Solution Architect, MongoDB Sam Weaver #MongoDBBasics ‘MongoDB Back to Basics’ Build something Big with MongoDB

Back to Basics: Build Something Big With MongoDB

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Page 1: Back to Basics: Build Something Big With MongoDB

Solution Architect, MongoDB

Sam Weaver


‘MongoDB Back to Basics’

Build something Big with MongoDB

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• Replica Sets Lifecycle

• Developing with Replica Sets

• Scaling your database

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• Virtual Genius Bar– Use chat to post

questions– Solution Architecture /

Support Team are on hand

– Make use of them during the sessions!!!

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• Introduction to MongoDB

• Thinking in documents

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Deployment Considerations

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Working Set Exceeds Physical Memory

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Why Replication?

• How many have faced node failures?

• How many have been woken up from sleep to do a fail-over(s)?

• How many have experienced issues due to network latency?

• Different uses for data– Normal processing– Simple analytics

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Replica Set Lifestyle

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Replica Set – Creation

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Replica Set – Initialize

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Replica Set – Failure

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Replica Set – Failover

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Replica Set – Recovery

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Replica Set – Recovered

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Developing with Replica Sets

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Strong Consistency

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Delayed Consistency

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Write Concern

• Network acknowledgement

• Wait for error

• Wait for journal sync

• Wait for replication

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MongoDB Acknowledged (wait for error)

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Wait for Journal Sync

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Wait for Replication

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• Control where data is written to, and read from

• Each member can have one or more tags– tags: {dc: "ny"}– tags: {dc: "ny", subnet: "192.168", rack:


• Replica set defines rules for write concerns

• Rules can change without changing app code

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_id : "mySet",

members : [

{_id : 0, host : "A", tags : {"dc": "ny"}},

{_id : 1, host : "B", tags : {"dc": "ny"}},

{_id : 2, host : "C", tags : {"dc": "sf"}},

{_id : 3, host : "D", tags : {"dc": "sf"}},

{_id : 4, host : "E", tags : {"dc": "cloud"}}],

settings : {

getLastErrorModes : {

allDCs : {"dc" : 3},

someDCs : {"dc" : 2}} }


> db.blogs.insert({...})

> db.runCommand({getLastError : 1, w : "someDCs"})

Tagging Example

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Wait for Replication (Tagging)

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Read Preference Modes

• 5 modes– primary (only) - Default– primaryPreferred– secondary– secondaryPreferred– Nearest

When more than one node is possible, closest node is used for reads (all modes but primary)

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Tagged Read Preference

• Custom read preferences

• Control where you read from by (node) tags– E.g. { "disk": "ssd", "use": "reporting" }

• Use in conjunction with standard read preferences– Except primary

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Our application

//connect to a replica set, with auto-discovery of the primary, supply a seed list of members

MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(Arrays.asList(new ServerAddress("localhost", 27017), new ServerAddress("localhost", 27018), new ServerAddress("localhost", 27019)));

DB db = mongoClient.getDB( "mydb" );

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Working Set Exceeds Physical Memory

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• When a specific resource becomes a bottle neck on a machine or replica set• RAM• Disk IO• Storage• Concurrency

When to consider Sharding?

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Vertical Scalability (Scale Up)

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Horizontal Scalability (Scale Out)

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• User defines shard key

• Shard key defines range of data

• Key space is like points on a line

• Range is a segment of that line

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Initially 1 chunk

Default max chunk size: 64mb

MongoDB automatically splits & migrates chunks when max reached

Data Distribution

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What is a Shard?

• Shard is a node of the cluster

• Shard can be a single mongod or a replica set

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Meta Data Storage

• Config Server– Stores cluster chunk ranges and locations– Can have only 1 or 3 (production must have

3)– Not a replica set

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Routing and Managing Data

• Mongos– Acts as a router / balancer– No local data (persists to config database)– Can have 1 or many

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Sharding infrastructure

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Cluster Request Routing

• Targeted Queries

• Scatter Gather Queries

• Scatter Gather Queries with Sort

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Cluster Request Routing: Targeted Query

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Routable request received

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Request routed to appropriate shard

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Shard returns results

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Mongos returns results to client

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Cluster Request Routing: Non-Targeted Query

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Non-Targeted Request Received

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Request sent to all shards

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Shards return results to mongos

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Mongos returns results to client

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Cluster Request Routing: Non-Targeted Query with Sort

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Non-Targeted request with sort received

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Request sent to all shards

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Query and sort performed locally

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Shards return results to mongos

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Mongos merges sorted results

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Mongos returns results to client

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Shard Key

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Shard Key

• Shard key is immutable

• Shard key values are immutable

• Shard key must be indexed

• Shard key limited to 512 bytes in size

• Shard key used to route queries– Choose a field commonly used in queries

• Only shard key can be unique across shards– `_id` field is only unique within individual shard

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Things to remember

• Size appropriately for your working set

• Shard when you need to, not before

• Pick a shard key wisely

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Thank you