21stcschooling Passion Based

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  • 1.
  • 2. Resources Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach http://www.21stcenturycollaborative.com http://ncaect.wikispaces.com/
  • 3. iPods in Vending Machines Signs of the Times.
  • 4. Are you Ready for 21st Century Teaching and Learning? It isnt just coming it has arrived! And schools who arent redefining themselves, risk becoming irrelevant in preparing students for the future.
  • 5. You Aint Seen Nothing Yet! Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0 Singularity
  • 6.
    • Some statistics- - Over 1 billion people on the Internet http://www.internetworldstats.com/
    • 70 million blogs, 2.7 million posts
    • a day.
    • 80 new blog sites created every minute
    • None of the top 10 jobs that will exist in 2010 exist today." -- Richard Riley , (Former US Sec. of Ed.)
    A Changing World
  • 7. It is estimated that 1.5 exabytes of unique new information will be generated worldwide this year. Thats estimated to be more than in the previous 5,000 years. Knowledge Creation
  • 8. For students starting a four-year technical or higher education degree, this means that . . . half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study.
  • 9.
  • 10. Trend 1 Social and intellectual capital are the new economic values in the world economy. This new economy will be held together and advanced through the building of relationships. Unleashing and connecting the collective knowledge, ideas, and experiences of people creates and heightens value. Source : Journal of School Improvement, Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2002 http://www.ncacasi.org/jsi/2002v3i1/ten_trends Personal learning networks Situated communities of practice
  • 11. Trend 4 Education Will Shift from Averages to Individuals. (Standardization to Personalization) The trend toward standards and high-stakes testing will likely incite a movement toward ensuring that support is provided for individual students to reach high levels of learning. Demand will grow for personalization rather than a system often driven by prescribed high-stakes tests that produce averages, demand uniformity, and sustain a scoreboard mentality .
  • 12. Changing Learning Landscape Trend 7 Technology will increase the speed of communication and the pace of advancement or decline. Using participatory media educators will help todays students shape tomorrows world. Teachers will become partners with students- using learning communities to open the classroom to the world. They will deal with real world problems and opportunities while gaining a global perspective.
  • 13. Right before school started, the Minneapolis I-35 bridge collapsed and it really hit home for many of the locals. We sent letters and interviewed locals about the issue. It started out as a teacher-centered project, but the students quickly took over. They decided to produce a You Tube video to educate the public. The AP Statistics teacher, to help my students visualize their research. The class made graphs so we could better comprehend our numbers. My classes wrote the script and we started to brainstorm on the video. First semester, they were graded on their lobbying efforts, second semester, on community service, third quarter on their participation in the video, and fourth quarter they will write an essay or give an oral presentation on what they will take from this project. Currently, we are planning a Skype with a class in Minneapolis to talk about their experience last fall.
  • 14. Mutual accountability Mandated accountability School improvement as a requirement School improvement as an option Teaching as a collaborative practice Teaching as a private event A learning focus A teaching focus Shifting To Shifting From
  • 15. Outsourcing Edc . Outsourcing Homework "Jobs in the new economy--the ones that won't get outsourced or automated--"put an enormous premium on creative and innovative skills, seeing patterns where other people see only chaos." Marc Tucker Need to develop adaptive expertise
  • 16. In a world that is constantly changing we need to find balance.
    • Geetha Narayanan talks about the need for slow, wholesome learning. She looks at ways to bring people, technology, and learning together with a new conceptual framework.
    • techo-skeptics
    • techno-evangelists
    • techno-minetics
  • 17. Creativity Creativity is now as important in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status. If you're not prepared to be wrong then you will never come up with anything original. We don't grow into creativity we grow out of it, or rather, we get educated out of it. Ken Robinson http:// www.bloglines.com/blog/andrewch?id =4
  • 18. Instill Curiosity Encourage students to explore their interests and passions. Be that teacher Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in. Leonardo da Vanci Dorothy Parker The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
  • 19. Rethinking Teaching and Learning
    • Multiliterate
    • Change in pedagogy
    • Change in the way classrooms are managed
    • A move from deficit based instruction to strength based learning
    • Collaboration and communication Inside and Outside the classroom
  • 20. FORMAL INFORMAL You go where the bus goes You go where you choose Jay Cross Internet Time
  • 21. MULTI-CHANNEL APPROACH SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS PEER TO PEER WEBCAST Instant messenger forums f2f blogs photoblogs vlogs wikis folksonomies Conference rooms email Mailing lists CMS Community platforms VoIP webcam podcasts PLE Worldbridges
  • 22.
  • 23. Spending most of your time in your area of weaknesswhile it will improve your skills, perhaps to a level of averagewill NOT produce excellence This approach does NOT tap into student motivation or lead to student engagement The biggest challenge facing us as educators: how to engage the hearts and minds of the learners
  • 24. Individuals gain more when they build on their talents, than when they make comparable efforts to improve their areas of weakness. --Clifton & Harter, 2003, p. 112 Engaged Learning- A positive energy invested in ones own learning, evidenced by meaningful processing , attention to what is happening in the moment, and participation in learning activities .
  • 25. From this To This
  • 26. http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/google_whitepaper.pdf
  • 27.
  • 28. What will be our legacy
    • Bertelsmann Foundation Report: The Impact of Media and Technology in Schools
      • 2 Groups
      • Content Area: Civil War
      • One Group taught using Sage on the Stage methodology
      • One Group taught using innovative applications of technology and project-based instructional models
    • End of the Study, both groups given identical teacher-constructed tests of their knowledge of the Civil War.
    • Question: Which group did better?
  • 29. Answer
    • No significant test differences were found
  • 30. However One Year Later
      • Students in the traditional group could recall almost nothing about the historical content
      • Students in the traditional group defined history as: the record of the facts of the past
      • Students in the digital group displayed elaborate concepts and ideas that they had extended to other areas of history
      • Students in the digital group defined history as:
        • a process of interpreting the past from different perspectives
  • 31. Change is Hard
  • 32. Real Question is this: Are we willing to change- to risk change- to meet the needs of the precious folks we serve? Can you accept that Change (with a big C) is sometimes a messy process and that learning new things together is going to require some tolerance for ambiguity.
  • 33. Last Generation
  • 34. Model how to develop PLNs Take risks while they watch!