All Aboard the Scala- to-PureScript Express! John A. De Goes

All Aboard The Scala-to-PureScript Express!

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Page 1: All Aboard The Scala-to-PureScript Express!

All Aboard the Scala-to-PureScript

Express!John A. De Goes

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What's Wrong with Scala?Nothing... Scala Makes FP Possible

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What's Wrong with Scala?PureScript Makes FP Easy

• Syntax optimized for function definition & application

• Polymorphic functions

• Rank-n types

• Higher-kinded type inference

• Constraint inference

• Polymorphic row types (records, effects)

• Effect system for high performance, good reasoning

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What's Wrong with Scala?PureScript Is Just Like Scala!

• Strict, not lazy

• Good mapping of primitives to JVM

• Integer -> int, java.lang.Integer

• Number -> float, java.lang.Float

• String -> String1

• Boolean -> boolean, java.lang.Boolean

• Array a -> Java array

• Java-compatible FFI

• Import types

• Import (static) functions

• No story for methods

• Wrap, baby, wrap!

In Fact, The Core of Scala is... PureScript!

1 Not [Char] like Haskell!

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PureScript TourComments

// Single-line/* Multi-line *//** Scala doc */

-- Single-line(* Multi-line *)-- | PureScript doc

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PureScript TourLiterals

val bool = true -- Booleanval int = 2 -- Integerval float = 2.2 -- Floatval char = 'C' -- Charval string = "foo" -- Stringval tuple = (1, 2) -- Tuple2

let bool = true -- Booleanlet int = 2 -- Intlet float = 2.2 -- Numberlet char = 'C' -- Charlet string = "foo" -- Stringlet array = [1, 2] -- Array Intlet record = {a: 1} -- Record

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PureScript TourLocal Variables (Let)

val dsquared = d * dval distance = Math.sqrt(dsquared)distance * 0.5

let dsquared = d * d distance = sqrt distancein distance * 0.5

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PureScript TourLocal Variables (Where)

halfDistance d = distance * 0.5 where dsquared = d * d distance = sqrt distance

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PureScript TourData: Products

case class Person(name: String, age: Int) | Type constructor

// Implicit data constructor:// object Person { def apply(name: String, age: Int): Person = new Person(name, age) }

data Person = Person String Int | |Type Constructor Data Constructor

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PureScript TourData: Products w/Records

val sherlock = Person("Sherlock Holmes", 42)

let sherlock = Person "Sherlock Holmes" 42

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PureScript TourData: Products w/Records

data Person = Person {name :: String, age :: Int}

let sherlock = Person {name: "Sherlock Holmes", age: 42}

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PureScript TourData: Sums

sealed trait Option[A]final case class Some[A](value: A) extends Option[A]final case class None[A]() extends Option[A]

data Option a = Some a | None

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PureScript TourData: Sums

val somePerson: Option[Person] = Some(sherlock)

let somePerson = Some sherlock

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PureScript TourPattern Matching: Products

val name = sherlock match { case Person(name, age) => name}

let name = case sherlock of Person name age -> name

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PureScript TourPattern Matching: Records

let name = case sherlock of Person {name: n, age: a} -> n

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PureScript TourPattern Matching: Sums

val name = somePerson match { case Some(Person(name, _)) => name case None() => "Mary Smith"}

let name = case somePerson of Some (Person name _) -> name None -> "Mary Smith"

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PureScript TourPattern Matching: Sums (w/Records)

let name = case somePerson of Some (Person {name: name}) -> name None -> "Mary Smith"

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PureScript TourTypes: Signatures (Definitions)

val nameExtractor : Person => String = _.name

nameExtractor :: Person -> StringnameExtractor (Person name _) = name

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PureScript TourTypes: Signatures (Inline)

val i = 3(i * (2 : Int)) + 5

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PureScript TourTypes: Signatures (Inline)

let i = 3 in (i * (2 :: Int)) + 5

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PureScript TourTypes: Aliases

type Result[A] = Either[Error, A]

type Email = String

type Function[A, B] = A => B

type Result a = Either Error a

type Email = String

type Function a b = a -> b

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PureScript TourTypes: Records

type Person = { name :: String, age :: Int }

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PureScript TourTypes: Arrays

let intArray = [1, 2, 3] -- Array Int

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PureScript TourFunction Definition: Monomorphic

val squareIt : Float => Float = (x: Float) => x * x

squareIt :: Number -> NumbersquareIt x = x * x

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PureScript TourFunction Definition: Monomorphic (Lambdas)

squareIt :: Number -> NumbersquareIt = \x -> x * x

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PureScript TourFunction Definition: Polymorphic

def second[A, B](tuple: (A, B)): B = tuple._2

second :: forall a b. Tuple a b -> bsecond (Tuple _ b) = b

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PureScript TourFunction Definition: Higher Arity

def fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String): String = firstName + " " + lastName

val result = fullName("John", "Doe")

fullName :: String -> String -> StringfullName first last = first <> " " <> last

result = fullName "John" "Doe"

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PureScript TourFunction Definition: Higher Arity

myFunction :: a -> b -> c -> d -> e

-- Equivalent to:myFunction :: a -> (b -> (c -> (d -> e)))

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PureScript TourFunction Application: Monomorphic

val squareIt : Float => Float = (x: Float) => x * x


squareIt :: Number -> NumbersquareIt = \x -> x * x

result = squareIt 2.2

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PureScript TourPackages / Modules

package collections.immutable.list

// ...

module Collections.Immutable.List where

-- ...

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PureScript TourImports

package collections.immutable.list

import scalaz.(IList)

module Collections.Immutable.List where

-- No wildcardimport Data.Tuple(Tuple(..))

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PureScript TourExports

package object utils { public def second[A, B](tuple: (A, B)) B = tuple._2}

module Util (second) where import Data.Tuple(Tuple(..))

second :: forall a b. Tuple a b -> b second (Tuple _ b) = b

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PureScript TourType Classes

trait Semigroup[A] { def append(a1: A, a2: A): A}

implicit val StringSemigroup: Semigroup[String] { def append(a1: String, a2: String): String = a1 + a2}

class Semigroup a where append :: a -> a -> a

instance stringSemigroup :: Semigroup String where append a1 a2 = a1 <> a2

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PureScript Tour(Sync|Async) Effects

println("What is your name?")val name = readLine()println("Hello, " + name "!")

prints = do println "What is your name?" name <- readLine println ("Hello, " <> name <> "!")

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PureScript TourEffects

• No need to understand the monadic basis to get started

• Utilizes PureScript's polymorphic row types

• Different types of effects are labeled differently in a row of effects

• Fine-grained effect tracking without performance overhead

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