Ambassador You: Integrating Social Media into Business Communications

Ambassador You: Integrating Social Media into Business Communications

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Page 1: Ambassador You: Integrating Social Media into Business Communications

Ambassador You: Integrating Social Media into Business Communications

Page 2: Ambassador You: Integrating Social Media into Business Communications

Why Integrate Social Media?

• Brands that are the most engaged in social media saw their revenue grow during 2008 by 18 percent while the least engaged brands saw losses of negative 6 percent.


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Why Integrate Social Media?

• Study Shows Small Businesses That Blog Get 55% More Website Visitors

Read more: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/5014/Study-Shows-Small-Businesses-That-Blog-Get-55-More-Website-Visitors.aspx#ixzz130WiTXtQ

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The State of Social Media Q3 2011

• Social networks and blogs continue to dominate American’s time online, now accounting for nearly a quarter of total time spent on the internet.

• Social media has grown rapidly – today nearly 4 in 5 active internet users visit social networks and blogs.

• Americans spend more time on Facebook than they do on any other U. S. website.

• Close to 40% of social media users access social media content from a mobile phone.


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Focus Efforts on a Few

The “Big Three”

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Identify Your Brand

1What is the ONE THING that you can address with authority?

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Define Parameters• Who will manage the community?• Who will contribute?• What are the rules of engagement?

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Define S.M.A.R.T. Goals

• Specific• Measurable• Actionable• Realistically high• Time-bound

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The Six Ways to Use Social Media

1. Create and Maintain Infrastructure

2. Listen 3. Publish 4. Connect5. Engage6. Evaluate


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ONE: Develop Infrastructure

• Web site• Blog• Both?

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TWO: Listen

• What are your customers saying about you?

• How do you KNOW?• How can you answer

customers’ questions before you’re even asked?

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TWO: Listen -- ToolsThe quickest way to monitor content on the social Web is to use a feed reader.

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THREE: Publish“Neither a press release nor a full-page ad in The New York Times will boost your search engine ratings as much as a regularly updated blog. The shortest, cheapest, fastest and easiest route to a prominent Google ranking is to blog often.”

— Robert Scoble and Shel Israel “Naked Conversations”

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Four: Connect• Find people like you• Read lots of content• Learn who makes up

your network

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FOUR: Connect -- Facebook1.5 million local businesses on Facebook

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FOUR: Connect -- Twitter

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FIVE: Engage

• Reward fans• Be helpful• Connect your

network• Endorse others• Produce frequent,

quality content• Create meaningful,

long-lasting relationships

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SIX: Evaluate and Celebrate Success

• Define Goals

• Measure Progress

• Celebrate Success


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Twitter – understand your Klout

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The Six Ways to Use Social Media

1. Create and Maintain Infrastructure

2. Listen 3. Publish 4. Connect5. Engage6. Evaluate


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Questions?Thank You!

Marijean [email protected]




