@petabridge Petabridge.com Concurrency Without the Pain: An Intro to the Actor Model Andrew Skotzko Cofounder — Petabridge

Akka.NET: Concurrency Without the Pain (Intro to the Actor Model)

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@petabridge Petabridge.com

Concurrency Without the Pain:An Intro to the Actor Model

Andrew  Skotzko  Co-­‐founder  —  Petabridge

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Why  should  we  care  about  concurrency?

@petabridge Petabridge.com

1970  -­‐  2005

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com

TANSTAAFL“There  ain’t  no  such  thing  as  a  free  lunch.”  —R.  A.  Heinlein,  The  Moon  Is  a  Harsh  Mistress

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com

WTF  are  you  talking  about?

@petabridge Petabridge.com


Time  to  make  friends.

@petabridge Petabridge.com

So  what’s  the  problem?

@petabridge Petabridge.com

How to Write Multithreaded Code

Shared StateProgramming

Make classes andfunctions

Find areas where youcan do multiple things

at once

Queue work onto a newthread or thread pool

Use synchronizationmechanisms to

protected sharedmemory (what?!?!)

Finish work on onethread

Consume that work onanother

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Shared State Programming Sucks (Illustrated)

Shared StateProgramming


Synchronizing shared state == pitof doom



Unsafe state

Coordinating work between threads

Debugging multi-threaded code:not for the faint of heart

Hey, that third party code you'reusing - is it thread safe?

Writing thread-safe code is hard

@petabridge Petabridge.com


• .NET 4.0: TPL (2010) • .NET 4.5: async/await (2012)

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Is there a better way? THERE MUST BE!THERE.  MUST.  BE.  A.  BETTER.  WAY!

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Warning! Mind Blowingly Different

Programming Style Ahead!

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Warning! Mind Blowingly Different Programming Style Ahead!

@petabridge Petabridge.com

The Actor Model

@petabridge Petabridge.com

What  is  the  actor  model?

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Everything  is  an  actor.

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com

3 Core Abilities

1. Send  messages  2. Create  other  actors  3. Change  behavior

@petabridge Petabridge.com


@petabridge Petabridge.com

Actors work by passing each other messages

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Message passing in action

Send "Hello" to "/user/actor1"

Received "Hello" from"/user/actor2"(do some work)

Send "Sup homedawg" to "/user/actor2"

@petabridge Petabridge.com


@petabridge Petabridge.com

Example Akka.NET Message

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Actors send messages to addresses

akka.tcp: / /MySystem@localhost:9001/user/actorName1





All parts form an "ActorPath"

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Actor addresses have location transparency

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Which means…

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Magical scaling sauce! (more on that later)

@petabridge Petabridge.com


@petabridge Petabridge.com

What is Akka.NET?

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Obligatory logos to impress you

@petabridge Petabridge.com

This is an actor

@petabridge Petabridge.com

These are messages

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Actors run on threads

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Actors are lazy

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Process messages one at a time

@petabridge Petabridge.com

The circle of life

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Actor lifecycle

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Actor lifecycle

@petabridge Petabridge.com

@petabridge Petabridge.com


@petabridge Petabridge.com


@petabridge Petabridge.com

Switchable Behavior

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Magic Scaling Sauce!!!

@petabridge Petabridge.com

(High Availability)

@petabridge Petabridge.com

We Can Deploy Actors and Send Messages Anywhere

Nice hair!

Did you hear?My hairrocks!

Dude, don'tencourage


@petabridge Petabridge.com

Scaling Out

• Actors can be deployed anywhere

• Special "Router" actors distribute work

• Actors can be easily restarted and redeployed

@petabridge Petabridge.com

And Can Form Highly Available Systems

Ready forwork!

@petabridge Petabridge.com


@petabridge Petabridge.com

Have questions? Ask us!

[email protected]  Intro:  http://learnakka.net  

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Hierarchies pt. deux

@petabridge Petabridge.com

Error Kernel