10 Reasons to make EROAD your Technology Partner

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Page 1: 10 Reasons to make EROAD your Technology Partner


Page 2: 10 Reasons to make EROAD your Technology Partner

EROAD is New Zealand’s leading transport technology and service company and the largest electronic RUC provider.

EROAD is committed to bringing the best user experience to customers through its innovative hardware and intuitive web-based application.

EROAD’s solution will revolutionise the way you manage your vehicle fl eet, assets and compliance obligations. The EROAD technology platform has been designed to meet the highest security, fi nancial and performance standards and achieves 99.9% service availability.


A comprehensive range of user friendly tools, reports and ERUC translates into signifi cant administrative savings and lower costs for your business. All important information can be seen on one screen, smart phone or tablet and

multiple business units can be easily managed with secure data separation maintained between organisations.

EROAD makes a long-term commitment to ensure clients enjoy the highest service levels and benefi t from ongoing investments in research and product developments.


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EROAD’s user friendly web-based fl eet management service provides for improved operational transparency and enhanced control. Real-time vehicle information is displayed on digital maps, supplemented by a wide variety of tools and reports.

Operators benefi t from improved fl eet productivity, better route planning, higher customer satisfaction, timely maintenance, ability to monitor stop/idle times, driver hours and improved legal compliance.


EROAD has developed a world-leading fl eet tracking solution which translates into lower fuel and maintenance expenditure, additional payloads, lower vehicle emissions and higher profi ts.

Only EROAD can provide a comprehensive state-of-the-art technology solution for all your business requirements.

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Operating commercial vehicles is a complex and demanding task, with operators required to cope with growing regulatory oversight, road congestion and increasing competitive pressures.

The Operator Rating System and changes introduced by the new Road User Charges Act signifi cantly increase scrutiny and penalties around RUC, hubodometer and work time compliance and requires operators to create and keep records for up to six years.


Driver o@ ence notices are given a weighting of 39% to 63% by the Operator Rating System. This means that driver behaviour has the potential to seriously a@ ect your ORS score and ultimately the viability of your transport business. Banks and insurance companies, as well as ACC and your customers are already using ORS ratings to infl uence the way they do business with transport operators.

EROAD’s secure platform, approved electronic distance recorder, Driver ID Unit, Service module and record-keeping functionality help you meet stringent compliance requirements eU ortlessly.


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EROAD’s revolutionary EZfuel module allows operators to view and proactively manage fuel consumption across their vehicle and asset fl eets. EROAD combines fuel transactions with vehicle distance and location information generated by EROAD’s vehicle hardware, to measure fuel performance and identify trends and exceptions.

EZfuel provides fl eet and vehicle fuel consumption, fuel exception reports, cost and emission related information for daily and selected reporting periods. EZfuel allows operators to identify ineP cient vehicles and poor driving behaviour.


EZfuel will deliver sustainable savings as fl eet performance is monitored permanently. Analysis on client fl eets shows that using the EZfuel module has the potential to generate a sustained reduction in fuel consumption.

Fuel expenditure represents the largest single cost for transport operators. Operators cannot aU ord to ignore the benefi ts available from EROAD’s EZfuel solution.

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EROAD’s comprehensive service module allows operators to proactively manage the maintenance and repair of their vehicle fl eet.

Key features are:


Repairs and maintenance are a signifi cant component of transport business expenses representing upwards of 10% of vehicle operating costs. High workshop costs and unforeseen maintenance and repair bills have the potential to

seriously hurt cash fl ow and business viability.

Expose what’s really going on in your fl eet and eliminate nasty surprises and identify cost trends. Ensure your service record-keeping fully complies with the RUC Act 2012.

5• Operator and workshop vehicle

service alerts, including COF, WOF and Rego

• Standard and custom service scheduling by date, distance and/or hours

• Ability to record supplier, service details, costs, invoice number, details and notes

• Ability to record unforeseen service events such as emergency repair work

• Service history reports by vehicle, date and/or hours

• Benchmark and monitor trends by vehicle, category and supplier

• Full service history archive functionality for six years.

