What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

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What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center?

Page 2: What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

The cost to build data center facilities is one question. However, let’s back up a


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Page 3: What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

Why would you want to build a data center in the first


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Page 4: What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

Possible reasons include: • Your data is too sensitive to be kept in a data center built or managed by somebody else.• You already have a significant part of the data center, which makes completion of the project economically viable compared to other solutions.• You are unaware of other solutions, such as data center leasing or colocation.• You want to be the one who offers the leasing or colocation service.• You know no fear and have lots of money.

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Page 5: What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

The fact is: building a data center takes both money and expertise.

Nevertheless, if your heart is set on constructing your own facility, here

are pointers to help you in that discussion with your finance director.

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Page 6: What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

Factors Needed to Build One Data Center

•A building for the data center: costs and suitability will vary according to location. If you want to use a building you already own, make sure it is in the right place (access, power, network connections, and so on.) Otherwise, look for another one.• Servers and storage units to put in your data center. If you have them already, remember to factor in the cost of moving and installing them in the new facility.• Software licenses: whether you have them or buy them, you will need them in your new data center.

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Page 7: What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

Factors Needed to Build One Data Center

• Power: Costs may be as high as $100,000 per megawatt. It depends. Remember to add in backup power facilities as well (industrial-strength battery backup and diesel generator, for instance.)•Network connectivity: One mile of fiber optic connection may cost as much as $250,000.• Cooling: You’ll need the equipment to take the heat away and the power installation to drive that equipment. Among other things, this will all depend on the type of servers you want to run.

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Page 8: What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

Rightsizing is clearly a key aspect when budgets run into millions of dollars. Your total costs will vary according to the level of reliability and availability you want for your data center (Tier 1,

2, 3 or 4) .

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Page 9: What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

Somehow, you’ll also want to factor in operational, maintenance, and

upgrade costs.

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While these are not part of the initial “build data center” costs,

they can stress your finances too.

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Page 11: What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

An example? Plan on renewing your IT servers

every three years in order to avoid falling behind in performance and

reliability.Sponsored by http://www.DataCenterLeadGen.com

Page 12: What Does It Cost to Build a Data Center? (SlideShare)

Did building your own data center work for you?

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Tell us why you made that decision, with a note in the

space underneath for Comments.

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