Unit 27 Task 2 – Performance Strengths and Areas for Improvement

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Unit 27

Task 2 – Performance Strengths and Areas for Improvement

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Strength 1/4• Excellence Trait: Body Composition• Describe / Explain / Critically Analyse: The percentage of muscle and fat around the body is defined as body Composition. This is a strength to Oscar as he is a mainly mesomorph in the body type triangle showing that he has a lot of strength in his body type. This is a strength to Oscar as it means he is very strong on the ball which is vital when playing in centre midfield. It means he is more likely to win his 50/50 battles in the middle compared to if he had ectomorph body type as this is without a lot of muscle. In my opinion in a game of football excess fat is not needed which is why it is important for Oscar not to have endomorph body type as this would be a major disadvantage. Although I have chosen Oscar’s body composition as a strength to him a mesomorph structure can sometimes act as a weakness. This is because when dribbling you need to be light on your feet and this is easier for someone with a dainty structure compared to a bulky one. An example of this is Lionel Messi who is one of the best players in the world at dribbling and he has an ectomorph body shape.

 Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest

Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

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Strength 2/4• Excellence Trait: Power• Describe / Explain / Critically Analyse:Power is rate of performing work. It is a measure of how much energy is created in each second that passes, the size of the force applied and the velocity at which it is applied. Oscar has been rated highly by himself, me and his coach for his power which is why I chose this as a strength of his. This is a strength in a game of football as a centre midfielder needs power when making explosive runs into the box and also needs power when shooting to perform a good shot. Power is also a strength of oscars as it means he can perform well in the air both attackively and defensively. This is a strength as it means he is more likely to jump higher than his opponent and hence win the header. Although I have chosen this as one of oscars strengths it can be a weakness as when running to the box powerful it may mean that he gives away a free kick instead of shoulder barging them out the way which could annoy team mates.

 Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest

Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

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Strength 3/4• Excellence Trait: Strength• Describe / Explain / Critically Analyse:Strength is defined as a muscle's ability to generate force against physical objects. This is a strength to oscar as strength allows him to hold off defenders and be physical in the midfield. this means that he will win his 50/50 battles in midfield which will aid the team to victory. The advantage of having strength to a midfielder like Oscar is that it means he will not be pushed of the ball easy which in turn makes it a lot harder for him to be tackled. Although I have classed his strength as one of his strengths it can be a weakness to him. This is because the referee may penalize him for fouling the opposition when he may deem it as being stronger than the opponent. An example of this is Andy Carroll for west ham. Often when holding up the ball he is penalized as the referee deems him as illegally holding off the defender rather than him using his strength. This often leads to him giving away pointless free kicks.

 Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest

Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

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Strength 4/4• Excellence Trait: Game Management• Describe / Explain / Critically Analyse:Game management refers to how well an individual controls the game, themselves and other team members. All three of me, him and the coach voted oscars game management as high. This is because he often captains the second team which means he has to have good game management skills. An advantage to having good game management skills is that it enables Oscar to be a natural leader on the pitch which can result in them being captain. It is also a strength as it means he knows when to go up the pitch and when to stay back if his team or losing or winning. A disadvantage for oscar of having good game management skills as this could lead to him not being as risk taker. This means that if his team are 2-0 up he may decide to not go up for the corner which could have resulted in 3-0 and later in the game this could come back to haunt him if the other team score 2 goals.

 Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest

Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

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Development Area 1/4• Excellence Trait: Flexibility• Describe / Explain / Critically Analyse:Flexibility is defined as the range of motion round a joint. In football this relates to stretching to reach for a wayward ball and also how flexible they are on the ball. This is a disadvantage to Oscar as with a bad flexibility this means that when someone plays him a poor ball he will not be able to alter his body to stretch and receive the ball. This means that he will easily be losing the ball unless the person passing him the ball has very good accuracy. This is also a disadvantage to Oscar as in centre midfield when someone tries to dribble round them they will need to change their body position quickly in order to tackle the opponent. Turning in the air also requires flexibility which is another disadvantages to Oscar having it as a discrepancy.

 Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest

Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

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Development Area 2/4• Excellence Trait: control of anxiety• Describe / Explain / Critically Analyse:Control of anxiety is defined of how well the player/individual composes themselves in the game situation. This means that Oscar isn’t very good at controlling how anxious he is during the game as if he was too anxious then he will not want the ball or will not want to run with the ball however if he isn’t anxious enough then he will just shoot from whenever and not pass the ball. This is an disadvantages to Oscar as a poor control of anxiety will lead to bad decision making which will cost him and the team if the decision leads to a goal to the opposition. If he had a good control of anxiety this would mean he would know when to want the ball and when not to. This would mean that his decision making would be successful.

 Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest

Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

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Development Area 3/4• Excellence Trait: Shooting Accuracy• Describe / Explain / Critically Analyse:Shooting accuracy refers to how successful the participants shot is and how many go on target compared to off target. This means that for Oscar it would refer to how many of his shots go on target compared to off target in one match. Having this as a development area is a disadvantage as it means that Oscar is poor at shooting when he decides to take a shot. This means that every time he takes a shot it will be likely to go wide. Having this as a discrepancy is also a disadvantage as it makes other players in the team not trust you when shooting and will encourage you not to take a shit in the first place. An example of a player like this is Tottenhams Aaron Lennon who has gained such a reputation for poor accuracy when shooting that he's admitted to not wanting to take shots very often anymore. On the other hand this can be classed as an advantage as it means that Oscar isn’t a player that keeps taking shots when there is better options on.

 Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest

Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

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Development Area 4/4• Excellence Trait: Ball retention• Describe / Explain / Critically Analyse:Ball retention refers to keeping possession of the ball when being tackled. This means that when Oscar is on the ball and gets tackled it refers to whether he keeps the ball or not. A disadvantage of having ball retention as a discrepancy is that it means that oscar isn’t very good at keeping the ball when getting tackled. This is a disadvantage as it means oscars team will lose possession if he gets tackled which could lead to the other team scoring. This is a huge disadvantage though as during a 90 minute game there is plenty of time when oscar will be tackled and not keep control of the ball which in the long run will result in ocars team losing the ball a lot of time which could lead to dangerous opposition counter attacks.

 Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest

Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages