cleaner’s store or lockable cupboard with sink is required.

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Lockers, bag drop and buggy store

Lockers are best located behind the courts where they restrict space less than in changing rooms, are convenient for use by all patrons and are less susceptible to vandalism. Sport England guidance note Sports Halls Design and Layouts recommends for locker provision allowing 2.5 times the calculated changing room capacity. A range of sizes should be provided to accommodate items, from small valuables to clothes and bags.

Many Indoor Cricket players participate on a casual basis using equipment provided by the Arena, whereas others will use their own kit. Allowance needs to be made for the storage of personal cricket equipment. This could take the form of a bag drop area, adjacent to the courts and should be within sight of the players.

Where ‘sports wheelchairs’ are used it is necessary to provide for the secure storage of unused day chairs.

It is advisable to provide a secure area for customers to store prams or buggies, particularly where soft-play areas are offered.


Bag drop within sight of players and lockers in a range of sizes

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Plant room

The plant room should be appropriately sized and located to accommodate incoming utilities, plant equipment and boilers. Where possible, access should be remote from the main entrance.


Circulation should be spacious yet efficient, making for a well organised building layout, which is easy for the user to navigate and staff to supervise. The design of corridors should consider all users, including those with buggies, wheelchair and ‘sports wheelchair’ users or players with kit bags. Any change in floor level must be capable of being negotiated by all users.

Refer to Sport England guidance notes Sports Halls Design and Layouts and Accessible Sports Facilities, Building Regulations Approved Document M and British Standard BS8300:2009 for further information regarding minimum requirements.

While the design of a new Arena will have a greater emphasis towards the provision of adequate facilities for all users, it is still important to consider the implications of refurbishing an existing building. Whether an Arena is a new build or a refurbishment, it is recommended that an Access Statement is produced to review the layout with regard to its access and use by all building users.

The Arena layout must also consider the safe evacuation of all users. The number, width and position of escape routes will normally determine the occupancy capacity. For further information see Building Regulations Approved Document B Volume 2.

Internal materials

The Arena will operate for long hours every day and, with a constant stream of users, will unavoidably be subject to high levels of wear and tear. It is therefore important that materials are selected not just for appearance but for robustness, ease of long-term maintenance and repair. Circulation areas and changing rooms are especially vulnerable, with doors and exposed corners requiring particular attention to detailing. Poorly maintained facilities will say more about the Arena than any other decisions made regarding finishes.


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04. Sports courts


The sports courts layout will be influenced by the space available and the programme of daily use. It is desirable that the layout allows maximum flexibility for sports use, both within the tensioned net courts and any other multi-sports provision, as well as for other non-sports events. The key questions to be addressed when planning the sports courts are:

– how many tensioned net courts?– what size are the courts?– is there other multi-sport provision in addition to the tensioned net courts?– does the space need to accommodate non-sporting

events or functions?– is spectator seating required? The space available will go a long way towards determining many of these issues, but equally, decisions at the feasibility stage will determine the space required and inform the choice of existing building or site. Identification of the sports provision, and other activities necessary for the Arena to be a viable operation will be an essential part of the business plan, and determine the number of Indoor Cricket courts and the level of other sports provision required.

If the sports courts are to accommodate sports other than those within the tensioned net courts then Sport England and relevant national governing body guidance documents must be consulted for minimum dimensions, if affiliation or funding is being considered. Minimum internal heights may be greater than required for Indoor Cricket. The Arena layout should consider the creation of a ‘show court’, which would be the first to be booked and would stage feature games such as local or corporate finals. A show court provides an opportunity to promote the sports on offer at the Arena and, as such, must be the most visually prominent. On a small scale, this would be located in front of the social area for casual viewing, but a larger Arena might have the potential for spectator seating around the court. See spectators section and Appendix A show court.

In addition to the proposed use of the space, the sports courts layout will also be dependent upon safe access around the courts and other sports areas, the fire strategy and evacuation demands, possible equipment delivery and maintenance access to all components. See Appendix B for possible arena configurations.

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There must be a safety margin around the court to ensure there is no risk of players colliding with structure, equipment or non-players outside the court. The safety margin between courts not only prevents interference between games on adjacent courts but collisions between players participating in those games.

Arena operators must consider the implications of not providing the safety margin between courts and the risk this presents for players and the Arena. The Arena operator and tensioned net installer must agree any design variation on the minimum guidance provided by the ECB and acknowledge full liability for its design, operation and performance.

