#SummitNow Alfresco for Salesforce 5 November 2013 / 13 November 2013 Will Abson ([email protected] ) Jared Ottley ([email protected] ) Gregory Melahn ([email protected] )

Alfresco for Salesforce

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Alfresco Summit 2013 Presentation by Jared Ottley and Will Abson. Discuss how the Alfresco for Salesforce Integration works; How to get and install the integration; Challenges; ideas for for future releases.

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Alfresco for Salesforce5 November 2013 / 13 November 2013

Will Abson ([email protected])Jared Ottley ([email protected])Gregory Melahn ([email protected])

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•Part One (Business)o Overview and Demonstration

•Part Two (Technical)o How it Workso Building on Salesforceo Building on Alfresco


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Part One

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What does the App do?

• Allows Salesforce Users to attach Documents to Salesforce Objects and have them stored in Alfrescoo Four Specific Salesforce Object Types supported

▪ Accounts▪ Cases▪ Contracts▪ Opportunities

• Allows Salesforce Users to Edit, View and Delete the attached Alfresco Documents

• Creates Chatter about the Alfresco Documents

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Finding the App

•Go to the Salesforce App Exchangeo https://


•Enter some search criteria (e.g. ‘Alfresco’)

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The App Exchange Listing

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Installing the App

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Part Two

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Alfresco and SF Components

Alfresco Repository Salesforce

Salesforce Model Sample Layouts

Alfresco Share

Adv. Search Form

Properties Config

Security Profiles

VisualForce Pages

Apex Classes

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Salesforce Model

Salesforce RecordSalesforce Attachment

CRM Account

CRM Case

CRM Contract

CRM Opportunity

Document Type

1 0..N

Stored in <site>/Salesforce Records Stored in <site>/documentLibrary/Salesforce



Additional Aspects

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Application Packaging

On the Salesforce sideo (??)o Deployed on the AppExchange

On the Alfresco side (MyAlfresco only)o Repo AMP

▪ salesforce-repo-1.0.0.ampo Share AMP

▪ salesforce-share-1.0.0.amp

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How it Works





Salesforce Users

Web browser

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How it Works





Salesforce Users

Web browser

Upload:OAuth + CORS +CMIS

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How it Works - Downloading a File


h +


Salesforce Users Web browser

1. User clicks Download link for a file

2. Salesforce-side code checks the user’s access token is still valido If not valid, the token

is refreshed3. Salesforce-side code

checks the document is present in Alfresco, providing nodeRefo If not present, the

user is forwarded to a ‘page not found’ page

4. Salesforce-side code access the content of the file from Alfresco Cloud via CMIS and streams it back to the user

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How it Works - Uploading a File


h +


Salesforce Users Web browser


1. User clicks Attach File button in their browser, taken to New Document page

2. User selects file, enters Document Name and Document Type (drop-down) and hits Save

3. Page fires off POST request to trigger Apex remote action in Salesforce-side code, which creates empty content item in the Document Library

4. Browser does a CMIS PUT directly against Alfresco Cloud to upload the content itselfo This works around

Salesforce request body size restrictions

o Access token from Salesforce is re-used

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Cloud Sync


Corporate Users

Remote Office






Salesforce Users

Web browser


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Building on Salesforce

*Does not include SOAP and REST APIs

Apex Visualforce

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CMIS API Challenges

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CMIS API Challenges - No CMIS Client• Force.com has no concept of libraries

• Install packages from appexchange• Limited to what to is exposed by developer

• Add classes from other projects• Count against you code total

• No one has written a CMIS appexchange package• No one has written CMIS classses that could be added

• Apex Web Callouts to CMIS endpoints• Governance Limits• Installer must approve connecting endpoints

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CMIS API Challenges - Tenant Id

• Calls to Cloud CMIS API need tenant id• CMIS provides no way to discover tenant id

• Two options:• User provides• Use REST API

• https://api.alfresco.com• Apex JSON parser (requires new classes)

• JSON objects: Reserved words• Limit to home network or ask user input

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CMIS API Challenges - Verbosity

• CMIS is Verbose!• Can reduce a little using filters

• Governance Limits

Example: Alfresco.com• Alfresco.com site list is 400+ (and growing)• Document size is 2.5 MB

Options:• Paging• CMIS Browser Bindings

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CMIS API Challenges - Parsing XML

• Apex XML parser

Gotcha: DateTime

String dateString = property.getChildElement('value', CMIS_NS).getText();

dateString = dateString.replace('T', ' ');

dateString= dateString.substring(0, dateString.length() - 6);

relatedDoc.creationDate = DateTime.valueOf(dateString);

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CMIS API Challenges - Child Objects

• Lacks support for including child objects

If it did….

