Supportive Initiative for Armenian National High Tech Industry Formation Ground up development of the environment for technological and economical breakthrough ANAHIT Initiative

ANAHIT Initiative

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ANAHIT Initiative presentation, defines main concept, goals, steps and actions for Armenian High Tech industry development.

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Supportive Initiative for Armenian National High Tech Industry


Ground up development of the environment for technological and economical breakthrough

ANAHIT Initiative

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Armenia to be a well established country

Stable economics

Protected borders

Part in the global world society

Homeplace for all Armenians in the world

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Develop an innovative high tech


Basis for a rich economics


Further progress

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Action Items

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Mentality change from an outsourcing developing country to an innovative,

successful and well developed country

Create and export successful technologies and products to the

global market

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Cultivating world class brains, professionalism, scientific,

engineering and entrepreneurial spirit in the young generation

Train them to be world class professional and successful

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Ground up development of the high tech environment to drive social,

economical and technological growth

Rising up the human basis ready to create an innovative high tech industry

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Innovative High Tech

Key ingredients and needs

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Modern, first class education and science

Universities, Research Institutes, Governmental support, Private sector


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Startups developing innovative technologies and products

Technoparks, Incubators, Governmental support

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Venture Capital Funding

Outside and inside investments,

Governmental support

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Export of technologies and products, Acquisition of Armenian companies,

IPO of Armenian companies

Diaspora, Private sector,Governmental support

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Where Is The Gap?

Wide field companies

Education / Science




Incubators, Venture Funds


Niche compani


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High Tech Hub

Wide field companies

Education / Science



High Tech Hub

Incubators, Venture Funds


Niche compani


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Benefits of the Hub

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Established companies can spend less time and resources on trainings and internships

programs and they will hire graduates with work experience

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Universities can continue providing fundamental knowledge

base and incorporate Hub programs for enhancing students

work experience

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Students and graduates will experience a team work, become

familiar to development processes and standards, have a

wider view on the fields

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Centralized information distribution for technologies and innovations will lead to a better understanding of the processes

and trends that are happening in a global world in high tech

industries and sectors

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Project based assignments and labs will help to identify future team leaders, managers and

entrepreneurs, build teams and have a centralized database of

young high tech professionals in Armenia

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Early stage seed funding can be used to develop prototypes for technologies and products, that further can become a basis for


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What is the Initiative?

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Establishing a centralized place for information exchange for students, graduates and young professionals

from high tech industries

Prepare them for a new style of thinking and working

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Involving high tech professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and

companies from Armenia and all over the world to transfer their knowledge,

experience and visions with the upcoming generation

Show the success stories and inspire for new achievements

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Organizing a wide range of topics discussions, seminars and trainings for all aspects of high tech development,

innovative technologies, individual and company experiences

Keep the community on the edge of innovative progress information

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What else can we do?

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Setup information exchange and cooperation, bring experts to have discussions and provide expertise,

innovate in every way by creating a fusion of different technologies to

create new products

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Provide a co-working space for individuals and teams who have

ideas and projects and are willing to implement them

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Help them with information gathering, project management, development processes setup,

space and equipment

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Organize competitions and contests to expose creativity and thinking, inspire innovations and

award respectfully

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Raise future professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs!

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Who will be involved?

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Participants – a target group of 17-27 years old students, graduates and

scientists, eager to learn and enhance their knowledge to drive the future of

the country’s progress.

Role: receive the knowledge, be proactive and eager to learn

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Individual Contributors – a driving force of 25-35 years old high tech

professionals, executives and entrepreneurs, who’d like to

contribute to Armenia’s National High Tech Industry formation.

Role: share experience and knowledge, organize and manage


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Official Contributors (Partners) – educational and scientific

institutions, training centers, incubators, venture funds, public and governmental organizations.

Role: development of their projects and businesses as well as Armenian

High Tech Industry by using upcoming generation of the labor

force derived from participants

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Sponsors – individuals, companies and organizations, who can provide

support for space, internet, promotions, information supply.

Role: financial support, creation of new workplaces and companies

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High Tech Sectors• Information technologies (EDA, Mobile, Web,


•Telecommunications (Internet, Networks, VoIP, etc…)

•Robotics (industrial, medical, home, etc…)

•Energy (solar, natural, wind, etc…)

Other sectors will be included when there will be primary drivers for them

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Initial steps

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Organize a simple web site with entry for building

subscription databases for participants

Groups in popular social networks – LinkedIn, Facebook,

Twitter, etc…

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Develop a program for 2010 conferences, panel discussions,

meetings and trainings, cooperate with partners and

sponsors for execution, create a schedule of events

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Invite speakers (both individuals and companies) to

tell their success stories, to attract young generation and

convince them in the successful future

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Establish a High Tech Hub office that will be open to all

participants to get information and schedules

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Spread a word to all potential target groups, grab their

attention and show them the value they can get

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Further steps

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Reveal high potential individuals by organizing

competitions and contests in different high tech areas

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Establish High Tech Labs office space for individuals and teams to work on their projects in a comfortable environment,

to innovate and prototype technologies and products

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Provide Labs participants with interactive training for a

team work, process management and product


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Cooperate with incubators and venture funds for a seed

funding of the most promising projects that will come out of

Labs, back them with professionals, managers and

entrepreneurs to create startups

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Join us!

• If you are interested, please let us know!

• Provide your name, work position and what you think you can help with

• Let your network know about ANAHIT Initiative

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Thanks for your attention!


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