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EROAD’s electronic distance recorder for trucks (Ehubo) and trailers (Tubo) are the key to unleashing the comprehensive benefi ts available from EROAD’s advanced technology platform.

Not only are the Ehubo and Tubo approved as a replacement for the dreaded mechanical hubodometer, the electronic display also means that paper RUC labels are no longer needed.


Vehicle downtime for unnecessary hubodometer replacements are a signifi cant business interruption. Hubodometers have annual failure rates upwards of 100% because they are rigidly mounted on an axle with the tyre being the only protection from road shocks.

Hubodometers can increase distance recorded by upwards of 7% from tyre wear and in excess of 10% from faulty operation.

EROAD’s electronic distance recorder products overcome all shortcomings associated with mechanical hubodometers.

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The EROAD ERUC system is consistent with the rapid global move towards low-cost, web-based service delivery models. EROAD’s simple web-based ERUC system will revolutionise the way you manage RUC, one of your largest cash costs.

EROAD has also developed an AutoRUC feature to automatically purchase RUC in legally minimum increments - virtually pay-as-you-go. Ensure your vehicle never runs out of RUC!


EROAD’s system supports the reforms introduced by the 2012 RUC Act and its innovative web-based architecture means our clients will always have the latest software updates.

Buy your RUC when you need it, online 24/7 – no more paper licences and no vehicle downtime. Improve your cash fl ow with just-in-time RUC purchasing, including fully automatic options.



* Licence details are displayed on the Ehubo in real-time.

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EROAD takes oZ -road refund automation to a whole new level. This is because the EROAD system automatically links and electronically maps the correct RUC licences with the distance travelled and with all the oZ -road locations travelled by the truck and/or trailer.

The web application allows users to review and verify the RUCOR refund claim for each RUC licence and remove individual trips as required.

If the journey is in a geofence, this can be adjusted and the report re-run to generate a new oZ - road claim. The web application provides archive functionality to enable legal compliance.


As each RUC licence expires, the EROAD system pre-populates the Road User Charges o@ -road report (RUCOR) form and provides an accurate estimate of the refund. The RUCOR form can be saved, printed and sent directly to

NZTA to initiate the o@ -road refund claim.

EROAD’s oU -road module will improve cash fl ow providing improved oU -road recognition, more accurate oU -road miles and the ability to increase the frequency of oU -road claims.

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The driver is your most important asset. Creating a safe workplace is a key goal for all transport operators who recognise that driver error, fatigue and speed are major factors in crashes. Accountability and transparency around driver behaviour support compliance with health, safety, ACC and insurance requirements.

EROAD’s unique Driver Identifi cation Unit automatically reads the barcode on a Driver’s Licence or company ID card and assigns that driver to a vehicle or machine. The web-based solution makes it possible to monitor driver performance, assign jobs and improve vehicle utilisation.


Major cost savings can be achieved from operating vehicles and machines more eZ ciently by managing idle times. Lowering idle times saves fuel and money, reduces emissions, engine wear and maintenance costs.

The EROAD driver solution will help you to improve health and safety, reduce emissions and increase profi ts by improving driver behaviour.


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EROAD’s innovative EZmessage module enables operators to stay connected with their fl eet using an Android smart phone or tablet device. EZmessage provides the functionality to send and receive messages from the oP ce to fi eld staZ 24/7 with the same web portal you use for managing vehicle and compliance obligations.

EZmessage can be organised by vehicle or by driver, when EROAD’s Driver ID Unit is used. Additionally, the module has an archive functionality where messages received and sent from/to a particular vehicle can be reviewed.


Messages are delivered in real time using an encrypted connection, so you can be sure your communications are both instant and secure.

Reliable and cost-eU ective communication underpins all commercial activity. Take advantage of EZmessage – the latest technology in vehicle communications

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EROADLevel 3260 Oteha Valley RoadAlbany 0632AUCKLANDNew Zealand

EROADPO Box 305 394Triton PlazaNorth Shore 0757AUCKLANDNew Zealand

TEL: +64 9 927 47000800 4 EROADFAX: +64 9 927 4701WEB: www.eroad.co.nzEMAIL: [email protected]