Msbuild basic Anney

20131104 basic msbuild by Anney

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basic msbuild by Anney

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Msbuild basicAnney

Page 2: 20131104 basic msbuild by Anney

Basic MSBuild Elements


Root element

Include one or more target , propertyGroup, itemGroup elements.


Include one or more Tasks







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Extension naming rule


main 入口 .targets

用於 import


僅放 PropertyGroup


自製的 UsingTask

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Copy Files Copy D:\test\MSBuild\MyApp Folder to D:\test\MSBuild\MyApp1

Task: Copy

Delete Files Delete D:\test\MSBuild\MyApp1\*.txt

Task: Delete

Show Files Show D:\test\MSBuild\MyApp1 Files

Task: Message

Task References http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/7z253716.aspx

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Copy Task

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Delete Task

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Target Build Order

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Target Build Order


This Project attribute specifies the targets that will run first, even if targets are specified on the command line or in the DefaultTargets attribute.


This Project atttribute specifies which targets are run if a target is not specified explicitly on the command line.


This Target attribute specifies targets that must run before this target can run.

BeforeTargets and AfterTargets

These Target attributes specify that this target should run before or after the specified targets.

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Demo - InitialTargets

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Demo – InitialTargets(2)

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Demo – InitialTargets(3)

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Demo – DefaultTargets

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Demo – DefaultTargets(2)

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Demo - DependsOnTargets

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Demo – DependsOnTargets(2)

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Demo – DependsOnTargets(2)

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Demo –BeforeTargets

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Demo – AfterTargets

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Demo –BeforeTargets and AfterTargets

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Determining the Target Build Order

InitialTargets targets are run.

Targets specified on the command line by the /target switch are run. If you specify no targets on the command line, then the DefaultTargets targets are run. If neither is present, then the first target encountered is run.

The Condition attribute of the target is evaluated. If the Condition attribute is present and evaluates to false, the target isn't executed and has no further effect on the build.

Before a target is executed, its DependsOnTargets targets are run.

Before a target is executed, any target that lists it in a BeforeTargets attribute is run.

Before a target is executed, its Inputs attribute and Outputs attribute are compared. If MSBuild determines that any output files are out of date with respect to the corresponding input file or files, then MSBuild executes the target. Otherwise, MSBuild skips the target.

After a target is executed or skipped, any target that lists it in an AfterTargets attribute is run.

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