Governance Limit Heap Size

Since it doesn’t…

Governance Limit Callout Requests

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CMIS API Challenge - Delete

CMIS API allows delete of relationship using objectId

using: https://api.alfresco.com/alfresco.com/public/cmis/versions/1.0/atom/entry?id=assoc:4240216&allVersions=true

Relationship MAY be deleted when the target is removed in a peer relationship (according to the spec).

Any code should allow for a 404.

Previously the relationship remained and target pointed to the archiveStore.

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CMIS API Challenges – Secondary Types

•Lack of support of secondary types makes the the integration dependent on Alfresco extensions.

•Secondary type support would allow client to fallback to base type.

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CMIS API Challenges - Sites folder

Listing documents is achieved using a CMIS getObjectByPath call•We know the path of the Salesforce Record item - /Sites/<network-id>/Salesforce Records/<record-id>

But, the Sites folder may not always be named 'Sites', e.g. 'Sitios'!

•CMIS does not provide a way to specify a QName path, rather than a name path.

So, we must find out what the sites folder is called, and store this

•This is done when the user selects the site to be used for document storage.

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CMIS Workbench as Node Browser




org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.header.0=Authorization:Bearer <oauth token>





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Salesforce Governance


10 Total number of callouts (HTTP requests or Web services calls) in a transaction

6 MB Total heap size

10,000 milliseconds

Maximum CPU time on the Salesforce servers

5 MB File size limit

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Security Considerations

Salesforce apply strict criteria to apps before they can be publicly listed on the AppExchange

Partnership with Checkmarx to allow developers to check for common vulnerabilities in their Apex / Visualforce apps

The AppExchange team are responsible for performing a final check across your app and any supporting services

For Alfresco this covered the MyAlfresco service

Developers do not have access to the tools used

This feedback process takes (up to) 8 weeks

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Future Ideas

Access Salesforce Content from Alfresco

Salesforce Chatter API (plug)

Avoiding Salesforce Governance limits

Salesforce Canvas Framework

Alfresco Embed

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Add permission set to multiple users

Every user must have the ‘Alfresco Cloud Document Management User’ permission set applied to their account.

This can be scripted through the Salesforce Developer Console.

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User u = [select id from User where <logic here>];

PermissionSet ps = [Select p.Id From PermissionSet p where p.label = 'Alfresco Cloud Document Management User'];

PermissionSetAssignment psa = new

PermissionSetAssignment(AssigneeId = u.id, PermissionSetId = ps.id);

insert psa;

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More information



Salesforce App Exchange Listinghttps://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?


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Known Issues and Limits

• We don’t support IE versions prior to IE 10

• Maximum of number of documents that can be attached to a single Salesforce item is 100

• Documents start out as V1.1, not 1.0

• If you attach a document with the same name as an existing attachment to the same Salesforce Object, we name the attachment with a ‘-<n>’ suffix (up to three such attachments)

• Uploading a document that exceeds the Alfresco quota will fail, but a Salesforce Chatter entry will still be created (transactional integrity)

• The app uses the name of the Salesforce object to create the name of the folder in Alfresco where the files are uploaded. If you create two Salesforce objects with the same name, files attached to either object will be stored in the same folder

• Moderated sites that the Salesforce Admin is not yet a member of will still appear in the Sites dropdown

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Force.com Limitations

No local deployment process, deploy process is via an external API with only an Ant task to integrate this into your workflow

NamespacingFormats not well documentedThe process of certifying an app is opaque and non-trivial