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Vision of your future

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Ashwin Bhakre Ms. Krengel Vision Of Your Future Monday, February 20, 2012


September 20th, 2027

“Trrrrriiiiinnnngggggg” The alarm clock screeched and I erupted up from

my bed. I couldn’t wait to start my day. Brushing my teeth, I pulled open my new

curtains, opened the terrace door and went out into the balcony. The sky was

blue and there wasn’t a cloud in sight. The roads were completely soulless (since

it was 5:00 in the morning). I went back to the bathroom, turned some light

music on and got ready to start my day. Sandra was waiting for me at the

breakfast table, she had a coffee in her hand and my usual breakfast (Milk, Cereal

and Rye Toast) laid out in the space opposite of hers. We finished eating quickly

and started walking down to the garage where she got into her Audi Q14 and I

got into my Audi R16 and we drove off to our work stations.

Whilst in the car, I started thinking about our new house. We had just

bought this house two fortnights ago, it’s a mansion squished between two other

mansions that belong to our friends Santiago and Raul. There are 5 bedrooms, 7

bathrooms, a heated blue colored indoor swimming pool, a Jacuzzi, a home

theatre, a fully equipped gym, a 4-car garage (2 Audi’s and 2 Rolls Royce), and a

heli-pad. Before the list of features in my house could finish, I was there. Real

Madrid Football Club.

It was a magnificent, mind-blowing, unbelievable sight. I had been here

before many times, but today was different. Today I was PLAYING FOR REAL

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MADRID. As I parked my car, the manager came out to meet me. We walked and

talked to the changing rooms where I got changed into my Real Madrid No.9

jersey. I told the manager I needed a moment alone and then he left. I sat down

on the bench in front of my locker, held the OM necklace given to me by my mom

and strapped it around my neck. I closed my eyes and thanked god. I thanked

him for this wonderful opportunity that I was given to play with Real Madrid. I

thanked him for the supportive, encouraging and inspiring mom and dad, for the

beautiful and caring girlfriend, for the life changing friends and last but not least

for the amazing, incredible, stupefying and awesome little brother that I have.

And then I walked slowly to the field.

After training finished, I picked up Sandra and we went for lunch. She

listened with full of excitement as I told her about training. Then we started

talking about some other things. First of all we started making plans for our first

vacation, The Moon was Sandra’s first choice, while I preferred a more calm and

quiet place like Ibiza. In the end Sandra won and we decided to go the moon for

our first vacation together. After this topic we started talking about the plans for

the upcoming weekend. I thought about going back to India and meeting my

parents because it had been a while since the last time we met. Sandra thought it

was a good plan so that was decided. After that she started talking about getting

a pet. I quickly agreed and told her that we should totally get a bulldog and it

would really change the atmosphere of quietness in the big house. We then left

the restaurant to go back home.

In the car, Sandra reminded me of how we had first met and I think I have

already written about it but well I feel like writing it once again. It was on

February 14th 2025 and I was walking around the park early morning in New

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York. Suddenly I heard a dog barking furiously whilst a woman screaming

frantically. I turned around just to have that woman hold my hand and pull me

alongside her. I quickly told her that it was a bad idea RUNNING in front of the

dog and we should stop. After stopping running, our next stop was coffee and

that’s how it all started.

At home I played my Xbox-1080. It felt quite amazing to play as yourself

in Real Madrid even in a video game and that’s how I spent my evening. At night

whilst I was reading I suddenly put down my book and went up to my heli and

just flew around aimlessly. I looked out onto the lighted yet quiet city of Madrid

and thought to myself why am I so happy? The first thing that came to my mind

was Real Madrid but is that it? There was something that I had to do, I took out

my phone and called my mom and told her about my day and told her that I love

her and dad and can’t wait to see them. I then texted my brother a ticket to

Madrid because I wanted to see him and then I decided to spend the night on the

balcony and went to sleep staring at the stars.
