Oil vs. Biofuel Mike Kim

1.3 comparecontrast mike20kim

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Oil vs. Biofuel

Mike Kim

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Nowadays, the whole world is heavily dependent on fossil fuels, mostly coal

but most significantly, oil. For about a century, oil has been one of the main

power sources of civilization. Although oil is a widely available and


fuel, its price keeps going higher and higher, and its use creates a lot of

pollution. Therefore, the search is on for new methods of power generation.

One such replacement is “biofuel.” Biofuel is derived directly from living

matter and has been used longer than people have been civilized.

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Both oil and biofuel contribute to the greenhouse effect. It is widely known that burning fossil fuels produces

carbon dioxide, which enters the atmosphere and changes the world’s climate. Although biofuels are

definitely more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels,  recent research has revealed that burning biofuels

emits oxides which are an even worse threat to the atmosphere. In addition, they both are produced from

natural resources, and therefore qualify over time as non-renewable resources. Finally, biofuels use the same

engineering as gasoline. Obviously, this similarity has been the reason for biofuel-excitement. People wish

devoutly for an alternative that would not require re-working the transportation systems of the world, so

dependent upon the internal-combustion engine. Other similarities are dictated by the convenience of

retailers and customers. Both choices are very portable. The world has a vast distribution network reaching

gasoline consumers; one would imagine biofuel could use a similar system. More, the marketers of either have

a wide spectrum of blends available, a point that is not small in today’s market-dominated society. A related

point is that the consumer can choose how much, and when, he wants gas; the same would be true of biofuels.

Both are, in fact, competing for this one golden quality – the most convenient propellant.

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Pros and Cons of Oil

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Pros Cons

Widely Available - Used in cars, converted into electricity, plastics, wax, asphalt

Non-Renewable – will eventually run out

Creates a lot of jobs for the local community as well as globally

Creates greenhouse effect by releasing carbon dioxide and other toxic products

Safe – because it ignites at a relatively high temperature

Oil leaks will result in environmental disaster by killing wild life

Extremely powerful – No other fuel can move vehicles with greater speed at

longer distances than oil

Takes a lot of energy to refine: – simple refining uses up water in large

amounts in distillation - for more difficult processes like

from tar sands, the waste of water increases enormously

Easier to extract and transport because it is in a liquid form

Tankers and pipelines are vulnerable to terrorists and other criminals, or simple


Economical - Very large amounts of electricity can be generated in one place

The price of oil keeps getting higher and higher because it is depleting

Consistent – can run day and night, providing constant source of power

The insecurity of oil in the global financial market will cause problems for countries

that rely on oil

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Pros and Cons of Biofuel

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Pros Cons

Renewable - the supply of biofuels is less likely to run out

Require cultivating more land than is currently farmed

Eco-friendly - environmentally much cleaner than fossil fuels, producing less air pollution and

consuming materials

Require modifications to vehicle engines

Cheaper than oil - the price of oil keeps rising

Not widely available

Flexible – can be easily mixed with other fuels

Potentially high emitters of nitrogen oxides

can use waste for feedstock Is a contributor of formaldehyde to urban air

Better for car engines - improve performances

Biodiesel still requires the use of fossil fuels

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Oil wins. Even though oil is so irreplaceable that we must overlook its failings: however, much of it is controlled by people who do not

like the West; its use emits a lot of greenhouse gases; it is non-renewable, its merits outweighs demerits. For its uses, it seems to

be the more viable option for the future, since it is intimately involved with society and especially transport. Biofuel cannot offer the same amount of energy per liter, and lacks the huge economic root system that oil possesses. In that way, oil is indeed a more effective and economical energy source than biofuels. No other

energy source could do all the tasks that fossil fuels do for us. For example, biofuel may improve the performance of engines;

however, it is not as effective as a propellant.

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Oil has been a combustion source for vehicles for a century, because no other fuels

can move vehicles with such great speed or at such long distance. People have

discovered many other renewable and eco-friendly energies that can replace oil, such

as solar energy, wind power, and biofuels. However, those alternatives are not yet in

practical. People are focusing on developing eco-friendly energy, rather than

developing a powerful energy source. Being environmentally friendly is an important

aspect that a new power generation should have. However, developing a constant

and powerful combustion fuel is more important than developing a

green energy. The power generation has to be practical, like fossil fuels.

That is why people keep using fossil fuels although they cause a massive


For vehicle use, what do we need?

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