The court dimensions might be restricted by existing building or site constraints, but the sports use will also have an impact and be a major consideration when determining the suitability of a building.

Indoor Cricket can be played on a 10m wide court, but a wider court gives more reaction time for balls played off the nets, which for new participants particularly, can lead to a more pleasurable, less intimidating playing experience.

Where football is a substantial component of the sports on offer then a wider court is desirable. Although small-sided football can be played on a narrow court the width does not comply with The Football Association’s (FA) recommendation for five-a-side. A four-a-side form of the game could be played but the appeal to players will depend largely on a comparison with other facilities which are available locally. A width of 16.5m will allow football to be played on a court which meets The FA’s minimum recommended pitch dimensions, without runoff.

The game of indoor netball played within the tensioned net court, is played within an area corresponding to the court dimensions for Indoor Cricket.

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Court dimensions

A Length of Court 28.0m (minimum) 30.0m (maximum)

B Width of Court 10.0m (minimum)10.0m (minimum)

12.0m (maximum) competition standardno maximum recreational standard

C Height of Horizontal Top Net 4.0m (minimum) 4.5m (maximum)

D Safety Margin (surrounds)1.0m (minimum) from structure, adjacent courts or circulation up to a height of 2.0m. Above 2.0m height margins are to be not less than 0.5m to reduce the risk of balls striking equipment fixings or structure.

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A 12.0m maximum width of court

10.0m minimum width of court

B 30.0m maximum length of court

28.0m minimum length of court

C 1.0m minimum safety margin around and between courts up to a height of 2.0m clear of all structure, fixed equipment, seating, lockers (not shown) and circulation. Above 2.0m margins are to be not less than 0.5m.

D 1.5m minimum circulation width clear of all structure, fixed equipment, seating and lockers

X Zone for support structure and fixings outside court corner, clear of circulation.

Multiple court setting out

Relationship of two competition standard courts incorporating safety margin and circulation. Apply the same principles for three or more adjacent courts.

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Tensioned nets

The tensioned nets used shall conform to the requirements indicated in this document. See the Performance and Construction Standards for Tensioned Nets to be used for the game of Eight-a-Side Indoor Cricket.

Netting forming the enclosed Indoor Cricket court is a permanent tensioned net system. The vertical perimeter nets must be securely attached to the floor and to the horizontal top net such that the balls cannot pass under, over, through or between the nets. During normal game play the tensioned nets must withstand balls hitting the net and players running into them, as this forms an integral characteristic of the game. Indoor Cricket spectators and players will congregate outside the court and the net must protect them from ball and player impact.

For the vertical nets it is recommended that knotted coloured polythene netting mesh is used in either a diamond or square mesh pattern. The netting colour, typically green, must contrast with and not impair visibility of the yellow Indoor Cricket ball. At the base of the net it is recommended that a heavier grade net is used or the net reinforced to resist wear. Where penetrations are required for the fixing of netball rings or football goals the netting must be reinforced locally, and the hole covered with a section of net to contain the ball within the court. Scoring zones should be marked with white tape outside the court, secured at the base of the net and with an elasticated fixing at the top of the net.

Where the layout permits, some Arenas will choose to maximise court flexibility with removable dividing nets to form a larger court, more suitable for playing football. To maintain the safety margin when the courts are used separately, two dividing nets will need to be removed in order to combine two adjacent courts.

The procedure for removing the dividing nets must ensure that when in use the tension is comparable to the other nets surrounding the court. The method for securing the base of the dividing nets must ensure there are no hazardous floor fixings in the playing area when the dividing nets are in place and when removed. The Arena operator will be responsible for ensuring there are no hazardous floor fixings in the playing area and when in place the dividing nets are performing in accordance with the Performance and Construction Standards for Tensioned Nets to be used for the game of Eight-a-side Indoor Cricket. Any equipment used to raise or lower the net must be located outside the safety margin surrounding the courts and must be suitably protected for the safety of Arena users. Allowance should be made in the court bookings schedule for raising and lowering the net.

Access to the court should be via either a flap entry or an opening covered with a tensioned section of netting, sometimes referred to as a gate. The court access must be easy for all players to use and, during the game, must contain the ball within the court. Where a flap entry is used an alternative suitably sited gate access must be provided to allow easy entry for disabled players. The opening in the net for the gate access should be a minimum width of 900mm, and where necessary must consider the requirements for sports wheelchairs.

