Bolsover’s Story... SOCITM Building website take-up and citizen e-engagement 14 th December 2010 Fil Thurlow

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Bolsover’s Story...


Building website take-up and citizen e-engagement

14th December 2010

Fil Thurlow

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This story is dedicated to anyone who... Has... Is... Or will be developing their website

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Once upon a time

This is the story of www.bolsover.gov.uk

Of identifying a problem Of understanding our customers Of redesigning our content Of implementing an open source solution Of project reflection

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Preface Chapter 1 – The problem Chapter 2 – The solution Chapter 3 – The review

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Where are we? About Bolsover Social factors

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Where are we?

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Where are we?

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About Bolsover

Status: Shire District Region: East Midlands County: Derbyshire Juxtaposition: 1 of 9 local authorities in the county Comprising: 14 town and parish councils

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Social factors

Population: 70,000 + Historical: Ex-mining heritage Economic: Largely working class Political: Labour majority, Dennis Skinner MP (40+years) Infrastructure: M1 junctions / centrally placed

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Chapter 1 – The problem

State of play: www.bolsover.gov.uk Acknowledge How did we do things? What did we use? Understanding our customers Managing our content Summary

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Customer comments

“When i have been on this site it takes you round and round you can never get the ansews you want or find what you are looking for and I'm not the only one who feels this whole web site needs sorting out. you can go to another Council web site and it is much easier to find what you are looking for BDC is not and easy site”

“Why can't someone make this web site more user friendly I have had more bad comments about this stupid web site than i have on any other”

“t would be helpful to make accessing the information required easier. I have still not found the correct information despite going down various suggestions by your site.”

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The website is not up to standard... Does not work in parts!

And... It has not been “worked on” for 5 years!

But... We don’t have any budget to spend!

Actually... We need to save money in IT!

Sound familiar?

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How did we do things?

Organisation Structure Working practice Product Architecture

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Ownership: Customer services Managed: Communications / IT (co-operatively?) Administered: Communications / IT (co-operatively?) Edited: Devolved content editors Developed: IT Supported: IT Approved: Communications

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Web Development Officer



Communications Manager

Equalities Officer

Content Editors x 12


Contact Center Managers / Staff

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Working practice

Content editors: Draft changes

Communications Manager: Approve edits Create content Design input

Web Development Officer: Coding (HTML / CSS / scripts / templates / etc.) Technical resources Best practices WAI W3C Etc...

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What did we use?


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What did we use?

Product Initially bought in Annual costs e.g. support / maintenance

CMS Unreliable Difficult to use Expensive Complicated Etc...

Website No SEF URL’s Confusing menu system Disorganised Etc...

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What did we use?

Conclusion: Failing everybody’s requirements!

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Understanding our customers

Demographic Race Employment Education Disability

Source: www.neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk

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Statistic Bolsover District East Midlands England

White 99% 94% 90%

Asian <0.4% 4% 5%

African <0.1% 1% 1%

Other <0.5% 1% 4%

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Statistic Bolsover District East Midlands England

Economically active employees Full-time 36% 42% 42%

Economically active employees Part-time 12% 14% 13%

Economically active Self-employed 5% 9% 10%

Economically active unemployed 4% 3% 4%

Economically active student 1% 4% 4%

Economically inactive Retired 15% 15% 15%

Economically inactive Looking after home and family

7% 7% 7%

Economically inactive Permanently sick / disabled

10% 6% 5%

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Statistic Bolsover District East Midlands England

People aged 16-74 with: No qualifications 44% 34% 30%

People aged 16-74 with: Highest qualification attained level 1*

20% 19% 17%

People aged 16-74 with: Highest qualification attained level 2*

19% 20% 21%

People aged 16-74 with: Highest qualification attained level 3*

6% 9% 10%

People aged 16-74 with: Highest qualification attained level 4*

11% 18% 22%

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Statistic Bolsover District East Midlands England

People with a limiting long term illness

26% 18% 17%

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Managing our content

Analytics Visitors Browsers Search keywords Traffic sources Landing pages Top pages / tasks

Source: socitm.govmetric.com www.google.com/analytics www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp

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Visitors (average monthly)


Visits (20,000) Unique Visits (15,000) Page views (80,000) Pages per visit (4) Time on site (3mins)

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Statistic Bolsover District World

Internet Explorer 80% 29%

Firefox 12% 44%

Chrome 5% 21%

Other 3% 6%

Statistic Bolsover District World

IE 8 60% 62%

IE 7 25% 23%

IE 6 15% 15%

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Search keywords


bolsover district council bolsover council bolsover bolsover castle www.bolsover.gov.uk creswell leisure centre bolsover district council planning kissingate leisure centre bolsover dc bolsover jobs

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Traffic sources


google / organic (direct) / (none) bing / organic yahoo / organic facebook.com / referral aol / organic local.direct.gov.uk / referral direct.gov.uk / referral 4barsrest.com / referral themouthpiece.com / referral

