Ancient Structures…. The homes of our ancestors, and other people who weren’t our ancestors.

Ancient structures 2 ben s

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Ancient Structures….

The homes of our ancestors,

and other people who weren’t our


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The Homes of Canada, Eh?Where we live today….

Canadians go to work, school, shopping, and other places, and most of the time they’ll go back to there homes. But what do these buildings look like. Modern Canadian homes are largely based on international styles, being heavily influenced by the United States and Great Britain. Canada has many structures such as glass towers and apartment buildings we see all around the world. We have many odd and one-of-a-kind structures, with many defining features. People who have influenced our Canadian style are: Frank Lloyd Wright, Arthur Erickson, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and I.M. Pei.

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Canadian Gallery

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Egyptian Structures

Ancient Egyptian buildings were very elaborate and magnificent, and but sometimes they were not very effective. Many Egyptian homes were made of mud brick and stones, because wood in a desert was very rare. Lots of Egyptian villages and towns have been flooded or buried, and much of our knowledge comes from the largest religious monuments. Some of the most well known structures are the famous Pyramids of Giza, towering structures that have left there mark by being the last surviving wonder of the ancient world. Another famous Egyptian structure is the Sphinx, a half man half lion guarding the Pyramid of Khafre.

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Egyptian Gallery

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Buildings of Mesopotamia

Mesopotamia, like Egypt, mostly used mud bricks for their buildings and architecture. Later, they used bricks made of Adobe, because it was cheaper. They imported special materials from different places like Lebanon, India, and Arabia. Mesopotamia made an amazing city with many things in it, with the name Uruk. It had significant impacts on most of Asia, too. Famous structures of the Mesopotamians are their temples, or ziggurats. Ziggurats were monuments to religions all over Mesopotamia, and are pyramidal in shape. We have discovered 32 ziggurats in all, with 4 of them in the country of Iran and 28 in the country of Iraq.

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Mesopotamian Gallery

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The Architecture of Rome

In Ancient Rome, the most common building materials were concrete and bricks, with supplies like gold and marble being used as decoration. Rome had many temples, palaces, and other things widely spread, but the most famous structure in Rome may possibly have to be the Roman Coliseum. The Coliseum is quite possibly the largest amphitheatre ever created, and is an amazing piece of architecture. The Coliseum was started by Emperor Vespasian, and was completed by Emperor Titus. Ancient Rome is known for some very beautiful and innovative work.

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Roman Gallery

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Viking Homes

Viking houses were very large and efficient, and even displayed some of their culture in it’s design. They are shaped with the roof somewhat alike to the hull of a Viking boat, and could fit numbers of people ranging from 30 to 50. Usually, these homes contained the family and their slaves, and in some cases animals in a room. There are many types of homes, as Vikings, being explorers and raiders, had to adapt to different surroundings. When building, Vikings would use whatever available, but they would mostly use oak wood.

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Viking Gallery

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Bibliography 1

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Bibliography 3Kortum, Mark. "Vancouver Architecture." Vancouver's Greatest Architects|Vancouver Homes. Jay Banks, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. <http://jaybanks.ca/vancouverrealestatenews/2011/10/20/vancouvers-greatest/>.

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Bibliography 5"Ziggurat." Art History for Kids. Wordpress, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. <http://arthistory4kids.wordpress.com/>.

"A Ziggurat in Iraq." Wikipdia. Wikimedia, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architecture_of_Mesopotamia>.