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Arena operators should consider how anticipated sports or events will use the courts, to ensure the access is sized to suit any equipment such as bowling machines, goals or tables and chairs.

Court access points should be located to suit the anticipated building use but in areas of least impact to the performance of the tensioned net, or the playing of the game of Indoor Cricket. For means of escape there must be a minimum of one alternative access / egress point, at the opposite end of the court to the primary access. The gate must be used for means of escape and must be designed and sited to suit the Arena escape routes. See court dimensions and multiple court setting out diagrams for preferred court access locations.

It is likely that where the court is used for non-sporting activities the desired capacity will be greater than for sports use. The location and width of access points will determine the court occupancy capacity within the overall sports courts capacity. The distance from the location in the court furthest from the access point must be considered as part of the overall escape travel distance. For further information see Building Regulations Approved Document B Volume 2.

Court access flap (L) and gate (R)

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For the horizontal top net, it is recommended that a knotted coloured polypropylene netting mesh is used and, to minimise the sagging of the net, this should be of a thinner braid than the vertical nets. The minimum clear height must be maintained over the width and length of the court.

The roof netting should be made of fire retardant material in accordance with BS 5867 Part 2.

All components should be UV resistant and not degrade or weaken as a result of exposure to sunlight.

The nets are tensioned vertically by means of a wire rope or cable at the base anchored to the floor and a similar wire rope or cable at the top secured to either the building structure or a supporting structure. Horizontally, the nets are tensioned to either a steel post or vertical chain at the corners outside the court. The form of the corner is maintained by either a tube on the court side of the nets or a heavy duty sewn seam which in both instances are tied back to the corner structure or chain. Where a tube inside the court is used, it must be protected to prevent damage or player injury. The fixings required to tension the base wire rope must, for safety, be either protected or outside the line of the court. See the Performance and Construction Standards for Tensioned Nets to be used for the game of Eight-a-Side Indoor Cricket.

Corner structure chain (L) and column (C+R)

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The tensioned nets contractor is responsible for the safe installation of the nets, giving due consideration to health and safety, risk assessment and method statements, even if a CDM Co-ordinator is not involved. See [TS7] A Quick Guide to Getting the Business Started. It is the operator’s responsibility to provide the contractor with any required information relevant to the building, and to inform them of any known hazards such as asbestos.

The tensioned nets contractor shall provide details of the operation and maintenance of the system to ensure it remains in good working order for the life of the installation. It should include:

– ‘as installed’ drawings– maintaining and testing level of tension– inspecting the fixings– safe access to services above the top net– keeping nets clean and free from dust– repairing damaged netting

The desired frequency of operations should be indicated so that they form part of a regular maintenance schedule the user can refer to in order to manage and monitor the extent of the work required and make available the resources to do the work.

Where there is no CDM Co-ordinator, it is the operator’s responsibility to ensure that this information has been provided.

Playing surface

The sports playing surface shall conform to the standards described in the Performance and Construction Standards for Synthetic Sports Surfaces to be used for the game of Eight-a-Side Indoor Cricket. The operator is responsible for confirming with the supplier that the playing surface conforms to the Standard.

It is essential that in choosing the premises, or designing an Indoor Cricket Arena, the floor construction is considered at the outset. The floor must be flat in order to achieve an acceptable regularity of the finished playing surface, or an allowance be made for remedial works prior to laying the playing surface. The floor construction must also be appropriate for securing the tensioned net fixings. See the Performance and Construction Standards for Tensioned Nets to be used for the game of Eight-a-Side Indoor Cricket. Where renovation work is carried out to an existing floor, feasible thermal improvements may be required. For further information see Building Regulations Approved Document L2B.

The sports performance of the playing surface is one of the most important components of the facility and must be considered at the outset. An Indoor Cricket Arena is unlikely to cater solely for Indoor Cricket, making the requirements of the other sports to be played fundamental in the selection of the playing surface.

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Where a multi-sports area is provided in addition to the tensioned net courts, then Sport England and relevant national governing body guidance documents must be consulted to determine the most appropriate surface for this area. It is likely to be a different surface from that within the tensioned net courts.

The use of the sports courts for non-sports events must not compromise the playing performance and safety requirements of the playing surface. The surface must withstand increased loadings and be protected from any potential damage or spillages.

Compliance testing after the playing surface is installed should be undertaken to ensure the requirements are achieved. In an increasingly litigious world, on-site testing and compliance with standards might be used in personal injury claims and compliance with ECB guidelines should be regarded as the minimum requirement to defend such a claim. Guidance documents from relevant national governing bodies and Sport England must be consulted for the requirements of other sports.

