Tools » Keyword Tools » Best Keyword Tool: How WordStream Trumps the Typical Keyword Tool Best Keyword Tool: How WordStream Trumps the Typical Keyword Tool The best keyword tool—a tool that really adds value to your keyword research—is one that: Leverages private data: The best keyword research incorporates data from private sources to give you personalized, proprietary data. Allows ongoing keyword research: You need to expand and update your keyword research over time; typical keyword tools make ongoing keyword expansion difficult. Makes keywords actionable: Your keywords are only valuable if you act on them; the best keyword tool enables immediate action from analytic insights. These functionalities in a keyword tool ensure that your keyword research is relevant, competitive and can be acted upon for fast, tangible results in SEO and PPC campaigns. Unfortunately, most free keyword research tools don't provide any of these features. WordStream's keyword management solution does. In the coming paragraphs, you'll see why WordStream is the best PPC keyword tool for your money and puts you leagues ahead of the competition stuck on free keyword tools . The Best Keyword Tool Is Private & Data- Driven

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The Best Keyword Tool goes beyond keyword suggestion and research for actionable, private data. Try WordStream's keywords tool FREE for the best SEM results.

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Tools » Keyword Tools » Best Keyword Tool: How WordStream Trumps the Typical Keyword Tool

Best Keyword Tool: How WordStream Trumps the Typical Keyword ToolThe best keyword tool—a tool that really adds value to your keyword research—is one that: 

Leverages private data: The best keyword research incorporates data from private sources to give you personalized, proprietary data.

Allows ongoing keyword research: You need to expand and update your keyword research over time; typical keyword tools make ongoing keyword expansion difficult.

Makes keywords actionable: Your keywords are only valuable if you act on them; the best keyword tool enables immediate action from analytic insights. 

These functionalities in a keyword tool ensure that your keyword research is relevant, competitive and can be acted upon for fast, tangible results in SEO and PPC campaigns.

Unfortunately, most free keyword research tools don't provide any of these features.

WordStream's keyword management solution does.

In the coming paragraphs, you'll see why WordStream is the best PPC keyword tool for your money and puts you leagues ahead of the competition stuck on free keyword tools.

The Best Keyword Tool Is Private & Data-Driven 

Most free keyword suggestion tools fail to provide search marketers with any competitive edge when it comes to keyword data. First of all, they provide a very limited list of general terms; at best, this can serve as a starting point for keyword research. Most keyword tools require a paid subscription to obtain more extensive lists.

WordStream offers a completely different free keyword tool that indexes over a billion unique search queries and returns thousands of keyword phrases, including long-tail variations, totally free of charge. If you're going to bother using a third-party tool, we believe our free keyword tool renders the others useless.

Secondly, a free, third-party keyword research tool, by virtue of being publicly available, offers up the same public data to anyone who uses it. If your keyword research is dependent on public tools, you're basing your search marketing strategies on the same data as your competitors! These broad, popular terms are more expensive to bid on and harder to rank for organically. And there's no guarantee they're really relevant to your site.

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There is a better way. The best approach to keyword research taps into your private website data—including server log files and keyword analytics—to find the keywords that real visitors have used to find your site. WordStream's keyword research tool automates this process, mining your private data to find your best keyword phrases, right down to the long tail. Not only are these keywords far more likely to be relevant, but they're completely private and proprietary, so your keyword research becomes a valuable piece of competitive intelligence.

In addition, WordStream's keyword tool ensures that you're working with accurate traffic data, as opposed to questionable estimates based on global traffic volume. You can also define your own goals to track the conversions most significant to your business. Real numbers that really mean something to your business enable better decision making.

The Best Keyword Tool Enables Continuous Keyword Discovery

Most people use keyword suggestion tools the way they were built to be used: once. You generate a keyword list and then never find the time to revisit and update it. But static, out-of-date keyword research is a recipe for flat results. And what you want is growth and improvement, right? Right!

WordStream doesn't just generate a one-time list. By installing the WordStream JavaScript tracker on your website, you enable the tool to collect a continuous stream of new keywords based on new daily visits to your site.


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These keywords are automatically sorted into your existing taxonomy, with traffic and goal numbers adjusted accordingly, so your keyword research is always accurate, up-to-date and growing in size and relevance. And most of the work takes place in the background, literally while you sleep, so you don't have to set aside time for new keyword research—time that could be spent on more strategic tasks.

The Best Keyword Tool Is Actionable 

Hopefully you're doing keyword research for a reason—not because of its inherent value. The idea is to actually do something with those keywords, i.e., group and organize them and use those keyword groups as the basis of your website content and pay-per-click campaigns. 

The best keywords tool doesn't stop at spitting out a list of phrases; it creates an actionable keyword database. This is exactly what WordStream provides. From within your keyword database, you can quickly and easily take action for real-world results. You can:

Group and organize your keywords: This is a crucial step for search success, and one too often overlooked. Segmenting your keywords by relevance allows you to create more targeted ad groups and Web pages, which perform better in search engines.

Analyze your keywords: WordStream's keyword analysis tool helps you drill down to see which keywords and keyword groups are driving traffic and conversions.

Create AdWords ad groups: Convert keyword groups into high-performing ad groups and set them up in Google AdWords with just a few clicks, right inside the WordStream interface.

Filter out irrelevant keywords: WordStream includes a powerful negative keyword tool so you can increase the relevance of your keyword groups and reduce wasteful PPC spending by filtering out negative keywords.

Prioritize search marketing tasks: With WordStream's workflow tools, your keyword research is also a to-do list, providing guidance on when to take all of the above actions and more, so the highest-priority work is done first.

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Why WordStream? Because the best keyword tool is more than a keyword suggestion tool; it's a complete keyword management solution with the power to increase the value, productivity and relevance of all your search marketing efforts.

Try WordStream Free 

And see for yourself why it's the best keyword tool software on the market. Sign up for a free trial or view an online demo to learn more.