Monetizing your ideas

Bachbill at vodafone mobile clicks 2011

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Monetizing your ideas

A few words about us

Blaya Arostegi Carvalho Hernandez Bill(ing)

A few words about us

his project started in order to fill the big gap in tools that provide advanced charging and provisioning abilities.

ffering Bundles and Subscription management and robust provisioning facilities are not obvious tasks and are not accessible to everyone.

e aim to offer online charging and pricing capabilities to all size business.

A few words about us

Why BACHBill?

e can enable what other can’t enable.o inexpensive fitting to all needso we take care of infrastructure hassle (SAAS)o Easy plugins need few expertise

owerful enough Simple enougho Meets advanced and simple needso Advanced features doesn’t mean expensive

idening pricing options encourages competition and that is good news for all of us

Why BACHBill?

e have expertise gained in previous projects in this area, makes us confident about our concept.

ur key drivers: flexibility, extendibility, easiness of integration

our business works, our business works.

mprove time to market on enabling end-costumers bundling offers together with interesting pricing features that promote customer loyalty

Why BACHBill?

How BACHBill?

e want a non-techie wordpress editor selling content in 15 minutes

How BACHBill?

ost List

How BACHBill?

dit post setting a price and assign a couple of categories to the post

How BACHBill?

ategories List

How BACHBill?

dit categories assigning diferent pricepoints

How BACHBill?

dit categories assigning diferent pricepoints

How BACHBill?

ser experience

How BACHBill?

ser experience

How BACHBill?

ser experience

How BACHBill?

ser experience

How BACHBill?

ser experience

How BACHBill?

ser experience

How BACHBill?

We offer

•a billing engine that enables monetizing of an idea, product, content or service.

•Plugin feature wich enables easy adaptation to multiple scenarios and extend greatly the platform

• SaaS with a simple interface to support you on building your business case with simple integration

•Extending any feature at low cost

•Bridge between marketing and tech staff

We offer

• Partner awareness and tracking of revenue share

•Support until it is up and running.

• Invoicing document generation

•Support of web, mobile web and mobile platforms (Android, Wordpress and many more on the way)

•Tracking of customer usage

•Multiple payment gateways

We offer

Thank you