The supplier / installer of the playing surface shall provide details of the operation and maintenance of the system to ensure it remains in good working order for the life of the installation. It should include:

– cleaning and removal of debris– replacement sections and repairs

The desired frequency of operations should be indicated so that they form part of a regular maintenance schedule the operator can refer to in order to manage and monitor the extent of the work required and make available the resources to do the work.

Court markings and equipment

The playing surface colour should be considered in conjunction with the sports courts decoration as a whole, contributing to a bright and inviting playing environment. The colour must be a contrast to the yellow Indoor Cricket ball and the pitch should be a contrasting colour to the rest of the court surface.

The line markings for synthetic turf and textiles surfaces should be incorporated into the playing surface during manufacture or by being inlaid. Indoor Cricket lines should be white, netball lines should be red in accordance with Sport England guidance, while football line markings should be yellow. See Appendix C for Indoor Cricket, netball and football line marking setting out. Coordination of different markings will vary depending on court dimensions.

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Typical 30.0m x 12.0m court layout

with Indoor Cricket, netball and

football markings

Alternative 30.0m x 12.0m court

layout with Indoor Cricket and

netball markings

Netball rings and nets must comply with England Netball requirements and must pass through the tensioned nets to be fixed securely to a post or structure outside the court safety margin. The rings must be detachable to ensure other sports can be played safely in the court and must comply with relevant British Standards for sports equipment. In accordance with England Netball requirements, the goal ring shall have an internal diameter of 380mm and, to cater for young people’s netball (High Five and First Step Netball) and wheelchair netball, goals should have adjustable ring heights of 3.05m, 2.75m and 2.44m.

Football goals must be anchored securely during play, but must be portable, leaving no hazardous anchoring points inside or outside the court, for the safety of players and spectators. Sizes should be in accordance with The Football Association Football Goals guidance note, Guide to indoor areas for small sided football and disability football and must comply with relevant British Standards for goals.

When not in use, netball rings and football goals must be stored somewhere safe and secure, either in a designated store or safely near the court, clear of public circulation routes.

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Typical arrangement to end of court illustrating seating, circulation and netball ring and football goal fixing

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Umpire and scoring systems

The umpire is located outside the court at the batter’s end, sitting or standing on a 3m raised steel platform. The platform must comply with relevant British Standards for ladders and walkways, and be positioned outside of the court safety margin. See court dimensions section.

The umpire will call the game though a microphone and typically use a computer package to keep score, which displays on an electronic scoreboard adjacent to the umpire. The scoreboard display can also incorporate logos and advertising. The scoring software can be linked to a web-based application which automatically updates the statistics, results and league tables at the end of the game. It can also be used by the Arena to stay in touch with players, informing them of fixtures, and accepting registrations and bookings. One of the big attractions this provides for players is the ability to track their statistics and team performance online and at the Arena to get an instant post match score-sheet. By collecting this from the bar, the Arena management can use it to engage with the players after the game.

It is important to confirm the hardware requirements for displaying the score in the sports courts, as well as the small power requirements for operating the system and linking to the internet. The scoreboard screen must be large enough for the graphics to be visible for players and spectators at the bowler’s end of the court, or consider the use of an additional screen outside the court at the bowler’s end.


Typical relationship of batter, umpire platform and scoreboard display

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The game of Indoor Cricket, as with the conventional game, requires the non-fielding team to wait outside the playing area when not batting. Depending on the numbers involved in the game, this is either four or six players, plus any non-playing team members. They are usually accommodated behind the court at the bowler’s end.

It is preferable to provide some fixed seating, which when located between the courts and circulation routes, will informally define the safety margin around the tensioned nets, whereas loose chairs will eventually end up obstructing access. Seating can take the form of a single bench or a larger stepped seating unit and, in everyday recreational play, serves as a casual viewing area.

Where it is intended that the Arena is to stage major games or competitions for Indoor Cricket or other sports where a large number of spectators can be attracted, then the requirements must be established at the outset. Retractable seating can be integrated into the sports courts wall, or alternatively provision can be made for temporary spectator stands. These can be kept on site, with suitable storage provided, or hired when required, with appropriate delivery access on site and to the sports courts. The sports courts layout must consider where spectator seating is to be located by determining which court is the show court and how seating will relate to it, which could be seating on courts either side, or on a multi-sports area. See Appendix A Show Court.

