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5 linkedin tips to improve your linkedin profile

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Tip 1 Protect your Privacy

LinkedIn has changed its rules. LinkedIn now has the right to use your name and photo in social advertising -without any warning.Unless you opt out. Here’s how

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Step 1

1. Go to your account 2. Click on your name

in the right hand corner

3. Select settings4. Select Account in

the lower left hand corner

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Step 2

• Select Manage Social Advertising

• DESELECT the tick box -LinkedIn may use my name & photo in social advertising

• Save

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Tip 2 Don’t Spam Your Network

• When you make changes to your profile, all the members in your network receive an update.

• Turn off this setting when you are refreshing your profile or experimenting with different phrases or key words.

• When you temporarily turn off your Broadcast settings, you make your changes and only update your network when you are ready to reveal the finished product.

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Step 1

1. Click on your Profile

2. Click on Settings

3. Turn off Broadcast Settings

4. Make your changes 5. Turn on your broadcast


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Tip 3 Don’t Hide- Use Keywords

• Use keywords in the headline and also in your summary, specialties and job titles. That helps people find you in searches

• A keyword is a term relevant for your industry or sector

• During your job search change keywords to emphasise different strengths

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Tip 4 Customize your public profile URL

• Change your personal URL from the gobbledygook LinkedIn uses and you will look like a LinkedIn pro

• People who still use the default URL mark themselves out as novices.

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Step 1

1. Select your profile from the profile tab

2. Click edit next to your public profile.

3. You can then customise your public profile URL

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Step 2

1. Change your profile URL

2. Change how you appear when people search for you

3. View your current profile and check how it looks

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Tip 5 Customise Your Website Listing

• When you list your websites, do not leave the default “Company Website” as the hyperlinked text

• Choose “other” and write the name or your website

• Your company name is a keyword can help people find you

• This also makes you look more professional

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Step 1

• Select your profile from the profile tab

• Click edit next to your public profile.

• You can then customise your website or Twitter account