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Landing pages


NB. Analytics results with the old product: /Default?PageID=0 (home page) /Default?PageID=3872 /Default?PageID=8877 /Default?PageID=9100 /Default?PageID=4383 /Default?PageID=8393 /Default?PageID=3229 /Default?PageID=6971 /Default?PageID=5051 /Default?PageID=2885

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Landing pages


Interpreted analytics results: / (home page) Environment overview Bolsover brass festival Contact us Council news Bolsover castle Planning applications home Creswell leisure centre overview Council tax home Housing benefit overview Current vacancies

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Top pages / tasks


Analytics results with the new product: / (home page) Environment Planning applications Viewing applications Contact us Current vacancies Jobs and careers Housing Leisure and culture Planning Council and democracy

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Customer understanding: The demographic distribution of Bolsover's population Need to tailor content accordingly What they are looking for (information) What they wanted to do (tasks)

Characteristic understanding: The browser technology used Content search behaviour

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Chapter 2 – The solution

Proposal The open source project Implementation

Architecture Project Product

Migration Testing Going live

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We need to change this!

Use something that is... Minimal expense Readily available Easy to use Etc...


What about open source?

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Research Compare Test the options Choose the system

The open source project

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What is out there? Systems used by other local authorities E-Gov Register by Brent (now SOCITM Applications register)

Online resources Over 6 million results on Google for “open source cms”


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Test the options

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Choose the system

www.joomla.org Product: Advantages

Recognised Freely available resources Easy to use Modular Scalable

Most importantly - Meets our requirements!

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Implementation (Architecture)


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Implementation (Project)

Project Meet corporate target deadline (mid 2010)

Milestones included… Formalising content structure e.g. internal vs. external Simplifying the navigation e.g. Context menus Template design e.g. layout / look and feel Verifying compliance with standards e.g. W3C validation Ensuring accessibility guidelines met e.g. WAI Creation of test plans

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Implementation (Product)

Product Info www.joomla.org

Support forum.joomla.org

Development extensions.joomla.org

Resources community.joomla.org

Training docs.joomla.org

It’s all free and online

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Implementation (Product)

Issues: Generic CMS e.g. out the box basic features only

Warnings: Extensions - not all are up to standard Modules - read the reviews

Advice: On every issue, someone has previously tried to walk our path Straight forward to override presentation / functionality

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Did not import / migrate back-end DB Decided against using import extensions

Forced content review

Removed the ROT... Redundant – press release history Outdated -20% of pages not updated for over 5 years Trivial – news stories about the 2007 fireworks display

Total pages reduced by 75%

Only relevant content used in new CMS

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Test again...

Test some more...

Finally Sign off test scripts

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Going live

Project started 1st March 2010 Website launched 30th June 2010

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Chapter 3 – The review

Success metrics Learn AIM to be better The website today Next steps Conclusion

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Success metrics

Short term Medium term Long term

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Short term

Increased customer satisfaction SOCITM website satisfaction survey

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Short term

Increased customer satisfaction SOCITM website satisfaction survey

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Medium term

Increased ROT management

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Medium term

Increased ROT management

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Long term

Increased take up Community involvement

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Long term

Increased take up Community involvement

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Very difficult to see blue links on blue text

make sure that every area is included. its not the first time that BOLSOVER council has missed off info about bolsover and promoted other areas.

the use of pale blue writing is NOT GOOD it is hard to distinguish from the fade across background please use NAVY BLUE this would increase contrast and improve visibility.there is lots of unused space on the left why not have a wider panel this would allow for the multi-colour selections to be in a larger font yet still occupy only one line. The compliments and complaints form was not easy to find I had no result for compliment when i did a search!!! don't you want good feedback? make a compliments line as a choice on the left!

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AIM to be better

Analyse Analytics continued

Identify What’s still not right?

Modify Redevelopment

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Analytics continued

In-page analytics

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Analytics continued

In-page analytics

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Get the results

very good on the whole.

"great to see that you are looking at further improvements and customer satisfaction. keep up the good work!“

So much better than before. The layout is clear, easy to use. I find it much easier to get to the information I want now.

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The website today


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The website today


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Next steps

Syndication Real time interactivity Subscriptions

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NHS choices

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NHS choices

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NHS choices

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Real time interactivity


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Website development status before 1st March 2010

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Website development status post 30th June 2010

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The wheels of continual website development rotate...

Better when they are round rather than square!

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Suggestions for further reading


Why not create your own story?

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Also by the same author

Development of our Intranet

Making www.bolsover.gov.uk transactional Using CRM self serve functionality (Northgate)

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About the author

Fil Thurlow

Web Development Officer

Bolsover District Council

Sherwood Lodge



S44 6NF

[email protected]

(01246) 24 25 42


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Bolsover’s Story...

Thank you

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