When considering spectator events, sufficient parking must be provided, while the Arena facilities must be designed to cope with the increased capacity, and have the appropriate licences in place for the bar and, more importantly, fire escape. Viewing facilities for spectators with disabilities must be allowed for and the sports flooring should be protected.

Player seating separating court safety margin from circulation

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Consideration needs to be made for the fixing of the tensioned net system and the loadings this will impose upon the building structure. In a new building this can be incorporated into the overall structural design from the outset. In an existing building, with the necessary clear spans to accommodate Indoor Cricket courts, it is likely that the primary structure will be capable of taking the forces required in the tensioning of the nets. Fixings should only be made to the primary structure or suitably sized secondary members. Where these are not readily available, or appropriately located, then additional steel members or an independent structure may be required. Fixings should not be made to cladding rails.

Detailed requirements are set out in the Performance and Construction Standards for Tensioned Nets to be used for the game of Eight-a-Side Indoor Cricket. Structural design considerations can be addressed with the appointment of a Structural Engineer. See [TS7] A Quick Guide to Getting the Business Started.

Walls and roof

As the game of Indoor Cricket takes place entirely within the tensioned net court the traditional sports hall safety requirement for flush-faced impact resistant internal walls is not applicable, except for where other multi-sports areas are provided. This makes existing industrial buildings particularly suitable for fitting out as Indoor Cricket Arenas.

Visibility of the cricket ball against the playing background is a crucial factor in a player’s experience of the game and is of particular importance for visually impaired players to enjoy the game. If the flight of the ball cannot be picked up quickly, the game not only becomes dangerous, but player’s enjoyment decreases accordingly. The wall colour needs to be considered in conjunction with the floor colour, to ensure contrast with and visibility of the yellow Indoor Cricket ball. The sports courts roof soffit colour and reflectance should be in accordance with the Sport England guidance note Sports Halls Design and Layouts.

Where renovation work is carried out to an existing wall or roof thermal improvements may be required to those elements. For further information see Building Regulations Approved Document L2B.

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One of the key issues regarding acoustics in Indoor Cricket Arenas is sound reverberation in the sports courts. To limit the level of background noise, measures should be taken to reduce reflected sound through the use of absorbent materials. This is particularly important where blind players rely on hearing the rattle of the ball in order to play the game.

The game of Indoor Cricket is adjudicated by an umpire at the batter’s end of the court. The location of speakers is important to ensure that the umpire is audible to all players on the court and by spectators watching the game, without interfering with games on adjacent courts.

The transmission of noise into and out of the facility should also be considered. In an existing industrial building, an Arena is unlikely to have an adverse impact on neighbours.

Acoustic design is a complex issue that can be addressed with the appointment of a specialist consultant. See [TS7] A Quick Guide to Getting the Business Started for more information. Further advice is also available in the Sport England guidance note Sports Halls Design and Layouts.

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Mechanical and electrical services

When considering the design of mechanical and electrical services systems for sports facilities, the full life cycle cost commitment and environmental impact of all proposed systems needs to be assessed, including;

– capital costs– annual energy consumption costs– annual maintenance costs Wherever possible, buildings should be designed to operate in a simple and easily maintainable manner, with energy efficiency in mind. The future replacement of mechanical and electrical services systems needs to be carefully considered at an early stage.

The building envelope and all systems contained therein need to be durable, accessible and as functional as possible. Within existing facilities that are to be refurbished, the quality and functionality of the systems needs to be reviewed in order to ensure that all systems are fit for purpose.

The capacity of the utility services installations (gas, water, electricity and drainage) may need to be considered for both new build and refurbishment schemes, as the energy requirements of a new sports facility may not match the usage of an existing building or site facility.

Where existing buildings are to be refurbished, consideration may also need to be given to the potential implications of the current Building Regulations:

Change of energy status – where a previously unheated building is to be heated for the first time as part of the works, feasible thermal improvements are likely to be required to the existing walls, windows, floors and roof.

Consequential improvements – where an existing building with a floor area exceeding 1,000m2 is extended, heating / cooling services are to be provided for the first time, or the heating / cooling services capacity will be increased, there may be a requirement for thermal upgrades to the existing building envelope and / or energy efficiency improvements to the existing building.

On completion of both new construction and also building refurbishment works, all mechanical and electrical services installations should be tested and commissioned in order to ensure that they are fully operational.

