04-16-08 - Conservation Of Momentum

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Page 1: 04-16-08 - Conservation Of Momentum
Page 2: 04-16-08 - Conservation Of Momentum

Types of CollisionsTypes of CollisionsElasticElastic

Two objects collide and Two objects collide and bounce off each otherbounce off each other

InelasticInelasticTwo objects collide Two objects collide and stick togetherand stick together

ExplosionExplosionOne object separates One object separates into two fragmentsinto two fragments

Page 3: 04-16-08 - Conservation Of Momentum

The momentum of any closed,The momentum of any closed,isolated system does not isolated system does not

change.change.The momentum before an event, pi,

is equal to the momentum after the event, pf.

pi = pf

m1vi + m2vi= m1vf + m2vf

where vi is the velocity before the event and vf is the velocity after

Page 4: 04-16-08 - Conservation Of Momentum

Examine elastic and inelastic Examine elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two collisions in one and two

dimensions at these dimensions at these simulation sites:simulation sites:

Link1 and link2

Computer Simulations