11 19-2015 - iasaca membership conference - the state of security

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The State of Cyber Security 2015

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2015 - A Year in Review

Agenda Year in Review The major risks of the year Where we’ve succeeded Emerging Trends

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Notable Hacks of 2015

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Politicians Are Waking Up

CISA (Computer Information Sharing Bill)Prime Minister David Cameron looking to

pass anti-terror bill to allow GCHQ to decrypt communications

Constant talks with China about espionageFBI fighting for an encrypted backdoorThe OPM hack was the last strawThe NSA in the news dailyCyberWar? What is it?

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Where Have All The Good Guys Gone?

The lack of Cyber security talent is scary: 451 Research stated: 34.5% of project delays due to

lack of staff How can we get students educated in Cyber

Security? NSA/DHS created “Centers of Excellence” with

scholarships Why isn’t this drawing people in?

How can we entice people to our industry: Stats that people would be interested, but know

nothing about Colleges doing a better job? Remove the stigma of “hacker lifestyle”

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Privacy in the New Security

Privacy jobs are starting to explode CIPP certifications are in great demand

Companies over the next couple years will see a wave of new privacy law hit them The EU laws are slowly making their way across the Atlantic Safe Harbor laws

Technology vendors are now using privacy as a selling point Apple, Twitter, etc.

Everyone from Grandma to CEO is concernedEff.org (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

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Edward Snowden gets a Twitter Account

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Find a Happy Place

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Phishing is Still Killing Us

Educate, Educate, EducateTest your users with fake phishingRun competitions and make it fun

What to look for? Review real phishing emails, etc.

Keep metrics and show improvementsMake sure executive admins are awareInvest in a strong mail filterNot just email anymore, SMS, social media, etcThis is your biggest threat right now. Fix it.

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Phishing Stats

According to Verizon: 95% of espionage attacks involve phishing. Nearly 80% of all malware attacks come from

phishing Almost 50% of recipients open emails and click on

phishing links within the first hour. There’s a 71% chance that phishing links are clicked

on a Windows machine. Technical emails are the most common messages to be

clicked on with a 21.3% click rate. iOS devices have a 16% click through rate, highest

amongst mobile devices.

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Don’t DDoS me, bro!

This is still a problem. It’s not going away.Protonmail just got hit with a DDoS

Needed upstream providers and DDoS equipment to defend

Are you ready for a DDoS attack?How would you react to a DDoS randsom?DDoS comes in many different flavors.

Volumetric Application Hybrid

DDoS smoke screens. Beware!

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Coding Standards Need To Change

When will we follow the “OWASP Top 10”?Jim Manico, Manicode Security, says he needs $4

billion dollars to fix the state of application security.

SDLC’s being followed? Are they even there?Are you using proper release management?Constant vulnerability scanning

Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis

Mobile apps are a threat. Let’s not let history repeat itself.

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Vulnerabilities on the Rise

Vulnerabilities are everywhere! Critical infrastructure Homes Business

Companies selling zero days and researches finding them Double edged sword

SSL is dead: Heartbleed, POODLE, FREAK, BEAST, etcRemediation plan? How long? What’s your risk

appetite? Legacy systems still can’t get updatedPatches? We don’t need no stinking patches.

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Mobile is Here to Stay

Do you “BYOD”? How are corporate apps being developed? Used?

Deployed?Steps to lock down a mobile device

Encryption Container DLP

Mobile OWASP Top 10 We’re moving down the path of this being the biggest


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How do you “Incident Response”?

Red team drills Determine what your worst nightmare is and live it.

Runbooks Recording the steps to remediate your worst

nightmares.SWAT Teams

Getting a team of talented people to run the incident.Relationships with law enforcement

If you don’t have this already you’re wasting time.

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Third Party Vendors = Weakest Link

Huge risk, just ask TargetLower the risk by performing third party risk

reviewsCreate policy and forms to have vendors fill

outThis is your data and environment. In order

to do business with them they need to be assessed Creation of legal contracts

When are you notified of a breach? Indemnification

Review of vendors internal workings How do they perform security

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Do You Know Where Your Data Is?

Sensitive Data Do you know where your sensitive data is? What is sensitive data?

DLP Network Endpoint Honeyfiles

Insider threats The Edward Snowden Effect (for better or worse) This is dangerous because you’re giving them access,

they don’t need to break in first

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Privileged Attack Hacks On The Rise

CyberArk recently put out a survey saying 88% of all companies are susceptible to privileged attack hacks.

Windows environments are at greater risk, but there are Linux concerns too.

Randomization of accounts, including local and service accounts, is key to stopping abuse.

Session management and jump boxes are needed.

Once an internal account is taken, it’s a matter of time before things go south.

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What We Get Right

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The Boardroom is Noticing

Funding is growing (hopefully you see it too) There has been an increase all round in funding Exponential jump from 5 years ago

Cyber threats have become topic of concern Management is asking questions that they didn’t 5

years ago This is no longer compliance related People are realizing this could effect their wallets

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Security Mentality Is Growing

The Media Media hype draws attention (for better or worse) It’s all around us and it’s soaking into our culture

The education of the normal user is growing. It might not seem like that, but it’s on everyone’s mind.

We have to harness this curiosity and mold it. This is the “Golden Age of Security Awareness”.

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Up and Coming Trends

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Managed Security Services Providers (MSSP)

Why aren’t we doing this more? Who has a fully staffed team monitoring 24x7? Who doesn’t? Would you consider this?

Trust is a risk, but so is not doing anything. Acquire additional services, or limit to in-house only? Create retainers for services on demand:

Malware reverse engineer Digital Forensics Etc.

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Deception in Depth

Hackers don’t play fair. Neither should you!Start using deception as a defense technique

Concerned with prevention only, not detection Sea change in managements thinking Honeypots Honeytokens Darknet alerting Sinkholes

Many new vendors coming out with deception tools An area I hope grows in the future

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Cloud Based Security on the Rise

Cloud based security tools Two-factor authentication DDoS protection Identity management SIEM Endpoint protection

Cloud Security Alliance Star Registry

Secure Hosting Amazon has made considerable advances in security

services (WAF, Security Assessment, HSM, firewall, etc.)

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Cyber Insurance

This is on the rise and you need it.It’s used for homes, cars and businesses. Why not

cyber attacks? Target was given $90 million from insurance and paid $162

million out of pocket Understand the legal nuisances of cyber insurance

Timeframes Logs Etc.

Run through a dry run of contacting insurance Who are you going to call? Who needs to be involved (insurance, law enforcement, etc.)

Determine who you’ll be working with Know if you need to bring something to the table

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“Threat Intel” or “Sharing is Caring”

Threat intelligence has grown over the past year

The use of STIX/TAXII as a frameworkMultiple vendors creating vendor related

intel Trusted circles Situational awareness Companies

ISAC’s (Information Sharing and Analysis Centers) are being established: FS-ISAC (Financial Services ISAC) NH-ISAC (National Health ISAC) E-ISAC (Electricity ISAC)

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Machine Learning and Behavioral Analysis

Signatures have failed. Long live Behavioral Analysis.

Next Generation anti-malware/virus Basing attacks off certain analysis, not signatures.

Limited set of instructions and less updating. Prevention with limited updating is key.

Machine Learning network based systems Determines how attacks work and alerts on risk. Profiling of users normal activity. Review of what is considered out of the norm between

east-west traffic.

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