05. Building services engineering

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Lighting installations

Lighting installations should be provided with simple, individually zoned control systems that can be operated locally in order to achieve a good level of energy efficiency. The use of occupancy sensor control systems would be appropriate in most instances. Control panels, timers, switches, etc for lighting installations should be located within a central management area, usually behind the reception or bar, which is easily accessible to the staff on duty.

Sports courts lighting Wherever possible, the use of natural daylight should be maximised. Careful consideration should be given to the shading of roof lights and windows in order to avoid un-necessary glare. The selection and design of the lighting system should give due consideration to the average illumination at floor level, uniformity, colour rendering and control of glare within the sports courts.

The following design parameters would be appropriate:

Illumination Level (Lux)


Indoor Cricket Club Use / National Level

500 0.8

Indoor Football Club Use National Level

300 500

0.8 0.8

Indoor Netball Club Use National Level

300 500

0.8 0.8

The recommended illumination levels refer to average illumination levels. Circulation areas around the courts could be illuminated by light spill from the court only.

Surface finishes that are light in colour will be most appropriate, with a typical reflectance factor of 0.7 being achieved where possible.

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Lighting layout to achieve recommended illumination level of 500 lux with a uniformity of 0.8 for a 30m x 12m court


It should be noted that in order to achieve the desired illumination levels and uniformity within the court, the lighting layout will need to take account of the court location within the building. A court which is surrounded by walls will benefit from light reflectance and will, therefore, require a lower artificial light output than a court that has no surrounding walls. The lighting design will be a balance of the court location, fitting and lamp specification and height above the court. The lighting layout should be designed

so that the design parameters are met for each court individually when no adjoining courts are in use.

Artificial lighting should be provided by the use of fluorescent tube light fittings mounted at high level in regular rows above the netting. The lamp life should be considered in order to limit the frequency of maintenance access above the tensioned nets.

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The use of sodium (S.O.N.) lamps would need to be considered carefully in terms of their suitability to provide sufficient light output, uniformity and glare issues if they are to be utilised within the sports courts.

Control of the illumination level within the sports courts could be by means of an intelligent lighting control system which would maximise the use of natural daylight or by the use of multiple switching arrangements.

Entrance foyer, reception and social areas lighting The selection of lighting systems to serve the social areas will be dependent upon individual requirements; a combination of both service and decorative light fittings may be appropriate.

Changing rooms, toilets and ancillary areas lighting The selection of lighting systems to serve the changing rooms, toilets and ancillary areas will be dependent upon individual requirements; fluorescent tube fittings are likely to be most appropriate, with an occupancy sensor control system fitted.

Emergency lighting The building including sports courts will need to be equipped with an emergency lighting installation which is designed and installed to the current British Standard BS 5266.

Where existing emergency lighting installations are to be re-utilised within existing buildings, the systems will need to be reviewed, fully tested and commissioned in accordance with current standards.

Typical batten luminaire relating to the lighting layout


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Heating installations

It is likely that the facility will require a variety of heating system types and, in the interest of energy efficiency, these systems should be provided with simple, individual control systems. Wherever possible, heating systems should be zoned to suit local areas of use. Control panels, timers, switches, etc for heating installations should be located within a central management area, usually behind the reception or bar, which is easily accessible to the staff on duty.

Sports courts heating Wherever possible, the sports courts envelope should be designed and constructed in a manner that would negate the requirement for heating within the space; a highly insulated and well-constructed building should be able to maintain the required space temperatures for the majority of a normal heating season. This could be achieved within existing buildings by retrospective treatment to the existing building envelope. Where water services are present within the sports courts, consideration may also need to be given to the provision of frost protection within the space.

The sports courts may require a low level of background heating.

Where the sports courts are to be used for purposes other than playing sport, consideration will need to be given to an increase in the environmental space temperature that will need to be achieved. An increase in space temperature will be particularly important to provide comfortable conditions where more sedentary activities will be taking place.

As space heating is likely to be used on an intermittent basis, the heating system will need to be selected to provide a fast response time; the optimum solution may be one of the following system types;

Warm Air Unit Heaters – Wall or floor mounted direct fired warm air heaters mounted within the sports courts would deliver warm air circulation directly into the space. Existing warm air heating systems that are to be re-used could be re-configured to suit the optimum layout.

Radiant Heating – Radiant heating panels mounted at high level within the space would provide radiant heating to the occupied zone; localised zone control could be included within the system design. In addition to ensuring maintenance access the radiant heating panels must be installed a safe distance above the horizontal top net to avoid any fire risk.

If a roof mounted heating installation is selected as the preferred solution, then careful consideration needs to be given to access for future maintenance.

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Entrance foyer, reception and social areas heating The social areas are likely to require a higher level of heating. Space heating within social areas is likely to be used on a more regular basis, therefore the heating system should operate independently of the sports courts system. Space heating systems within these areas would normally be thermostatically controlled. The optimum solution may be one of the following system types;

Low Temperature Hot Water (L.T.H.W.) Heating – A gas or oil fired heating installation comprising radiators, fan convectors, radiant panels or under floor heating circuits would be appropriate.

Local Panel Heaters – Gas fired or electric panel heaters could be utilised to serve local heating requirements.

Warm air heating unit (L) and radiant heating unit (R)

Changing rooms, toilets and ancillary areas heating The changing rooms, toilets and ancillary areas will also require a higher level of heating.

The selection of space heating within these areas is likely to be influenced by the solution that is applied to the social areas; radiators would be appropriate for toilets and ancillary areas, with the potential for the use of under floor heating systems to serve changing room areas.

Typical Space Temperature °C

Sports courts Minimum Optimum

12 14

Entrance foyer, reception and social area 18-21

Changing rooms 21

Toilets and ancillary areas 18

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Ventilation installations

Ventilation systems should be provided with simple, individual control systems that can be operated independently of the heating control systems in order to achieve good energy efficiency. Control panels, timers, switches, etc for ventilation installations should be located within a central management area, usually behind the reception or bar, which is easily accessible to the staff on duty.

Sports courts ventilation The sports courts will need to be provided with adequate fresh air to meet the needs of the occupants. In most instances, a natural ventilation system should be capable of providing a satisfactory level of fresh air input.

Where appropriate, a natural ventilation strategy may be supplemented with a mechanical ventilation system in order to deal with peak operating conditions, i.e. high occupancy times or periods of high ambient summer time temperatures. This type of system could operate without the use of the mechanical ventilation fans for the majority of the operating periods.

Natural ventilation could be achieved by the use of motorised windows or louvres located at high level within the space, with replacement air input through motorised louvres, or other openings at low level in the external walls.

Doors could be opened for the purpose of introducing air at low level in some instances, albeit that security issues may need to be considered.

Natural ventilation may be supplemented by the use of extract fans mounted at high level within the space in order to increase ventilation rates at peak operational times or to suit environmental conditions. Wind driven ventilation towers mounted at roof level may be utilised to provide both supply and extract ventilation. If a roof mounted ventilation installation is selected as the preferred solution, then careful consideration needs to be given to access for future maintenance, in particular with regard to the accessibility of fan units through or above the net installation.

Entrance foyer, reception and social areas ventilation The social areas will need to be provided with adequate fresh air to meet the needs of the occupants. In most instances, a natural ventilation system will be capable of providing a satisfactory level of fresh air input. Where necessary, localised air supply and extract systems can be provided to supplement the natural ventilation. Localised ventilation systems should be equipped with individual controls.

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Changing rooms, toilets and ancillary areas ventilation The changing rooms, toilets and some ancillary areas will need to be provided with mechanical air extract systems.

Replacement air to these spaces could be provided by natural air transfer from adjacent spaces or by a mechanical air supply system. Ventilation systems serving these spaces should be equipped with individual control systems; a form of occupancy sensor control to ancillary spaces will provide a good level of energy efficiency.

Fresh Air Supply Air Changeslitres / second / person per hour

Sports courts 8.0 – 12.0 1.5

Changing rooms – 6.0 – 8.0

Toilets and ancillary areas

– 6.0 – 10.0

Small power installations

Small power will be required to supply electricity to both fixed and portable equipment within the facility.

Sports courts small power Small power may be required to supply scoreboard equipment, sound systems, security equipment and also some portable equipment such as bowling machines.

It may be appropriate to provide a perimeter electrical trunking system that can be used to supply socket outlets and electrical points around the perimeter of the sports courts space. Such a distribution system could be routed at high level with conduit drops to serve outlets at an appropriate level to serve equipment.

Entrance foyer, reception and social areas small power The social areas will need to be provided with electrical supplies to serve some of the following facilities:

– illuminated signage (external and internal)– vending machines– access lighting– televisions– security systems– power supplies to bar and social areas

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Changing rooms, toilets and ancillary areas small power The changing rooms, toilets and ancillary areas will need to be provided with electrical supplies to serve some of the following facilities:

– cleaners sockets and general socket outlets – hand dryers– hair dryers– extract fans– occupancy sensors

Ancillary systems

Security systems Security systems may consist of access control systems to main entrance and egress points and some internal areas, as appropriate.

The provision of security for the facility may also include Closed Circuit Television (C.C.T.V.) equipment for the monitoring of access to the building and movement of people within the building, as appropriate.

Public address / sound systems In addition to the umpire’s microphone and speakers, a public address and sound system may be provided within the building, as appropriate.

Fire alarm systems A fire alarm system that complies with the requirements of the appropriate British Standards will need to be provided.

Above ground drainage systems Above ground drainage systems that comply with the requirements of the appropriate British Standards will need to be provided.

Maintenance access

Consideration needs to be given to ensuring that all mechanical and electrical services plant, equipment and distribution systems are accessible for future maintenance.

Where possible, plant and equipment items should be located around the perimeter of the building, in order to ensure that clear access is maintained. Equipment which is mounted above the tensioned nets is likely to be particularly difficult to access; light fittings, radiant heating systems and extract fans which are mounted at roof level may require specialist access systems to deal with future maintenance or replacement. This needs to be carefully considered at the design stage to minimise maintenance costs and court down time.

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06. References and bibliography

England and Wales Cricket Boardwww.ecb.co.ukECB Facilities and Funding www.ecb.co.uk/development/facilities-funding ECB Indoor Cricket www.ecbic.co.uk

Publications available from ECB website

– Strategic Plan 2010-2013 Grounds to Play– Disability Cricket Vision 2009-2013– TS[3] Facility Briefs and Guidance Notes for Indoor

Sports Halls with Cricket Provision– TS[5] Pavilions and Clubhouses– Developing a Project from Concept to Completion– Rules of the Game

Sport Englandwww.sportengland.org

Publications available from Sport England website

– Accessible Sports Facilities – 2010– Active Design– Better Places for Sport– Car Parking and Landscape Design– Comparative Size Checklist– Environmental Sustainability– Sports Hall – Design and Layouts 2010

The Football Association www.thefa.com

Publications available from The Football Association website

– Guide to indoor areas for small sided and disability football (2010)

– Football Goals Guidance Notes (2010)

England netball www.englandnetball.co.uk

Publications available from the England Netball website

– Facility and Court Information

New Zealand Indoor Netball www.nzindoorsports.org.nz

Publications available from the New Zealand Indoor Netball website

– Indoor Netball Official Rule Book

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Arena Operators– 44Two Limited, Gillingham– Action Indoor Sports, Bristol– Bats n Balls, Ipswich– Eight4Sports, Wirral– Nottingham Community Sports Limited– Play on Sports, Canary Wharf– Sports Leagues, Leicester– Willows Sports Centre, Derby– Wolverhampton Sports Arena

BolaContinental Sports Edwards Sports Products England NetballThe Football AssociationGTC Sports Oculus Building Consultancy Spawtz Sport England Universal Services

06. References and Bibliography

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy contained within this publication. The England and Wales Cricket Board, its staff or consultants shall not at any time be held responsible or liable to any party in respect of any loss, damage or costs arising directly or indirectly from reliance placed on the material set out in this publication which is for guidance only and should not be taken as a substitute for expert professional advice and assistance.

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Appendix A. show court

Show court / competition venue considerations

A Arena circulation, escape and court access widths must meet obligations for safe access and egress for the maximum capacity. The Arena must comply with the local authority fire safety requirements.

B Access and parking provision must be appropriate for the maximum Arena capacity including spectators, players and staff.

C The Arena facilities including social area and toilet provision must be suitable for the maximum capacity. Where alcohol is served the licence must be for the maximum capacity.

D Multiple court setting out in accordance with diagram on page 21.

E The scoreboard must be visible to all players and spectators. Where there is more than one spectator area additional scoreboard screens might be required.

F The umpire must be audible to all players and spectators.

G Provision must be made for disabled spectators.

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Appendix B. arena configurations

Arena configurations including ‘Show Court’. Layouts dependent on business plan, building size and structure, in accordance with diagram on page 21. Not limited to configurations shown.

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Appendix C. line markings

Indoor Cricket line markings

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Appendix C. line markings

Bowler’s Crease Markings Batting Crease Markings

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Appendix C. line markings

Football line markings

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Appendix C. line markings

Netball line markings

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